What is the origin of the name Aksenov?

What is the origin of the name Aksenov?
What is the origin of the name Aksenov?

The study of the origin of the Aksyonov surname reveals before us the pages of history, testifying to the life and culture of our ancestors. It can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past. Details about the nationality and origin of the name Aksenov in the article. It will also include several well-known namesakes.

The meaning of the name Aksenov

Origin from Greek name
Origin from Greek name

It is based on the baptismal name that belonged to the ancestor, whose name was Auxentius. And to be more precise, we are talking about its form used in everyday life. This is Aksen. The church canonical male name Auxentius comes from another, ancient Greek - Auxentios. Its meanings are "growing", "increasing", "increasing".

There is an opinion that the ancient Greeks attributed a number of magical properties to this name. It was believed that it protects the owner from damage and disease, gives him prosperity.

Possible name in honor of the local deity - Auxesia. Translated from ancient Greekit means nurturer. It was revered in many places in Ancient Greece. The male name Auxentios, or Auxendios, is still used by the Greeks to this day, despite the fact that now few people think about its protective properties.

In Russia

Where did the surname Aksenov come from in our country? In Orthodox calendars, such a name appeared as a memory of several saints at once. These are:

  • hermit Auxentius Bithinsius;
  • confessors Auxentius Pertsovsky, or Vologda, and Auxentius of Chalkis;
  • Martyr Auxentius of Sebaste, or Arabian;
  • some other saints.

Quite quickly in Russia this name was transformed into Axentia. This made it easier to pronounce. Diminutive variants have become widespread in everyday life. We are talking about Aksen, Akentia, Sen, Aksyusha. This form, in addition to Russia, has become popular in Belarus.

Considering the origin of the surname Aksenov, it is necessary to mention how it was formed from a personal name.

Method of education

In the surname under study, it was traditional for Russian generic names. This is a model according to which the suffix “ov” is added to the personal name of the ancestor, which is characteristic of possessive adjectives. Thus, at first the surname Aksenov was a patronymic.

In addition to the specified version, there is another one. She says that under this generic name, people from a village called Aksenovo could be recorded. Such a village existed, for example, in the 18th century. in Chudskaya Kulig. Today itLeningrad region, Cherepovets district. Nowadays, one can also meet the villages of the same name. Their locations are Moscow, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga and other regions.

Continuing to study the origin of the surname Aksenov, we should consider its distribution. How often do you meet such people?

Noble family name

Russian surname
Russian surname

Today, several branches of the considered generic name are known, which received the nobility regardless of each other. It's about:

  • Moscow;
  • Yaroslavskaya;
  • Novgorod;
  • Komi-Perm.

Two independent genera (at least) were found in the Moscow branch. The first refers to Pyotr Lukich Aksenov, and the second to Semyon Germogenovich. And there is also information that many of the noble representatives of the Moscow branch, starting from the 18th century. acquired estates and enterprises and moved to other provinces, both neighboring with Moscow, and remote, throughout Siberia and the Urals.

And they also settled on the territory of Tatarstan and in the Komi-Permyak Territory. As for the Don branch of the surname, there is a version that, in all likelihood, its representatives were Moscow settlers.

Classes of noble branches

By the nature of their occupations, the Aksenovs were in the civil service, were diplomats, military men, and merchants. They owned manufactories, factories. Among them are writers, artists, composers, musicians, priests. An entry about the nobles Aksenovs is available in genealogical books related to suchprovinces like Moscow, Yaroslavl, Novgorod. In 1699, nine people belonging to the family under study owned inhabited estates.

Many Aksyonovs acquired hereditary nobility, having personal merits before the fatherland and emperors. Such was Vasily Stepanovich Aksenov. Others - as a result of the successes achieved in the military field. Only a few received the nobility, carrying out civil service, such as Semyon Germogenovich Aksenov, who was a real state councilor. For the first time in documents, the studied form is mentioned in 1497

In conclusion, considering the origin of the surname Aksenov, we note some of its well-known representatives. Indeed, there are many such people. In the ranks of famous namesakes are:

  1. Vladimir Viktorovich, who is a Russian cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  2. Cosmonaut Aksenov
    Cosmonaut Aksenov
  3. Semyon Nikolaevich is a Russian guitarist of noble origin. He invented a way to play all notes with a harmonic, wrote variations, medleys and fantasies on the themes of Russian songs.
  4. Portrait of a writer
    Portrait of a writer
  5. Vasily Pavlovich, a famous Russian writer who is considered one of the leaders of confessional prose.

It should be noted that it is rather difficult to determine the exact place and time of the emergence of the Aksenov surname today. After all, the formation of generic names continued for several centuries. But we can say with confidence that this generic name is one of the remarkable monuments of Slavic culture andwriting.
