Among the numerous objects that attract the attention of lovers of "silent hunting", there is a whole genus of mushrooms called rows. In total, there are about two dozen edible (and very good tasting) varieties. However, they do not include a soap row, which inexperienced mushroom pickers can grab by mistake in a basket and later regret it. The "enemy" must be known by sight! Or be able to identify by smell. So read on!

Mushroom row soapy: description
Outwardly, a forest find seems very seductive. Her hat can reach a dozen centimeters in diameter - a real giant. The coloring of the soap row is very diverse. Most often - white-gray with a slight greenish tint. However, the color palette is very wide, it is not difficult to stumble upon a "soap box" with a dark gray, almost black cap. In this case, the color lightens slightly towards its edge.
Soap rows - mushrooms, the caps of which are smooth, with a matteebb, although especially large specimens may have a scaly, fissured or felt structure. At the same time, in a young mushroom it has a smooth cap edge, and with age it begins to acquire waviness.
The middle of the soapy cap is thick and fleshy, the edges can be called sharp, the plates are either white or with a yellowish tint, rare and thin. The flesh is whitish in color and slowly turns red when damaged.
The leg is pale, sometimes covered with dark scales. Most often it has a cylindrical shape, but in some cases it can expand downwards.
Place and time of growth
Soap row - a very common mushroom and, so to speak, long-lived. The first copies appear in the middle - the end of August, and come across in the last days of October. And the harvest is plentiful. Rows prefer sandy soils, are “friendly” with pines and spruces, therefore they grow in coniferous, in extreme cases, mixed forests with a predominance of coniferous species.

About edibility
It would be unfair to call a soap bar frankly poisonous. It is almost impossible to poison her to death. But the mushroom has an unpleasant feature: it smells distinctly and brightly of laundry soap. More so, Soviet times. That is why the soap bar is considered inedible. The recipe for its preparation still exists: cook only with other, more pleasant gifts of the forest, put in a common pile in small quantities, and boil in three or four waters before s alting, ruthlessly draining them.

However, it helps a little. Soap "aroma" is too stable. Some mushroom pickers are even sure that it only intensifies when cooked.
In addition, there is evidence that the pulp itself tastes bitter. Partially it is eliminated during cooking. But accompanied by a distinct aroma, eating mushrooms is still not a pleasure.
Signs of an overdose
If you eat too much soapy rows, nausea and vomiting are guaranteed. It is better to wander through the forest longer and look for prettier and safer mushrooms. Eating "soap dishes" makes sense only when stray tourists survive in the wild. In more civilized conditions, mushroom pickers ignore this variety.

Alternative uses
But from the point of view of medicine and pharmacology, soap mushrooms have very interesting and promising properties. Studies have shown that their pulp contains a number of polysaccharides that exhibit antitumor properties. There is evidence that sarcoma is suppressed by 70 percent, and Ehrlich's carcinoma by 60%.
In addition, the soap row, as it turned out, is able to have a powerful antioxidant effect and resist some pathogenic bacteria. So maybe the mushroom will find its use in official medicine.
The main thing is not to confuse
When meeting with a row of soap do not immediately turn away. Inexperienced mushroom pickers often confuse completely edible mushrooms with her.varieties of the genus. Moreover, the soapy smell is not felt by everyone (in any case, before the start of cooking the mushroom). This is especially true for beginners, whose sense of smell is dulled due to addiction to tobacco or a cold.
The conditionally edible brown row is very similar to the soap row both in color and in external outlines. And here it remains to focus on the smell, which is more pronounced when the hat is broken. If it smells like mushrooms, feel free to put it in a basket.
A completely edible gray hatched row, with a rather strong resemblance to soap, is decorated along the cap with dark streaks of a radial direction, clearly visible upon close examination.
If you still doubt the quality of the prey collected on the "quiet hunt", make a close acquaintance with experienced mushroom pickers. They will not only “fly in” determine which of the found rows belongs to the soap, but they will also find other suspicious specimens among the contents of your basket.
Have a good "hunt" and no mistakes when picking mushrooms!