We all want to get at least a little knowledge about the famous and popular personalities that we see every day from the TV screen. They seem so mysterious and interesting until the moment when we find out their biography. Thanks to the development of information technology and the Internet, at the moment, absolutely everyone has the opportunity to see any information about a person of interest. In this article, we will talk about Jenna Talakova before and after the operation, when she turned from a boy into a girl.
Where was born
A girl, or rather a guy, was born in a large country, in territory comparable to the United States of America. But no, this is not a country of opportunity, but its closest neighbor, and that is Canada.
Talakova Jenna was born in this cold but cozy country. There is very little information about the girl on the Internet, because she lives abroad, and domestic journalists can’t get her to talk. Yes, and not so mucha famous person to discuss the girl's personal life, and even ask about her biography.
Important fact
One very interesting fact is known that a girl, or rather a guy, was born on October 15 in 1998. He spent his childhood as a boy.
However, the name that was given to Jenna Talakovai at birth was never found. She is very protective of her past from prying eyes and does not seek to tell reporters about it.
Childish quirks
In general, the boy began to show oddities at an early age. He did not willingly play with friends, but preferred to be surrounded by little girls. And no, not because they attracted him outwardly - he just felt that it was him, he should also be a girl.
The boy from his youth had a dissonance of self-awareness, on the one hand, he was born a guy and girlish quirks should not attract him. However, in practice everything turned out quite differently.
First call
As noted earlier, the guy began to slowly perceive himself as a girl. Either cosmetics will be interested, then girlish outfits. It's likely that he started by trying on his mother's underwear, or wearing whatever was in her makeup bag.

After some time, the guy still understands that he is a girl. And he begins to position himself only as the opposite sex - paints his lips, begins to wear girlish clothes. And, of course, he begins to behave, corresponding to the behavior of an ordinary girl.
JennaTalakova before the operation was quite a normal man, but after she turned into a pretty woman. It is difficult to say what led her to this decision. It is possible that the girl received a childhood trauma, which seriously affected the child's psyche, laying in him the installation - to be a girl.
Relationship with parents
It is impossible to say exactly how the family took this fact of the transformation from a boy into a girl. But one thing can be said for sure - they were not particularly happy. Of course, they respected the choice of their son, but they could not appreciate this act.
But if we systematize all the knowledge that is known about her relationship with her parents, then we can say that they did not like the act of their only and beloved son. However, because of this, they did not stop communicating with her and still believed in the success of their child, and for good reason.

The path to the female body
And Jenna Talakova knew before and after the operation that she was a girl, even if she was born in a slightly different shell. When the guy was only fourteen, he began taking a course of hormonal terraria, which was supposed to be the starting point in changing the boy's appearance.
At nineteen, he probably didn't have his parents' permission, because at the age of majority you don't have to ask for approval, the boy did something irreparable. Namely, he went to a specialized clinic, where he signed up for a sex change operation. It took place in the same year, and, as you know, quite successfully.

Nowbiologically Talakova Jenna became a real girl, she also changed the data in her passport and legalized a new status at the legislative level. As noted earlier, these actions were not to their liking.
Participation in the competition
A transvestite decides to participate in the prestigious Miss Universe Canada contest organized by Denis Davila. However, the rights of the competition stipulated in advance that only those girls who have been carriers of female sex hormones from birth can take part.

And despite the fact that the organizers took the girl for "real", she still could not take part in the "Miss Universe Canada" for some time. However, the public was outraged, who wanted equality even for transgender people.
And soon the jury gave in under the pressure of human rights defenders and Talakova was admitted to the competition, because she met all the requirements of the competition. But she never managed to win.
Currently she is a model in Canada and lives a normal life.