Beige roses: varieties, photo. Combination in bouquets

Beige roses: varieties, photo. Combination in bouquets
Beige roses: varieties, photo. Combination in bouquets

Rose is one of the most beautiful and graceful flowers. It attracts people with its sweet aroma and mystery. Rose is a symbol of pure love, tenderness, deep feelings. The Queen of Flowers was popular in ancient Greece. There, this flower was used in wedding ceremonies, they threw roses at the feet of the winners, brought them to temples and planted them around dwellings. Scientists have found out: the biography of roses has about twenty-five million years! Five thousand years ago, man cultivated this flower. There were new varieties, new shades. A special place in the variety of cultivated flowers is occupied by the most delicate roses - beige.

roses beige
roses beige

Varieties of beige roses

There are many varieties of roses with a beige tint of different saturation. For example, Miss Piggy's rose. This is a new generation rose that is suitable for cutting. Gardeners have recently become fond of this variety, and this is not surprising: it is good in everything: Miss Piggy has a pleasant aroma and blooms profusely. This isbeige and pink roses. Pleasant pink color to the middle of the bud twists into beige. The flower retains all transitional shades for a long time even after cutting.

Caramel Antique roses also have a delightful beige shade. The edges of the petals are pastel beige to the center of the bud acquire a subtle pink tone. Most often, these roses are used to create mono-bouquets, because they do not need additional decoration.

Beige roses are also characteristic of the Alabaster variety. They do not tolerate drafts and lack of light, but they please with their delicate aroma, dense double flowers of delicate beige notes.

Another variety of roses - Osiana, with various pastel colors, including beige. These colors appear only in the center, the edges of these buds fade and rarely become darker than porcelain pink.

beige roses
beige roses

The unique variety of beige roses Ocean Clair simply fascinates with its sophistication and sweet aroma. Blooming buds of dark beige color turn into lush flowers with a diameter of more than 10 centimeters. Even cut roses of this variety remain fresh for two weeks!

The beige-yellow rose with a red border is Galaxy. Its aroma is similar to linseed oil. Delicate beige buds open into lush creamy yellow buds, retaining their original tone in the middle.

Language of flowers: what do the presented beige roses symbolize?

Even during the reign of Queen Victoria in England, flowers were the best way to express feelings. Roses can tell about love even today, because forFor several decades, a unique language of flowers has been formed. So what does a bouquet of beige roses given to you mean?

It is generally accepted that all flowers of light colors are exclusively a symbol of friendship. However, this value may change - it all depends on the shape of the flower and its combinations in the bouquet.

Unopened buds, for example, can speak of falling in love, barely opened flowers are a sign of admiration. And two flowers, inextricably linked into one, is an invitation to a date or even a marriage proposal!

beige roses photo
beige roses photo

Beige and yellow roses in one bouquet are very often used at wedding ceremonies, because this combination symbolizes harmony. When paired with burgundy roses, beige can represent mind-blowing love, and when paired with red, love.

Combination in bouquets

Beige color is quite neutral, and therefore it is worth using additional shades for the bouquet. You can add bright peonies and anemones to a bouquet of beige roses. Delicate gypsophila will add airiness to the bouquet. If you want to give a bright bouquet, then you can pick up other flowers of similar shades: gerberas, orchids, tulips. The result is a delightful floral cloud.

Why do beige roses dream?

beige pink roses
beige pink roses

A dream about roses can be interpreted in different ways, but it depends on what time the dream is. Roses seen during their flowering period are a sign of well-being. But those roses that dream out of season can portend troubles and financial problems. Blossoming roses of beige shades promise good news. Sometimes such a dream is a prediction of an early engagement. The rose bush portends the dreamer a long and happy family life. The plucked beige roses, the photos of which you have already seen, are a symbol of an important decision that is required of you in real life. A faded beige rose indicates that you have forgotten your old friend.
