Origin and meaning of the word "bixa"

Origin and meaning of the word "bixa"
Origin and meaning of the word "bixa"

Jargon is certainly interesting to learn. What do words unfamiliar to us mean in different social groups, where did these words come from, why do they have such semantics? There are many varieties of jargon: criminal, youth, army - the list does not end there. Many people are interested in knowing the meanings of words and the reasons why they began to speak like that. For example, what is the meaning of the word "bixa" and how did such a concept appear?

Who is this?

Such an expression in certain circles (for example, in prisons, but not only, this will be discussed below) is called young girls who are easily accessible sexually. In general, the meaning of the word bixa in jargons is almost the same, but there are slight differences. Depending on the social group in which this word is used, it can mean a station prostitute (criminal jargon), a hospital (medical) prostitute, or generally characterize women of “non-severe” behavior.

Girls of light behavior
Girls of light behavior

By the way, Bix have their own specific classification. So, the banova bixa is just a station "night butterfly", while the maidan one is looking for clients on trains. But the chauffeur's or servesdrivers (for example, truckers), or works together with a taxi driver who gave a ride to a girl with a client to an apartment or hotel.

Among young people who have nothing to do with the criminal world, this word could also be called just a pretty young girl. But here it was less common, mostly among the so-called punks, but young people from higher social classes preferred a similar "chick".

Origin of the word

During night shifts, young nurses and nurses could provide sexual services to attendants or patients. To pretend that the girl went on business, she took with her a bixa - a steel box with dressings.

medical bixa
medical bixa

Thus, if a doctor met a nurse along the way, he thought she was going to bandage a patient. By the way, doctors even if they guessed, they often turned a blind eye to this.

Also, this word could have occurred due to the distortion and change in the meaning of the word "shiksa" (a girl of non-Jewish origin who married a Jew).

Meaning of the word today

Modern youth does not use it to refer to beautiful girls. Words such as "chika", "chick" are used. Hospital bixes are also a phenomenon that is almost never found these days. If you can hear such a word somewhere, then only in places not so remote, and it will mean exactly a girl of easy virtue.
