Surely not many people know what androgyny is and where the roots come from. In simple words, this is a person who looks like both a woman and a man. If you remember fashion shows or photos in glossy magazines, then you involuntarily understand that this term was, in principle, known for a long time, but not everyone could understand how to express in one word the unusual appearance they saw.
Well, everything seems to be clear. Only this is only a small crumb of all the information that the fashion industry stores. In this article, we will try to understand the depth of the term "androgyne" and open the world of fashion and show business from the other side.
In the photo below, androgynous models are presented in the image of the 80s. Other images are also presented in this article.

Androgynous models: who are they?
Let's remember the 90s. In the 20th century, fashion was just beginning to flourish, and this wonderful world gave humanity such famous and beautiful people as Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, LindaEvangelista, Naomi Campbell and many, many other gorgeous supermodels. However, as in any industry, changes have come to the world of fashion. Now try to understand at a glance: in front of you is a boy or a girl? Your chances are 50/50.
The concept of androgyny came into the public consciousness not so long ago. But information about asexual people has existed for a long time. Even Plato described super-people who were neither men nor women. Who are they, androgynes?
Now almost all boundaries are erased, and therefore everyone can express themselves as they want. Only the public of the old school does not always warmly perceive new trends. Androgynous people are stubbornly moving forward and trying to take their places in this world. In principle, many are good at it, although their appearance still causes mixed feelings.
The catwalk world is a great field for the realization of such personalities. Every day, models with an extraordinary appearance are becoming more and more in demand. This is not surprising, because the androgynous model can participate in both women's and men's shows. These are ordinary people, during the creation of which the universe must have messed something up. A born boy with growing up feels like a girl, and vice versa. Or maybe the girl grew up feminine in all respects, only she got a boyish appearance.
In any case, the modeling world is filled with the brightest and most unusual characters, and we will get to know some of them better.
Androgynous model Ranya Mordanova

Baby Ranya was born in Ufa. The poor thing was not lucky with her appearance, so her peers often offended her in childhood. Unable to withstand such mockery, the girl switched to home schooling. Ranya has always been interested in the modeling business, and some fashion designers liked her non-standard appearance, which helped the girl start her career on the catwalk.
It is interesting that the young model quickly and swiftly burst into the fashion world. And by the age of 20, she already had immense popularity and considerable experience working with the most famous fashion houses. Her photo and catwalk collection includes such famous names as Givenchy, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Hermes, Missoni. Also, the already famous supermodel managed to visit the covers of the most fashionable glossy publications: Vogue, Elle, Dazed & Confused and many others.
Rain Dove breaks all stereotypes

Dove is on the list of female androgynous models despite having an impressive masculine appearance. This model is a prime example of gender confusion. Rain Dove broke all the stereotypes, and it is absolutely easy to transform into a man, which is very clearly seen in the photo. Her height is almost two meters, and often on the street a girl is mistaken for a man. Although Rain herself doesn't care at all.
Once she had complexes and considered herself an ugly woman. But all sorrows are in the past. Now Rain Dove is an androgynous model, at the peak of demand among modern models. In addition, Rein is actively involved in actions aimed at protecting gender differences.
Danila Polyakov: on stilettos, like on native

By beauty standards in the fashion industry, this red-haired guy has the most chic features. They perfectly emphasize the male model, androgynous Danila Polyakov. Danila was born in Moscow and became the fifth child in a row. From childhood, he always liked to stand out, and the stigma of a white crow did not bother him at all. On the contrary: he loved to surprise and sometimes shock.
From the age of 15, the guy actively took up dancing. Further known is his work with DJ Groove, Valeria, as well as participation in the group "Demo". Once Danila got the idea to become a sexless model, because there were prerequisites for this. Stylist Galina Smirnskaya helped the guy and opened up good prospects in the fashion industry. Very soon, Polyakov became a sought-after and famous androgynous model in Russia, he appeared on the catwalks under the brands of such famous names as John Galliano, Moschino, Fendi, Vivienne Westwood.
Andrej Pejic: "To be or not to be?"

Andrey was born in an absolutely decent family. But from an early age, he began to feel unnatural in his body. Born in the body of a boy, he felt like a girl in everything. Of course, relatives saw the gentle and feminine features of the guy's face. Therefore, one day they insisted that Andrei try himself as a model. And it worked. I really liked the guy with the face of the girl.
At his first show in Sydney in 1999, Pejic made a splash. Thanks to his bright androgynous appearance, many mistook him for a girl, but the show was for men. Since then, Pejic began a meteoric career. Hecollaborated with the most famous fashion houses, and still collaborates with many.
According to now Andrea Pejic, from childhood he was disturbed by the thought that he was still a girl, not a boy. And having achieved financial stability, the guy finally decided on a sex change operation. In 2014, Andrea officially asked to be addressed as a woman.
Graceful Italian Roger Garth

In the case of Garth, nature, perhaps, just confused all the cards. Roger's appearance is the most feminine that only a girl can have. They say that it was with Roger that the sexless fashion began, and after his shows, the term androgynous model began to be actively used. His grace and femininity knows no bounds. The guy built a very successful career in the fashion world. Known for his work with the biggest names: Calvin Klein, Versace, Dior, Prada, Masatoma.
In his native Italy, Roger once won the title of the country's highest paid male model. Garth is also actively filmed on television. It is noteworthy that, despite his androgynous appearance, Roger is heterosexual, as evidenced by his multiple romances with women. And there is information that Garth has a child.
Scottish Stella Tennant

Stella Tennant is a royal. She was born into a family of the Dukes of Devonshire. The girl has a very proud and independent character. One day, her unusual androgynous facial features were noticed and invited to appear in a photo shoot. WithSince then, the androgynous supermodel has been constantly invited to shoot for various famous brands.
In 1999, the girl married the famous French photographer David Lasnet, at the moment she already has four children. By the way, neither pregnancy nor childbirth prevented Stella from continuing to conquer the fashion industry. Today the girl is one of the leading models in England. The latest works of the model were noted for the famous Vogue and Chanel. And for Karl Lagerfeld, Tennant is an inexhaustible muse.
Androgyne world
Androgyny, perhaps, in modern times has become not only a physiological indicator, but also a fashionable expression of its essence. Young people are trying with might and main to stand out from the crowd, coming up with different, sometimes shocking, images. This new trend of self-expression has not bypassed the factor of androgyny. The girl wants to look like a boy by wearing wide jeans, sneakers and a shirt. And the guys are becoming more and more like girls, fitting their hips with elastic leggings, carrying a pretty handbag under their arm and straightening their bangs with a slight movement of the head.

What can I say, the age of freedom and self-sufficiency. Androgynous people cause a variety of emotions - delight, surprise, rejection, bewilderment. This only proves that such individuals are really interesting: they are interesting to watch, interesting to read about, and many of them create quite full-fledged heterosexual families.