Foul is..? The meaning and origin of the word

Foul is..? The meaning and origin of the word
Foul is..? The meaning and origin of the word

Sometimes a person, wanting to express his derogatory, negative attitude towards the subject under discussion or another person, pronounces the word "bad". Everyone knows about its negative meaning, but does everyone know about its origin and what it actually points to?


If we turn to the history of origin, we can see that "bad" is a word derived from the noun "baskuda". The way of word formation is suffixal (-n-).

In fiction, this word can be found, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's novel "Resurrection". It is said by Efimya Bochkova, accused of theft, to her accomplice Ekaterina Maslova.

Also this word was used by Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak in the work "Fighters". Portia calls Mariska that after she stole the bayonet.

In turn, "paskuda" etymologically goes back to the Old Russian "paskudn", which meant poverty, scarcity. If you look even further, it turns out that the original word is the Proto-Slavic "skǫdъ", meaning "thin","poor", to which the prefix "pa" was later added.

What does this word mean? First use

When the word is used
When the word is used

Foul is vile, unpleasant, nasty, vile. It is usually used in relation to a person or phenomenon. For example, "bad woman", "bad face", "bad case", "bad deceit", "bad words". Same-root words have the same meaning, for example: "paskuda", "foulness", "foul".

This word is abusive and abusive, carries a negative connotation. Its use is unacceptable in official business or scientific speech. However, it is not obscene, although it is offensive.

This word has the same meaning in the related Belarusian and Ukrainian languages - "a vile person", "one who commits dirty deeds".

Usually used when experiencing strong negative emotions and wanting to either offend an opponent or express an extremely contemptuous attitude.

Another use

Since the noun "bastard" sometimes also characterize girls of easy virtue, prostitutes. The described derivative may also indicate some obscene phenomenon or a person characterized as depraved or corrupt.

Sales behavior
Sales behavior

Example: "What a nasty sight!"; "She's just acting nasty!"

Thisthe meaning is now quite rare, basically this word is used when they want to emphasize the meanness and abomination of a person or deed.
