Elephants in Thailand are an integral part of the kingdom. For Thais, these majestic animals are a symbol of the deity. However, even elephants can be cute, not just purring-squeaking clumps of fur. We hasten to share with you interesting facts about elephants in Thailand.
First meeting

Elephants are one of the most remarkable animals, and this is by no means due to their size. The developed intelligence of gray giants is of interest to tourists who are looking for a personal meeting with them. So the question is: "How many elephants are there in Thailand?" - asks almost every traveler traveling to this country for the first time.
The first meeting with this animal always causes a storm of emotions: children's delight mixed with fear. Elephants are very smart, understand people well and are social, which cannot but attract attention.
They are subject to emotions: in a good mood they like to joke, in a depressed mood they become thoughtful and gloomy, and in the mating season they can be slightly inadequate. Thanks to their excellent sense of rhythm, they easily memorize music. Often, elephants in Thailand entertain themselves by dancing.under certain motives, heard only by himself.
History and legends

A huge number of religious rituals are associated with elephants in Thailand. Ganesha - the Hindu god of wisdom and prosperity - has the head of an elephant. Therefore, animals among Thais not only cause sacred awe, but also enjoy respect and love.
Elephants are considered the national symbol of Thailand, which is the personification of the king, the people and the religious spirit. Until 1917, his image was on the state flag, now - on the naval flag.
Throughout most of history, elephants in Thailand have been used as vehicles and to build roads in the jungle. In combat, they have a psychological effect on the enemy, as they no longer distinguish their own from others due to fear and rage.
Today, elephants act as artists in various shows, and riding on them has become an integral part of the excursion program. Such entertainment is very popular among tourists, but despite this, in remote and remote areas of Thailand, these huge animals are still used as brute force to do hard work.
Royal White Elephants

One of the symbols of the king's power in Thailand is the white elephant. The head of state is the owner of all albino animals according to one of the special laws. A subject who finds and transfers such an elephant to the palace receives a life allowance, in view of which theyconsidered symbols of incredible good luck. The Royal Forestry Department, by decree of 1963, assigned the status of the main national animal to white elephants.
Albinos - Chang Samkhan - are surrounded by love and great attention, the most comfortable conditions are created for them. The number of state institutions includes a special one, the main task of which is to ensure the maintenance of white elephants. Animals are used only during religious ceremonies in which members of the royal family take part.
Daily life

The exact number of elephants in Thailand is almost impossible to calculate (experts say about 3-4 thousand), but they play a huge role in the daily life of the country. One of the national traditions is the use of the physical strength of an animal in construction and agricultural work. Elephants are the best transport for getting around in the jungle.
Unlike their albino counterparts, gray elephants are not as chic. They live on special farms and work all their lives: from the age of fourteen to old age - sixty years. Despite this, it is time for ordinary citizens of the country to envy these huge animals: a separate chapter of the constitution is devoted to the rights of gray giants and the regulations for their application.
For example, each of the elephants has personal he alth insurance, and the length of their working day cannot exceed eight hours. The maximum working age is 60 years, but not all of them live to retire: the elephant age lastsonly 55 years old.
Elephants in Thailand are even paid a pension: it is equal to 5,000 baht. Such an amount is a dream even for pet owners, but it is justified by their appetites. They need a huge amount of green mass per day - about 7% of their body weight.
Despite all the love, worship and respect, gray elephants are considered working animals. Thanks to this, they can be purchased if desired. The cost of a giant depends on age, weight and degree of training. On average, the price varies from 1 to 3 thousand dollars.
Elephant education and training
Elephant childhood is short: at the age of three they are weaned from their mother and begin to train. The connection formed between the animal and the mahout can be called a kindred: a small elephant follows its man everywhere. His upbringing is no different in complexity from the upbringing of a child, requiring not only physical, but also mental strength. The classic method is the "carrot and stick", in which a bamboo pole with a sickle-shaped metal tip acts as a tool. Violence is extremely rare. There are several different elephant training schools in which animals are taught voice commands.
Thai Elephant Day

Thai Elephant Day is celebrated every year on March 13th. In every city of the country, large solemn processions are held, the characters in which are sacred animals, decorated with bright blankets and flowering garlands. All elephants are attracted to them - from the smallest to pensioners. elephant's festivalThailand ends with a grand feast, the main treats of which are vegetarian dishes - vegetables, fruits and peaches, watermelons and pineapples frozen in ice cubes.
Celebrations have attracted a huge number of people since ancient times. The indigenous population expresses their respect and love to elephants, and tourists are glad to see such a rare sight. During the holiday, the fund for the protection of large and eared symbols of Thailand is replenished.
Unique paper and coffee
Elephant related souvenirs are very popular in Thailand. For example, the technological process of creating elephant paper is based on the droppings of these animals. Manure contains a large amount of undigested vegetable fiber, which goes into action. The finished product resembles ordinary cardboard with a rough texture.
Well, real gourmets and coffee connoisseurs can appreciate Black Ivory. Unlike the usual caffeinated product, it costs ten times more: a kilogram will cost at least a thousand dollars. Their uniqueness lies in the unusual way the grains are fermented: they are obtained from the feces of elephants, which gives the drink a special bouquet and taste.