Brown capuchins: lifestyle in the wild, breeding

Brown capuchins: lifestyle in the wild, breeding
Brown capuchins: lifestyle in the wild, breeding

Brown capuchin - the name is familiar to all lovers of the animal world. Who doesn't know these cute monkeys! They can be distinguished from other varieties of capuchins by two horn-like crests that are located on the head of an adult animal. These primates are one of the largest members of the chain-tailed monkey family.

brown capuchin name
brown capuchin name

Brown capuchin, apella, black-headed capuchin, faun - these are all names of the same animal species. An interesting fact is that the brain of these creatures is about 1.9% of the total weight. In humans, this figure is about 2%, while in chimpanzees it is only 0.9%. Based on this, it can be argued that capuchins are the most intellectually developed monkeys in the world and can compete with large primates with their ability to learn and solve complex problems.

Brown capuchins: habitat

Black-headed monkeys prefer to live in tropical and subtropical forests, but they can also be found in gallery and dry forests. These mobile primates live even in mountainous areas at an altitude of 200-1100 m in northwestern Argentina.

In ourCurrently, brown capuchin species have been registered in the following countries: Bolivia, Colombia, French Guiana, Paraguay, Suriname, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Venezuela.

Description of brown capuchins

The weight of an adult faun is 1.5-5 kg., but there are individuals that reach 6-7 kg. The length of the body is 30-35 cm, the tail is 30-55 cm. Apella is the only capuchin species that is able to curl its long prehensile tail into a ring. Males are much larger than females.

species of brown capuchin
species of brown capuchin

On the head of a faun above the ears grow black long straight hair, forming into two characteristic tufts, because of such a “headdress” this type of monkey is often called crested capuchins. On both sides of the head, one black stripe is noticeable, this visually gives the muzzle a square shape. The face of the monkey is highlighted with a light red tint. The body of the black-headed handsome man is covered with hair, which is colored in dark colors: from dark brown and mustard yellow to black. On the shoulders, the “fur coat” is noticeably lighter. Tail, hands and feet brown or black.


Brown capuchins live in groups of 10 to 30 monkeys. In such a community, males and females are usually equally divided, sometimes there are more “girls” than “boys”. Fauns communicate with each other using sounds, the repertoire of which is very extensive: growls, screams, trills, whistles, chirps, loud croaks, purrs and even gnashing of teeth.

Brown capuchins get along well with their neighbors, thanks to such peacefulness, different groups can calmlyfeed in the border areas of the occupied territories. One community of fauns occupies 30-40 hectares, but it happens that one "state" of Capuchins settles up to 350 hectares, moving to a new place every day. The male, who plays the role of leader in the group, must ensure that outsiders do not invade the occupied territory. To scare away uninvited guests, the head of the family emits loud menacing cries. Thus, he notifies that this is his kingdom, and entry into it is prohibited.

Brown capuchins breeding

Fauns lead a polygamous lifestyle, the female herself decides which male to mate with. Capuchins do not have a specific time for the mating season. Most often, cubs are born during the dry season and at the very beginning of the rainy season. So black-headed primates celebrate their weddings from April to July. The female gives birth to a baby every two years.

When the female is in rut, she starts chasing the dominant male in the group, making calls and seducing him with her postures. The potential "groom", noticing courtship, the "bride" begins to repeat her gestures and at the same time sing, giving out high notes. Mating occurs only once a day, after which the male does not allow other contenders for her love to approach the female for two days. Thanks to his efforts, she gives birth to a cub conceived from the strongest male in the family, because during the time that the female spends under the protection of the leader, she passes the state of estrus.

Capuchin offspring

Capuchin pregnancy lasts 160-180 days. Capuchin cub, just born, allcovered with wool. He is completely helpless during the first month of life, then the grown monkey moves onto the back of the parent. At the age of two months, a young capuchin begins to independently explore the world around him, but does not move far from his mother. When a faun cub turns 3 months old, it becomes more independent, so to speak, because for a whole year the female feeds the little child with her milk, helps to get solid food and protects from enemies as much as possible.

brown capuchins
brown capuchins

The females raise their offspring all together, helping each other to take care of the babies. Males do not take part in this. The period of childhood and youth for capuchins lasts a long time, during which time young people have time to learn everything they need in order to survive in the wild.

Natural Enemies

In the event of an approaching danger, the members of the pack, who first noticed the enemy, whistle piercingly to warn their relatives. Brown capuchins are most afraid of birds of prey such as eagles and hawks.

brown capuchin apella
brown capuchin apella

Also natural enemies of fauns are jaguars, large snakes and other predatory animals. Mutual support in the capuchin group helps them survive in the wild forests. These intelligent primates are not in danger of extinction.
