Petersburg women are different from others. Do you know Yana Lepkova? Editor of Russian gloss and Internet projects. With her, everything will be "OK!" Yana is a well-known and controversial personality. Poisonous mastodon journalist - on the one hand, tender girl - on the other, desperate feminist - on the third.
People like Yana Lepkova consider "something" their main achievement, and this is not connected with the figure, families, husbands and children. As they say, there are people, and there are people of the future: motivators, reactionaries and revolutionaries. They are dissatisfied with themselves and the world around them. "It's all wrong and I know how to fix it."
Very personal
The personal life of Yana Lepkova is not visible to us, she keeps her locked up. But there are rumors that today she is happy and engaged. All the world needs to know is that she is pretty, driven, and very smart.
In general, the usefulness of this unusual girl is realized outside the home and family. What kind of husband is there: Yana Lepkova, according to many, is a construction battalion lady of feminist bottling. Although Yana was "behind her husband" and "behind her lover", she played both roles, but was she successful? She thinks the rolemistresses are more correct and honest: no one, according to Lepkova, "does it."
"Cosmo"-girl, close to space
Yana has gone from freelance correspondent to chief editor in Russian Cosmopolitan, working in the publication since 1995 for 9 years. Russian "gloss" changes editors with astonishing frequency. Chewing and savoring. Perhaps there Yana did not get the opportunity to fully realize herself. The editor of the media giant is not exactly obliged to be a "moral monster", but … In general, not everyone can be cynical. In 2006, Yana left Cosmo, providing him with a million copies.

Everything is OK
Yana led the next magazine to the forefront. She became the first director of the Russian version of the weekly glossy magazine OK! Heading OK! at the start-up stage in 2006, Lepkova managed to bring to mind the publication, which, in terms of the number of readers in Moscow, almost approached Hello! This is Lepkova's product from beginning to end, she herself "digged out" and processed facts and topics in an unconventional and interesting way.
She left the project in 2008.

Internet Lady
Since 2009, Yana has headed the [email protected] project. "The Internet can be beautiful!" - Yana Lepkova said so at the presentation of her brainchild. The main tasks of Yana within the framework of the Internet project were clear and traditional, but the implementation was problematic. It was necessary to develop the project, increase its audience, launch new services. Attract with its uniqueness. Show something to the audience so that people think: here is the recipe for happiness, I will find it here, and - read the site, forgetting about everything. Yana's experience and charisma should have helped achieve these goals.
Yana Lepkova was born on July 9, 1976. A native of St. Petersburg, she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Career went uphill since 1995, she started at the Independent Media publishing house, in the Russian edition of Cosmopolitan, where she went from the position of a freelance correspondent to the editor-in-chief, talented, I must say, because the circulation of Cosmo exceeded 1 million only under the leadership of Yana. Lepkova herself was the author of a huge number of materials and interviews.
From 2006 to 2008, Lepkova had a "baby" - she launched the Russian version of OK! publishing house Axel Springer. The publication became one of the first glossy weeklies covering the life of Russian stars.
Since 2009, Yana Lepkova has headed the [email protected] project. Now he works as part of the STS Media company as the editor-in-chief of the Domashny portal.
Enemies do not miss the opportunity to gloat over a successful and quite sweet and pretty girl. Let's translate for the haters: today Yana may have simply enlarged her lips or corrected her nasolabial folds. Is plastic always out of place? Let's be indulgent, not everyone can understand this.

Creative personality
Today everything is defatted. Let's get used to this. Why is Yana interesting? Does she speak with the inner voice of modern women? What are we afraid to say? Without circling "around the bush"? Yes, it is possible! There is no word "patriarchy" in her vocabulary. Life is a collapsing shell. People like Yana hold her so that she does not slam shut. Those sitting in their minks, on the contrary, want it to close, and so that they can cook their broth there with their husband and children, with grandparents … Boil and be swallowed by time, without mayonnaise and ketchup. These are such different energies.
Reading Yana is interesting because she is smart, and it becomes unpleasant when she "moves out in a cliché":
Still, nothing disfigures a woman and a man like being overweight.
Unprofessional words that offend the public are not at all tolerant, as is customary now. The opinion of the majority today is - you need to be fit and athletic. A fat "fifth point", immense sides and a face in "three newspapers" cannot be justified, this is equated by modern society with the eighth deadly sin. It does not matter if a person has given birth to a child or is sick with something. It's wrong to judge everyone. But, of course, if the absence of reference norms is evidence of one's own human licentiousness, this is a completely different matter. Many hide behind the lack of time, and being busy at work, and the lack of personal happiness.
Interviews and posts by Yana Lepkova are electrified and filled with provocation. Topics are very soulful, deeply disturbing.depths of hearts.

Looking at people from the point of view of a journalist is not at all a rare process. A journalist sees everything, it is his job to get under the skin of any process and person. This is probably akin to soul surgery, God only knows how difficult it is. Find a sharp "topic", flashy materials for publication, hot videos and photos. Yana Lepkova is a professional who does not think in stereotypes. She works in a highly competitive business and is having a hard time.
Yana today stopped thinking about her beautiful appearance and eating lettuce. It is more important for her to create, in parallel, as a side effect, "skimming the cream off her popularity." So it is necessary. Tomorrow will be better than today.
Probably, Yana Lepkova realizes her own freedom in her work, solving other issues in parallel… And how do we live? We put ourselves in bonds, drive us into apartment squabbles of a financial nature, and it turns out that in practice we prove that we are realizing unfreedom. But our fat prevents us from bending and seeing it. And not corporal at all.
Be happy! They love everything around - people, nature, do not attach importance to minor imperfections, they are merciful, generous, forgive everything and everyone, their happiness is enough for many. It is difficult to become happy, because you need to be able to get out of the abyss of your negativity, but it is very easy to be happy! Must try!