Tender words for girls are an integral part of love relationships. These are various affectionate names, diminutive forms that young people often call the ladies of their hearts. It would seem that it is quite possible to do without tender words, but since they exist, it means that they are needed for something. Let's talk about it.

Why do we need affectionate and tender words for a girl?
Females are designed in such a way that they cannot do without the attention of the opposite sex. This is established in their behavior and attraction from birth, because even as a child, a girl on a subconscious level tries to attract the attention of boys, using the most primitive forms for this. Everything becomes more complicated with the process of growing up, especially with the beginning of a relationship, and here you can no longer do without tenderness. Beautiful words for a girl mean a lot. First of all, they testify to the lofty feelings of a young man, his interest and devotion.
Love or friendship?
Cute words for a girl can speak of both warm friendships and love feelings. Sometimes the difference between them is very difficult to distinguish, especially if a person is not familiar with the whole situation. Let's try to figure this out a little. There are a lot of such words that will apply to both friendship and love relationships, but still there are those that belong only to the latter. For example, the words "beloved, beloved" as forms of addressing a person refer only to love words. But in the context of "beloved friend, beloved friend" - this is already a word that belongs to a friendly theme. That is, without context, the word belongs to only one category (love / friendship), with context, it can belong to both categories. Such gentle words for girls can be uttered not only by those people who have lofty feelings for them, but also by friends, relatives and even strangers in a polite form of address, for example: “Dear girl, tell me, please…”

What words are considered tender?
There is no clear definition of what words can be used in diminutive forms. Every word can play this role, and even one that at first glance seems completely ridiculous. It all depends on several factors, including the intonation of pronunciation, the meaning of the word in context, personal emotions, and, of course, the human factor (personalrelationship between people). But despite all this, there are gentle words for girls that do not lose their meaning in any context. These include: dear, beloved, desired, beloved, incomparable. As well as those words that are used in a more familiar tone - a bunny, an angel, a cat, a bird, the sun, etc. They acquire a more delicate shade together with the combination of the “mine” particle and its similar substitutes, for example: my beloved, my dear, my bunny, my sunshine.

What words should not be used?
Whatever diminutive part you add, there are still words, the use of which can not only offend a girl, but also ruin your relationship with her forever. It is very nice to call a girl the words "bunny", "kitty", "tiger cub", but it is completely inappropriate to use the words "hippo", "deer", "duck", "giraffe", "cow", "horse", etc. And the diminutive part of these words never guarantees that they are just tender words for girls. And even if you pronounce this word in the most harmless tone, the girl will always find some catch or a hidden insult for which you will pay. Therefore, it is better to do without provocations and risks, otherwise it will be hard for you.

Sarcasm or not?
Whatever it was, but warm tender words to a girl can also be presented in a sarcastic and veryoffended tone. For example, the word "kisa" or "pussy" can be very touchy if pronounced in a raised tone. In this case, it will not be a diminutive part, but will denote a girl of easy virtue. The word "cutie" with a lingering emphasis on the first "a" and a touch of sarcasm will not mean a cute girl, but one that, to put it mildly, is called a "bitch". There are many such words. It all depends on the context, as well as the intonation in which it was said.
Cute words for a girl can be completely different. Their range and possibility of use depends on many factors that to some extent affect their perception by the fair sex. We have already listed the possible uses of such words, talked about who and in what context they can use, what semantic load they can carry. The intonation with which these diminutive forms are pronounced is also important. Even minimal notes of irony, sarcasm or ridicule will give the words a reproachful connotation that the girl will immediately recognize. Do not be afraid to say such words, but watch your intonation. Fear in the eyes of a girl means insecurity, but what is she not sure about? Is it worth it to reciprocate? Or does she doubt your feelings for her? Therefore, remember once and for all: firstly, avoid sarcasm, irony and ridicule, and secondly, never doubt what you say. By adhering to these two rules, you will always be successful with girls, because gentle words canconquer even a heart of stone.