When meeting a person, did you have to drive away the thought: “What kind of Victor is this? Maxim is. Are there among your acquaintances those who are dissatisfied with their name, embarrassed by it? Or, on the contrary, introducing himself, the man proudly says: “My name is Boris.” The meaning of our names is quite large and affects the fate of every person. That's what a lot of people think. And some of them even officially change the name given at birth, choosing one that seems more suitable for their soul and body.

Why they called us that
In pagan times people were called by several names. One thing - true - could not be said aloud, so that ill-wishers would not take power. Another - for spirits and idols - was supposed to somewhat underestimate (or exaggerate) the importance of a person for his family. To impureforces did not take this value from parents - children. Remember at least the fairy tale "About the priest and his worker Balda." It would seem, what parent in their right mind would call their child that? Meanwhile, Balda is a very smart and strong young man who is bypassed by adversity.
Among a number of peoples, a name was assigned to a person according to his knowledge and skills. We encounter these customs in F. Cooper's novels about Indians. Later, with the development of handicrafts, a definition was added to the name, indicating the type of activity. According to one version, this is how some surnames appeared.
With the development of religion (and Christianity in particular), children began to be called according to the calendar - a kind of calendar that determined the patron for the child. A boy was born - they gave him the name Boris, the meaning of which is not so important for the family. Much more valuable is the fact that it is on this day that the saint is revered - the namesake of the newborn.
At different times there was a fashion for names: French or Latin; names of famous artists or athletes; heroes of books or films; great generals and pioneers.

Meaning of name
Among the huge number of Latin, Greek and Jewish names, there are quite a few Slavic ones. But they also meet. Take, for example, the name Boris. Its origin and significance is almost beyond doubt. There are several versions, but they are all tied to the culture and history of the Slavic peoples.
So, almost all linguists translate it into modern language in the same way: “fighter for glory”,"fighting for glory" One of the assumptions says that the name Boris, whose meaning we are analyzing, is an abbreviation for Borislav. In any case, the man named so will be somewhat conceited, because the constant "struggle for glory" leaves its mark. Boris needs recognition from the outside, and he will seek it by all available means.
According to some historians, this name appeared thanks to King Bogoris, who ruled in Bulgaria and brought Christianity to it. In the Orthodox calendar, it appeared after the recognition of Prince Boris as a saint. He and his brother Gleb were martyred by their elder brother Svyatopolk. Name days are celebrated only once a year - August 6 (July 24).
But there is another version explaining what the name Boris means. The meaning of the name can be found out by translating the word "bayorish" from the Turkic: "giving", "gift".

Child Borenka
A boy with that name is almost always hyperactive. He has a rather feisty personality. But this does not prevent him from being an obedient and loving son to his parents. True, the secrecy of character and unwillingness to share his plans with anyone leads to the fact that Boris's parents find out about everything that happened “after the fact.”
He is stubborn and does not obey the general opinion of his company, but he knows that friends are a support and reliable support not only in the game, but also in business. Such is the influence and meaning of the name Boris.
It is extremely important for a boy to take care of his he alth: stubbornness and temper often lead to injuries. This is especially dangerous at an early age,when the child has not yet learned to control his temper.

Work First
Boris has been very hardworking since childhood. He always has things to do. Excellent performance and the desire to succeed in the profession - this is what distinguishes a man if his name is Boris. The meaning of the name and fate require him to apply his talents in design activities. An analytical mindset allows you to achieve fairly high positions in building a career. He knows how to set tasks for himself and find non-trivial solutions for them.
However, short temper and excessive demands can harm Boris. The boss, who demands unconditional obedience, most often redoes all the work himself. There is a high turnover in his department due to a leadership with such a strong will. The lack of at least minimal diplomatic skills also adds drama to these conflicts.
A matter of principle
However, despite his vehemence, Boris (the meaning of the name, character and fate - that's what we are currently studying) is extremely objective. His exactingness is directed primarily at himself. He is ready to give everything for the idea that has taken possession of him. The "autumn" owners of this name are the most practical and serious. Boris will sacrifice even close friends and relatives.
This devotion to principles is naturally complemented by a dislike for people who change their minds as the situation develops. His ardor wins, and a man can say a lot of unpleasant things to his opponent. Something you'll regret later. True, in some cases, in principle, the quick-witted Boris can show rare and prolonged vindictiveness.

Sensitivity and susceptibility
But, with all the above ambitious and stubborn qualities, this is a very sensitive person. The name Boris (the meaning of the name and fate are closely related) requires its owner to study music, painting, visit museums and various exhibitions. Such men are very receptive to all kinds of art. And this only helps them improve themselves. Insane curiosity in a company with an analytical mind allows Boris to take on projects from any sphere of life.
Ease of temper and unwillingness to obey anyone lead to the fact that a man quickly forgets about his duties. But he always remembers his rights. And stands up for their observance. This is especially true in families with several children. The name Boris (the meaning of a name for a child sometimes predetermines his whole life) makes his owner demand justice in everything. And in parental love too.

Family is a source of inspiration
So, we already know quite a lot about what the male name Boris carries. The value of the family for such a person cannot be overestimated. Looking ahead, let's say that he finds relaxation in communicating with children, car repairs and digging in the country.
To create a family, "summer" representatives of the stronger sex with this name are more suitable. They are kind and accommodating, altruists, but even in themyou can feel the character.
Girls who met Boris can be sure that if their characters and hobbies coincide, they will quickly receive a marriage proposal. These men create strong families. The saying that a man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son is written about Borisov. He just has an irresistible desire for such a life - calm and reliable.
True, there is another side of the coin. Sanguine by nature, Boris rarely shows his feelings. And even more so talking about them. Therefore, both the wife and the children just need to get used to the idea: they are the most precious thing. It is in the family that a person with that name finds inspiration and a source of energy for his projects.

Free love
In youth, and sometimes in adulthood, in relationships with women, any man does not like any complications. This is especially noticeable if his name is Boris. He is well aware and understands the meaning of family ties. But why burden yourself with them in advance? After all, free love is much more attractive.
But, as usual, there were some nuances. Being a man of strong will and in a sense even despotic, he is terribly jealous. A woman with him needs to be honest, frank and open.
This man is a big inventor. When he's in love, fantasy, ideas, and romance bubble up from him. You never know how the next date will end. But, as already noted, most often the Boriss are sanguine: they instantly got carried away, quickly cooled down, flared up, etc. In general, neveryou don’t know if this bomb will explode now or a little later…
Friendship forever
Approximately the same Boriss behave in friendship. In principle, sociable, they will not waste time with people with whom they have little in common. A reliable and loyal friend, he can be so demanding and intrusive that he often remains alone for a while.
And let's also remember that this is a very wayward and principled person. And he will make every effort to instill his views in others.
But Boris is really interested in someone else's life. He does not pretend to listen to the interlocutor and empathize with him. He really cares about his friends. This extrovert is easy-going and will come to real friends at the first call.

Programmed for success
Boris (the meaning of the name, character - everything bears the imprints of princely roots) is pretty lucky. His curiosity, sharp mind and amazing memory allow him to succeed in almost any endeavor. Already in adulthood (not in youth), he occupies a worthy place in society. And, importantly, he almost always does it without the support of influential acquaintances.
Probably, that's why such men do not know how to lose and are very hard to experience failure. It is especially difficult in such situations for those born in winter. They become "icy" and intolerant in relationships with loved ones, easily irritated and conflict at every opportunity. With insufficient knowledge of Boris's character, this can lead to conflicts in the family andgeneral crisis in life.
We must also remember that no Boris knows how to ask for forgiveness, forgive and repent of what he has done. It is extremely difficult for him, and it is not worth demanding such behavior. It is easier to gradually start conversations with him on an exciting topic and offer him compromises.

A vampire who can share
All the complexities of character associated with such a majestic and "fighting" name, lead to the fact that Boriss are the most powerful energy vampires. They suppress the will of loved ones and subordinates, especially in crisis situations. The most difficult in this regard are the “spring” Boriss: they are squeamish, pedantic and scrupulous in everything.
But at the same time, if you awaken his curiosity, he himself becomes a donor. Such streams of energy emanate from it that everyone around can bathe and consume it. And to interest him is quite simple: just give him the opportunity to express himself, show his mind and skills. In general, Boris should be allowed to “saddle the horse.”
Despite such a complex nature, people like these men. They are fascinated by development, quickness and sharpness of mind, lightning-fast reaction, curiosity and at the same time firmness of conviction.