An interesting feature of the human body - "flaming ears" - has attracted the attention of people for a long time. True, but why are the ears burning? There are no single answers to this question, there are quite a few of them. And some of them are debatable. So, it is worth looking into this issue in more detail.
Here is the first answer to the question of why a person's ears are on fire. The auricles of a person are located on the head - this fact is absolutely indisputable. The brain is richly supplied with blood, so this part of the body has a well-developed circulatory system. Scientists believe that by straining the brain to solve a complex problem, a person thereby stimulates blood circulation. And it seems that a person’s ears start to “burn” from this.
This explanation is logical, the connection between the cerebral circulation and the ears is definitely present. Not without reason, in order to bring a dead drunk to consciousness, they actively rub his ears - they increase blood flow to the brain. But there is something to argue about here.
After all, if we unconditionally accept this answer to the question of why a person’s ears are burning, then during the exam, even a written one, the entire composition of the examineeswould sit with blood-red ears. However, for some in the audience, even when solving extremely complex problems, the ears remain of a normal color. Maybe these people simply do not want to work with their brains, or the task for them is absolutely not difficult? The last question remains unanswered.

The second answer to the question of why the ears are burning is also offered again by researchers and scientists. They argue that most people's ears begin to "blaze with fire" when they experience strong emotions: during an oral answer in an exam, speaking in front of a large audience, at the moment of meeting a loved one, with whom relations are still in doubt, in a second the highest fear or shame. The ears may also turn red with pleasure, for example, in the case when a person hears the long-awaited words of a declaration of love …
At this point, some mothers are sure to express their outrage at this statement. After all, their teenage offspring's ears remain absolutely normal in color, no matter how seriously the parents scolded or shamed the naughty overgrown child. Or does he just have no shame?

Well, this question is no longer about ears, but about education. It also happens that what seems shameful to adults is quite common for a child. And it also happens that a stubborn growing personality silently “puts” a psychological barrier between bored adults and their consciousness. And that is why parental reproaches or tedious lectures from teachers never reach the goal,just out of the child's mind.
Another answer to the question of what ears are burning for can be found among ordinary people who believe in omens. Allegedly, red ears indicate that someone is gossiping about this person “behind his eyes” or, again, “behind his eyes”, someone scolds him strongly. By the way, scientists also confirmed this conventional wisdom, based on the fact that a person has such abilities - to feel impulses at a distance and respond to them.

And if we connect together this popular belief, which explains why the ears are burning, and a way to increase blood circulation in the brain, then one more student sign will become clear. After all, almost every student, leaving for an exam, warns his relatives and friends: “Well, go! Come on, don't forget to scold me here!"
But it's true, the connection is obvious: at home the student is "scratched in all shoulder blades", this causes his ears to burn, the blood rushes to the brain abundantly, and he begins to think, think and think. And for some it even helps to successfully pass the exam. Especially if not a single lecture was missed during the semester. Or at least he attended most of them.