
The biggest beetle in the world: photo, description

The biggest beetle in the world: photo, description

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Today we would like to pay attention to the largest beetle in the world and tell everything about it, starting with the name, description and habitat, and ending with its main competitors for the title of giant of the insect class

Loach fish: description, distinctive features, where it is found, what it eats (photo)

Loach fish: description, distinctive features, where it is found, what it eats (photo)

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Great attention of the novice or experienced aquarium lover is attracted by fish that are interesting not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of behavior. A striking example of the harmonious combination of both together is the loach fish, to which we will devote today's review. The fish is very difficult, has its own characteristics and advantages over other species. She is highly valued. For what? This is what we will try to find out

Sailfish: photo, description, where it lives and what it eats

Sailfish: photo, description, where it lives and what it eats

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Today we would like to pay attention to a truly beautiful, unusual and incredibly huge sailfish, which can rightfully be considered the beauty of tropical seas and oceans. We will try to find out a lot about her: how she looks, habitat, habitual diet and other equally interesting facts

The largest insects in the world: photo

The largest insects in the world: photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

For residents of central Russia, who are accustomed to the miniature size of insects, it may be a discovery that there are quite large individuals of buzzing and fluttering creatures that can frighten anyone not only with their size, but also with their frightening appearance. We decided to devote this article to the largest insects on the planet, or rather the ten largest representatives of the class of invertebrate arthropods

Signs of goat hunting: description, duration and interesting facts

Signs of goat hunting: description, duration and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The estrus season for goats is autumn. At this time, goats show signs of hunting. It is regulated by nature itself. If conception occurs during this period, then the cub will be born by the time the mother can easily get food and produce milk for her baby. It's time for spring to come. Kids are born, and they will not be deprived of food

"Yakut Mountains" of Belarus - a great place for recreation for children and adults

"Yakut Mountains" of Belarus - a great place for recreation for children and adults

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In 2011, the ski resort "Yakutskie Gory" was opened in the Dzerzhinsky district of the Minsk region. The "Yakut Mountains" of Belarus are comfortable ski slopes, snowy mountains for tubing and snowboarding, gazebos, barbecue grills and a cozy cafe. The complex was named after the nearby village of Yakuta

Climate of Ukraine: determining factors

Climate of Ukraine: determining factors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The climate of Ukraine is temperate continental. The weather in the country is determined by solar radiation, circulation of air masses in the atmosphere and relief. More about this in the proposed article

White geese: breed description, habitat and photo

White geese: breed description, habitat and photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Probably, for each of us, white geese are associated with the famous children's fairy tale about the little boy Niels, who flew a very long distance on Martin's back to find the gnome and apologize to him. In the fairy tale, the birds were distinguished by nobility and love of freedom. What are white geese really like? Let's talk about it in detail

Korbu Waterfall is an amazing natural phenomenon

Korbu Waterfall is an amazing natural phenomenon

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

There are a lot of beautiful places in the country. But Altai is considered one of the most mysterious and beautiful. The mountains that stretch across its territory are comparable to the Alps themselves. This region was sung by Roerich. He called these places "the pearl of Asia"

Where are the Golden Mountains of Altai? Photos of the Golden Mountains of Altai

Where are the Golden Mountains of Altai? Photos of the Golden Mountains of Altai

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Unfortunate is he who has not seen the Golden Mountains of Altai. After all, the beauty of this place is truly amazing and unique. And everyone who has been here understands that you will not find a more wonderful place on the planet. It is not for nothing that many Russian and foreign writers described the primordial beauty of the Altai Territory with genuine enthusiasm

The frilled armadillo, or the pink fairy of Argentina

The frilled armadillo, or the pink fairy of Argentina

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

As soon as you look at this animal, you immediately want to stroke it. And then find out what it is. This is a frilled armadillo - a cute little animal that, until recently, was unknown

Why a bee dies after a sting and what are its consequences for humans

Why a bee dies after a sting and what are its consequences for humans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Consider why a bee dies after being stung but a wasp does not. And also what benefits and harms bee venom brings to humans. Features of apitherapy

Night moth - economic importance and harm

Night moth - economic importance and harm

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The moth is often called a moth. Some types of moths hatch larvae that eat furs, woolen clothes and carpets, others destroy agricultural crops, others leave bare branches in gardens, eating all the foliage. The fight against these pests costs a lot of money

Herring Gull: Description, Reproduction and Interesting Facts

Herring Gull: Description, Reproduction and Interesting Facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Herring Gull is considered one of the most numerous and recognizable representatives of the Charadriiformes order. Its habitat is so wide that most ornithologists are confident in the existence of not one, but several closely related species at once

Unique and inimitable nature of Russia

Unique and inimitable nature of Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

This article is aimed at telling in as much detail as possible about the characteristic features of the various territories of our country. The nature of Russia will appear before readers in all its colors, shades and variations

Indian war elephants: description, history and interesting facts

Indian war elephants: description, history and interesting facts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the East for a long time war elephants were one of the military branches. Moreover, such troops were very traditional and went into oblivion only with the advent of the new time

Earth's magnetic pole: is it possible to reverse the poles?

Earth's magnetic pole: is it possible to reverse the poles?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Earth's magnetic poles are a component of the planet's geomagnetic field. Research shows that they gradually change their location. Over time, an inversion can occur when they swap places

Autumn leaves are golden heralds of autumn

Autumn leaves are golden heralds of autumn

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Sung by poets, early autumn is one of the most beautiful and romantic seasons. From the summer green monotony, the trees move to a luxurious color palette, including shades of green, yellow, orange, brown, crimson. Autumn leaves fall to the ground, decorating the paths of squares

Volcanic tuffs: properties, application

Volcanic tuffs: properties, application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

People have long learned to process and use different types of rocks. Volcanic tuffs are one of them. But what is their peculiarity and what properties do they have in general?

Endangered animal species

Endangered animal species

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Endangered Animals: Red and Black Book. How many animals have disappeared from the face of the earth over the past 5 centuries. Which species are on the verge of extinction: Grevy's zebra, Galapagos sea lion, African elephant, chimpanzee, Amur tiger and snow leopard

Dodo bird: the story of extermination

Dodo bird: the story of extermination

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The history of our planet knows many cases when some species of animals disappeared without being studied. And the dodo bird is a great example of this. Immediately make a reservation that such a species in the world did not exist! Dodo is a fairy-tale character that appeared in the book "Alice in Wonderland"

Magnificent and ordinary catalpa - a tree for garden design

Magnificent and ordinary catalpa - a tree for garden design

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Catalpa (tree) blooms in June-July 30-40 days. Its fruits are similar to reddish-brown boxes, having a length of 20-40 centimeters. They ripen in October and hang on the tree all winter. The vegetation of this plant begins in May, in August the growth of shoots ends, and after frosts the leaves fall, and often still green

Rhodonite stones - the talisman of creative people

Rhodonite stones - the talisman of creative people

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The second most important ornamental stone of the Urals is rhodonite, as the first place belongs to the famous malachite. And its name comes from the Greek "rhodes", which means "pink" or "rose"

Living organisms: their properties, levels of organization and classification

Living organisms: their properties, levels of organization and classification

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The science that studies living organisms is called biology. It examines the origin, structure, function, composition and distribution of all forms of life

Onega Bay: location, description, features

Onega Bay: location, description, features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Geographic location of the Onega Bay. Biological features of the reservoir. Islands located in the waters of the Onega Bay. Fishing. Ebb and flow

Where is the Kandalaksha Bay? Description, features, photos

Where is the Kandalaksha Bay? Description, features, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Where is the Kandalaksha Bay? It is located in the north-west of the White Sea, between the southern coast of the Kola Peninsula (Kandalaksha coast) and the coast of Karelia. The length of this water area is 185 km, and the width at the entrance is 67 km. The shores of the bay, formed 10 thousand years ago, after the retreat of the glacier, are heavily indented by small fiords (lips), in the water area there are hundreds of small islands-skerries and numerous underwater rocks

Fish pluck: description, lifestyle, content in the aquarium

Fish pluck: description, lifestyle, content in the aquarium

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The smallest representative of the loach family is the loach fish. Such creatures usually do not grow more than 10 cm in length. And these are only females, males, as a rule, are even smaller. Under the small eyes of these fish on the gill covers, you can distinguish a pair of bipartite spines, which gave rise to the name of these fish, consonant with the word "pinching"

Factor limiting the life of organisms: light, water, temperature

Factor limiting the life of organisms: light, water, temperature

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Surely each of us noticed how plants of the same species develop well in the forest, but feel bad in open spaces. Or, for example, some species of mammals have large populations, while others are more limited under seemingly the same conditions. All living things on Earth in one way or another obey their own laws and rules. Ecology deals with their study. One of the fundamental statements is Liebig's law of the minimum (limiting factor)

Water balance is the most important indicator of an ecosystem

Water balance is the most important indicator of an ecosystem

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Water is one of the most important components of our life. When talking about water, we should not forget about such a thing as water balance

Bat: vampire or not?

Bat: vampire or not?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Scientists have found that bats are one of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet, because they have been living on Earth for almost 50 million years! Representatives of different species may differ in size and color, but any bat looks so characteristic that it is simply impossible to confuse it with another animal

Spider tarantula. exotic beauty

Spider tarantula. exotic beauty

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Since ancient times, people considered tarantulas to be one of the most dangerous and poisonous creatures on Earth. These animals have always been treated with distrust. Until now, the tarantula spider causes fear by its very appearance. But much about him is exaggerated and unfounded. Let's see who tarantulas are and how dangerous they are

Rhone River: description, features, photo

Rhone River: description, features, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Rhone River is one of the most majestic watercourses in Switzerland and France. It is important for industry, agriculture and culture

Impala antelope: characteristics of the animal

Impala antelope: characteristics of the animal

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Impala (lat. Aepyceros Melampus) is an African artiodactyl mammal belonging to the bovid family (Bovidae). Currently, it is ranked among the group of antelopes, although earlier some scientists mistakenly attributed it to the gazelles because of the graceful constitution of the body. The second species name of the impala is the black-fifth antelope. This name is due to the black tufts of wool growing on its hind legs

What is gneiss? metamorphic rocks. Origin, composition, properties and use of gneisses

What is gneiss? metamorphic rocks. Origin, composition, properties and use of gneisses

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Gneiss is a coarse-grained rock of metamorphic origin with a characteristic structure in the form of alternating layers of various minerals. As a result of this arrangement, it has a striped appearance. The term "gneiss" is not associated with a specific mineral composition, since the latter is highly variable and depends on the protolith (precursor). This rock has many varieties

Chukhloma lake: characteristics, features of hydrology, fishing

Chukhloma lake: characteristics, features of hydrology, fishing

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Chukhloma Lake is a large reservoir of glacial origin, located in the taiga zone of the European part of Russia. It occupies 48.7 sq. km of the Kostroma region. This is the second largest lake in the region and is considered a real natural landmark and valuable wetland

The Ponoi River: description, tributaries, natural conditions, photo

The Ponoi River: description, tributaries, natural conditions, photo

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Ponoi is a river in the European part of Russia, flowing through the territory of the Murmansk region. This is the largest water artery of the Kola Peninsula. Its length is 391 or 426 km (depending on the point considered as the source), and the catchment area is 15.5 thousand km², which corresponds to the 66th position in Russia. Within the Murmansk region, the Ponoi River is the fourth largest basin

Cow fish: characteristics, habitats, danger to humans

Cow fish: characteristics, habitats, danger to humans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Cow fish (Uranoscopus scaber) is a benthic representative of the ichthyofauna belonging to the stargazer family (lat. Uranoscopidae). This species has several interesting appearance traits, which are the origin of its names. In addition to international Latin, the fish has 2 Russian names: sea cow and European stargazer

The deepest cave: characteristics, location, description of the expedition

The deepest cave: characteristics, location, description of the expedition

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Until recently, the deepest cave in the world was considered the Krubera cave, which goes down to 2,196 meters. However, in August 2017, it lost this status, giving way to the almost unexplored cave S-115, which was later named after the speleologist Alexander Verevkin. This expedition made a real sensation in the world of researchers, turning a hitherto unremarkable geological object into a world record holder

Sea burbot: characteristics, scientific name and commercial value

Sea burbot: characteristics, scientific name and commercial value

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In fact, in the genus burbot (lat. Lota) there is only one species, and it is found exclusively in fresh water. However, there is a marine fish that looks very similar to this freshwater inhabitant. Its official name is menek (lat. Brosme brosme), but along with this it is also called sea burbot. From a scientific point of view, this is fundamentally wrong, but it is quite common among fishermen

Zusha River: general characteristics, hydrology, use

Zusha River: general characteristics, hydrology, use

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Zusha belongs to the water basin of the Oka and flows through the European part of Russia through the territories of the Tula and Oryol regions. The length of the river is 234 km, and the catchment area is 6950 km². Zusha ends its journey on the border with the Bolkhovsky district, where it flows into the Oka as a right-hand tributary