Coloristics is an interesting area of human thought and activity that studies the existence of different colors and their functioning in the environment. The history of flowers in the culture and everyday life of people is also explored. An important issue is the consideration of the problems of combinations of shades among themselves. What does coloring know about the color of the sea wave, about its influence on people, symbolism and the combination of the color of the sea wave with other colors? Let's talk about it in this article.
Aqua color characteristic
The combination of shades requires understanding what color you have to deal with. According to the science of color, all colors are divided into cold and warm. Those in which there is a shade of blue are considered cold, and those in which there is a hint of yellow are considered warm. Blue-green color or sea wave belongs to the group of cold. Since it is obtained by mixing blue and green with a predominance of the latter. More colorsdivided according to the degree of difficulty. There are basic colors that cannot be mixed: red, yellow and blue. And from them you can create colors of the second level, they combine two primary colors, for example, green, orange. And then there are the colors of the third order, which are created by mixing several colors. These include the color of the sea wave. This is a complex color scheme that varies greatly depending on which tone prevails. Therefore, so often people get confused in the name of this color.

Names and shades
Since colors are perceived by people a little differently, there are various synonymous names that try to convey the nuances of shades. There are such duplicate names in all groups of colors, and the color of the sea wave is no exception. Color combinations need to be made, focusing precisely on the nuances. Therefore, it is so important to accurately designate the selected shade. For example, you tell an interior designer that you want to decorate a room with milk chocolate and faded roses. But it turns out that you meant different shades, because you incorrectly correlated the color and its name, and the result was not at all the interior that you expected. To name the color of the sea wave, the terms are also used: cyan, blue-green, petrol, teal, dark teal, aquamarine, turquoise and even marengo and the color of thrush eggs. All these are really shades of blue-green, in which there is more or less green and blue, and they also differ in lightness and darkness. For example,turquoise is a light tone that fades into blue, and marengo is already a very dark blue-green color with a gray tint.
Color symbols
Cyan in many cultures is associated with coldness, ice, depth. The dark shades of the sea wave symbolize immersion in oneself, reflection, concentration on higher goals. This is a strict color scheme, and therefore the combination of aquamarine (photo attached) with any shades makes them more conservative, restrained. Even bright orange in tandem with a sea wave becomes less catchy and expressive.

Human impact
Any color has an impact on the psyche of people. Despite the fact that there are personal preferences and tastes, there are general patterns of the impact of a particular color on a person. So, the color of the sea wave with a predominance of blue in an ensemble with other colors or in its pure form usually has a calming effect on people. But intense cyan is the color of psychological stress. If a person chooses this tone as a preferred one, then this may mean that he has problems with relaxation, that he is overstressed.
But the color itself has a quite beneficial effect on people, it helps to focus on achieving the goal, to tune in to a serious mood. It is no coincidence, for example, that cabinets in the English tradition are often decorated in such colors. Psychologists recommend looking at this color for those people who have problems with self-control and concentration.

Harmonic combinations
In ordinary life, people rarely think about how to create the perfect color ensembles. Girls think about this problem when they put together outfits. But many have difficulty and therefore try to stick to traditional color schemes. And people try to give questions about what colors to decorate an apartment in to professionals. But it will not be harmful to expand your ideas on how to assemble a harmonious combination of colors. The color of the sea wave can be supplemented with both warm and cold color partners. Pairs of cyan and white, black and beige will be unmistakable. Of course, they are not very spectacular and expressive, but they are beautiful, and it is difficult to make a mistake in them. In other cases, you need to carefully select companions for tone, warmth and intensity.

Classic combinations
For many centuries of the existence of flowers, certain traditions of their arrangement have developed. Classical techniques have been developed that are considered neutral and optimal. These are a kind of ready-made template solutions that can be used in any situation. This is also true in relation to the combination of the color of the sea wave. The combination of colors for any occasion is based on the basic neutral colors - white, black and gray. But for blue-green, these companions are not always advantageous. Classic combinations with it are shades of ocher, beige, white. In such pairs, blue-green looks noble and restrained.

Contrasting combinations
To make color pairs, the color wheel, which was invented by I. Itten, is often used. This tool helps to find the opposite shade and think over the combination of colors. With the color of the sea wave, red is in direct opposition. This is the brightest combination with blue-green. But straightforward contrasting combinations are too expressive to be used when creating color solutions for a suit or interior. Therefore, usually adjacent shades are selected from the color wheel using a triangular overlay. And in relation to the color of the sea wave, pairs with yellow and orange are contrasting. Such combinations are more complex and interesting than combinations with red. Cold white is also an ideal contrast for blue-green. This combination looks very smart and expressive, but at the same time very elegant.
Avant-garde combinations
Fashion every season chooses favorite color pairs, and they delight everyone. When planning your wardrobe for the upcoming season, you should look at unexpected and trendy color combinations. Sea wave and pink or purple are solutions for the most daring and fashionable. Still in fashion are nuanced combinations that are built on the play of shades. For example, whitened turquoise and rich blue-green look very subtle and aristocratic. At the peak of fashion is also a combination of a soft shade of aquamarine with camel. The combination is very gentle and romantic. Trying to find the unexpected andan interesting option for combining blue-green with other colors, you need to carefully look at their balance in intensity and tone. The color of the sea wave can be bright and dominant, or it can be inferior to the first batch and be an excellent backdrop for a bright partner. It is this coloristic game that is extremely relevant today.
Complex combinations
It is known that there are harmonious and disharmonious color solutions. Of course, there are colors that are difficult to pair, and it is better not to do this. There are also undesirable color combinations. The color of the sea wave hardly tolerates the neighborhood with gray, with dull brown and is in a difficult relationship with black. Such coloristic pairs must be collected in such a way that the colors do not "kill" each other. One of them should be dominant, and the second - only accent, there are no parity combinations in such unions.

Who will suit
Wearing combinations of aquamarine with other colors is not easy, although it suits almost everyone, you need to carefully select your shade. Most of all, blue-green suits red-haired girls. It perfectly emphasizes the shade of the hair, making it even brighter. Ladies with a typical Russian color type - fair-haired with blue and gray eyes - should pay attention to the restrained, deep tones of the blue-green range, which will give their appearance the necessary expressiveness. Blondes with blue eyes look best in shades with a predominance of turquoise. Dark-skinned brunettes will go best with bright blue-green andlight shade of thrush egg. The color of the sea wave is good because in its palette a girl with any appearance can find her own shade, the main thing is to carefully choose it.
Sea wave in clothes
The blue-green color has not lost its relevance for many years, but the principles of its use are changing. Today, there are three main approaches to wearing it. You can wear the so-called total bow, when the whole image is built on the nuances of one color, in our case it is the color of the sea wave. Combinations in clothes can be built on the principle of contrast, then ocher, orange, salmon, lemon, red or pink will become successful pairs of blue-green. The most difficult way is the selection of pairs using a triangle superimposed on the color wheel. In this case, very interesting combinations will be obtained with deep chocolate, plum or pomegranate and with adjacent colors: blue and green.
For a casual look, you can also resort to combinations based on traditional black and gray colors. In such sets, blue-green can either act as accents - handbags, blouses, scarves, or, conversely, should be chosen as the main one, and only details can be black or gray.

Sea wave in the interior
Interior designers today tend to use natural materials and natural shades. And cyan, which embodies the water element, becomes very relevant. The combination of the color of the sea wave in the interior with natural stone, brick, even with concrete looks fresh and impressive. This color works best as color accents. In such cases, this color scheme can be used in any room. A discreet, deep shade of blue-green is usually chosen as the main color. It is suitable for offices, halls, bathrooms. In order not to overload the eyes and not tire a person, it is better to choose discreet, light shades of cyan or dark, deep ones for interior design. Bright blue-green is recommended only as color accents.