Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The article describes the main types of aquarium plants. A description of the plants, recommendations for their care and placement in the area of the aquarium are given. Departments considered: mosses, ferns, flowering
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Most bodies of water share some common features. For example, most often you can notice that one coast is gentle, and the second is steeper. You must have noticed this. What is it connected with?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
There are many places on our planet that are of interest not only to researchers and scientists, but also to ordinary travelers. These are high mountains, impenetrable forests, stormy rivers
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Tengiz field in Kazakhstan: where is the history of development. General information about the field and the company involved in the development of the field. How oil is transported. The tragedy of 1985-1986. Results of the past year and development prospects for the current year, 2018
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
An ancient Greek legend says that the olive tree is the creation of the hands of Athena herself, the goddess of wisdom, the patroness of peaceful labor and just wars. She stuck her spear into the ground, and an olive tree immediately grew out of it, and the new city was named Athens
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Odd-hoofed animals are mammals belonging to the placental order. Their distinguishing feature is the hooves, which form an odd number of fingers. The list of equids includes various types of rhinos, tapirs and horses. Representatives of the wild nature are found only in scattered populations due to the reduction of living space and hunting for them
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The answer to the question of why all objects fall down can be found in the elementary law of physics, which was discovered by Newton back in 1687. It explains that due to the force of gravity, all bodies are attracted to the center of the Earth
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
According to some people, the white race is considered superior, and, in accordance with the laws of nature and natural selection, it should destroy all others. Is this correct, or do we all have the same origin?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Height above sea level… This term is probably known to every schoolchild. We often meet him in newspapers, on websites, in popular science magazines, as well as when watching documentaries. Now let's try to give it a more precise definition
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In this publication we will find out why the sky on a cloudy day is gray and what determines the saturation of this color, we will also find out how its color changes throughout the day and year and what affects these processes
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In addition to the smallest, there are also the oldest mountains - the Appalachians from North America. The longest mountain range is the Andes from South America. Asia is famous for the Himalayas - the highest mountains. But the highest free-standing mountain is Kilimanjaro from Africa. The Gamburtsev Mountains are considered the snowiest. They are hidden under a six-hundred-meter layer of snow and ice. But which one is the smallest?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Plantain flea is a low-growing plant from the Plantain family. It is also called a flea. The climate of Russia is not suitable for the natural growth of culture. Feels good in the Poltava and Sumy regions of Ukraine. Prefers to grow on dry slopes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
For thousands of years, people have determined the age of a horse by its teeth. The error of this method is minimal. With age, the animal's teeth almost wear out, and sometimes they completely disappear, become almost invisible
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Crimea is not only the sea coast, mountains and ancient parks with exotic plants. Few people know that about two-thirds of the peninsula is occupied by the steppe. And this part of Crimea is also beautiful, unique and charming in its own way. In this article we will focus on the Steppe Crimea. What is this region? Where are its boundaries? And what is its nature?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Sleep is a natural and indispensable need for all mammals on the planet. However, the truth about dolphin sleep has long been a mystery to researchers. Do dolphins really sleep with one eye open? It was once believed that these animals rest "snaps" between breaths of air or even sleep deprived at all. Both of the latter assumptions turned out to be wrong. Today, scientists already know the true answer to the question of how dolphins sleep
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Everyone knows that the elephant is the largest creature on earth. Who, then, is given second place in the list of animals - giants? It is rightfully occupied by the Indian rhinoceros, which among its relatives is the unsurpassed leader in size. This inhabitant of Asia is called the one-horned rhinoceros or armored rhinoceros
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Mount Achishkho is located in the Western Caucasus, 10 kilometers northwest of Krasnaya Polyana. The mountain is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory. The massif has two peaks, the official names of which are marked on geographical maps: Mount Achishkho and Mount Zelenaya
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Kola Peninsula is a very attractive place for true connoisseurs of catching fish from the noble salmon family: trout, brown trout, grayling, whitefish. But most of all fishermen are attracted by the queen of the Kola waters - salmon. Every year, thousands of anglers come to the Kola River in hopes of a record catch
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The northernmost part of the low but picturesque Ural Mountains in northern Eurasia is called the Polar Urals. The natural area belongs to two regions of Russia at once - the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic. The harsh climate and northern beauty of the landscapes make this place unique. It is along this line that the conditional border between Asia and Europe passes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
In ancient times, human settlements were built along the banks of rivers. Since this provided them with food, clean water and the opportunity to trade with other tribes and communities. Rafting on the river was a way to travel between settlements. Today, there are not many rivers on the planet that have retained their natural beauty and have not been spoiled by civilization. One of them is the left tributary of the Ufa River - Yuryuzan, and rafting along it has become a tourism and recreation industry
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Urals are simply dotted with numerous and beautiful rivers with clear cold water and picturesque rocky shores, and the most interesting rapids and rifts make them extremely attractive for outdoor activities. Mysterious rocks, keeping many traditions and legends, are surrounded by endless taiga. Bones of unseen animals, precious stones, gold, unknown rock paintings have been found here more than once … The waterways of the Urals are mysterious and attractive, we will talk about several of them
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Hevea, or the rubber tree, grows in Indonesia, South America and Malaysia. The plant received such a strange name due to the presence of milky juice, which protrudes from cracks and cuts in the bark
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Everything around is waking up, the trees are dressed in green clothes, and the soul becomes warmer and happier. It is spring
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Why are black truffles so prized by gourmets? Where do these mushrooms grow in their natural environment? Can they be grown artificially? Are there significant taste differences between similar species?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Almost every person at the word "camel" imagines an endless desert and a leisurely caravan. For thousands of years, loaded animals have walked through the uninhabited spaces, connecting different parts of the world. Only the speed of the camel determined the delivery time of the goods. For the majority, the speed capabilities of, at first glance, very clumsy animals will be a discovery
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Such an indicator as the life of a horse plays an important role for the owner of the animal. Individuals valuable in terms of working qualities and origin are created conditions for the maximum possible extension of their life. Moreover, it is not the fact of the existence of an animal that matters, but its ability to bear offspring
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Reckless human activity almost killed one of the curious species of animals - the sea elephant. They got their name not only for their huge size (these animals are larger than rhinos), but also for a kind of nasal growth. Thick and fleshy, it looks like an underdeveloped trunk. It is not used as a hand, like a real land elephant, but “works” as a resonator organ, several times amplifying the sound of a roar
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Nature has an amazing imagination, especially when it comes to the colors of the animal and plant worlds. Confirmation is the amazing coloring of butterflies called the peacock eye. It very accurately reflects the essence of the image on the wings of an insect. A variety of shades and clarity of the pattern suggest that this is a creation of human hands
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
On our planet, these animals appeared more than 15 million years ago. They are not only found in forests. Certain species of hedgehogs can even live in deserts. The famous cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" has been seen by many. Apparently, the main character belongs to the common hedgehog species. It is familiar to the eyes of the inhabitants of Russia. If the authors of the tape drew a hymnal, then most would hardly have guessed that it was a hedgehog
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The huge diversity of the animal world does not stop man from experimenting to create new species. Sometimes animal hybrids are created for a practical purpose, sometimes scientists are driven by curiosity and the desire to get an unusual, unseen individual
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The Imperial Eagle is a bird around which there are many legends: the frightening name leaves its mark. But, unfortunately, it is on the verge of extinction. For information on whether it is possible to prevent the extinction of a unique species of birds, read the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
People have known about the benefits of sea and river algae for a long time. Back in the 18th century, for example, iodine was extracted from fucus seaweed for medicinal purposes, and the Irish added them to food, knowing about the nutrients they contained. Depending on where they live and what kind of aquatic plants, their use varies. Some use them as sources of vitamins, others - to combat excess weight and cellulite
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
One of the most beautiful waterfowl on the planet is the black swan. Unlike their white-winged relatives, more familiar to our eyes, these birds are smaller in size, but they have the longest neck among all representatives of such birds. And you can fully appreciate their beauty if you see a black swan in flight - then you can see the contrasting white flight feathers in its wings, the graceful lines of the body and the gracefulness of movements
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
For many centuries, humanity has been unsuccessfully trying to answer the question of how life originated on Earth. This topic has interested and is still interested in many people, and not only scientists and researchers
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At the moment, about 400 species of sharks are known: from the smallest (15 cm in length) to giants (18 m in length). All of them have their own characteristics, but there are also common features inherent in almost all types
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Dog-fish because of the special structure of the teeth was called pufferfish. Puffer teeth are very strong, fused together, and look like four plates. With their help, she splits the shells of mollusks and crab shells, getting food. A rare case is known when a still living fish, not wanting to be eaten, bit off the cook's finger
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
One of the largest representatives of the Maori wrasse genus is the Napoleon fish. On average, an adult weighs up to 200 kg and reaches a length of two meters. Her life expectancy is no more than 50 years. Thanks to the characteristic growth on the head, which in appearance resembles the French headdress of the emperor, the Napoleon Fish got its name, the photo of which confirms this
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Deer antlers are a distinctive feature that distinguishes these animals from other representatives of the fauna and gives their image beauty and nobility. What is the purpose of these hard outgrowths? Why and when do deer shed their antlers?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Every spring, beautiful and delicate flowers bloom - lilies of the valley. Are they poisonous or not? In fact, lilies of the valley are used not only to decorate flower beds or landscapes, they are actively used in everyday life and traditional medicine
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
The growing season should be distinguished from the growing season. The two are often confused when it comes to farming advice