Zhanna Shulakova is a famous psychic, she took part in such programs as "Battle of psychics" and "Psychics are investigating." A woman has a unique and rare gift to help people in difficult life situations. During the filming of famous television programs about such God-gifted people, Zhanna Shulakova managed to acquire many fans.

Shulakova's biography
This woman tries not to advertise her date of birth for the reason that these numbers carry very important information about a person that she does not want to share. It is known that the talent for clairvoyance in our heroine was discovered in early childhood. The first person to notice this was her mother, whose name is Larisa Varavina. She shared:
Zhanna used cards for her friends as a child. And oddly enough, all her predictions came true. This alarmed me. I began to understand that my daughter has a special gift.
Zhanna Shulakova has a brother who, like her mother, recalls thatthe girl was fond of magic as a child, she always had a deck of Tarot cards with her, and she was fond of mysticism.

Further fate of Shulakova
Despite the fact that the girl understood that she was a special person, she was in no hurry to declare this to the whole world. Zhanna Shulakova was a responsible child and knew that everything needed to be checked. This also applied to her gift, which she initially wanted to confirm and prove to herself its power.
In order to finally make sure of her uniqueness, the girl arranged trials for herself. Her relatives, including her mother, helped her with this. One day Jeanne tried to summon the spirit of her late grandmother. However, she went to bed upset because nothing worked out for her. But as Larisa's mother said, a shiver ran through her body from the realization that someone was walking around the house.
After that, no one had any doubts that Jeanne had the ability to magic. The girl herself decided to enter a school where people like her studied. Now Shulakova is not just a magician, but also a necromancer.
Janna's family
Zhanna Shulakova, whose biography is very fascinating, considers her family to be the very first and most important. Despite multiple shootings and constant fatigue, she always finds time for her closest people. The husband of our heroine is Sergey Kolesnichenko. He is also associated with the world of magic and presents himself as a hereditary witcher. He is able not only to predict the future, but also to heal people from the most serious ailments.
This couple already has five children. sixteen,13, 7 and 5 years old. Also, just recently, our heroine gave her husband another heir.
Zhanna shares that she would like to pass on her gift to children. She, unlike many other psychics, does not consider him a punishment. A woman, on the contrary, takes him for God's mercy and gladly helps people who need help. The family of Shulakova and Kolesnichenko is very friendly and strong. Each time after filming, Zhanna rushed to the station to hug her family as soon as possible.
Zhanna Shulakova today
At the moment, the necromancer and psychic is actively engaged in helping not only strangers, but also relatives and close people. Such a kind and sympathetic person Zhanna Shulakova. Reviews about her work are extremely positive. Also, friends often turn to her before responsible trips and events. One day, Jeanne predicted the fatal outcome of her friends' planned vacation. And so it happened, the fire that was lit at the picnic grew into a huge fire. Several people were seriously injured and ended up in a hospital bed.
At all trials, the woman is helped by her faithful friend the cat, whom she named Kenya.

It is this creature that serves as her support and at the same time as a transmitter of information from her ancestors.
Zhanna Shulakova is fond of collecting feathers. Her grandmother had the same hobby. At the moment, more than a hundred feathers of different sizes, shapes, colors and origins can be observed at her home. The most favorite specimen from the collection is a large, white and fluffy feather. It, according to Zhanna, reminds her of a cloud.
Many mistakenly assume that a woman can see spirits. Necromancers are naturally capable of seeing information in the form of pictures and images. Also, this category of psychics can experience sensations that are transmitted to people. They indicate a particular incident that should be expected.