The biography of Fyokla Tolstoy, or rather Anna Nikitichna Tolstoy, is of interest to many viewers who follow public life in Russia. Fyokla and Feklyandiya are childhood nicknames that were once invented by her father for a famous presenter and journalist. The girl grew up and left one of the nicknames as a pseudonym.
Fyokla Tolstaya: biography
A popular journalist was born on February 27, 1971 in the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow. Her parents are professional and enthusiastic philologists. Fyokla Tolstaya (the photo of the girl is indicated in the article) is the great-great-granddaughter of one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, Leo Tolstoy.

The upbringing of little Anya, as a rule, was done by her grandmother. At the same time, it was homely, since there was no talk of any kindergarten. As a child, Thekla studied at a music school, as well as at a school with in-depth teaching of the English language. At the age of 11, she starred in the film "Simply Horrible", incameo.
At school, the girl studied "excellently", but in her behavior she mostly had triples. Anya had a "ruffy" character and the teachers, comparing her with her sister Martha, always wondered why the younger Tolstaya behaved differently from her older relative.
Television presenter education
After receiving secondary education, a new branch appears in the biography of Fyokla Tolstoy. Anna decides on her life path and decides to enter the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University, majoring in Slavic philology. Having stopped the choice on the future profession under the influence of parents. After graduating from university, the girl continued her studies at graduate school.
Fyokla Nikitichna speaks Polish, Serbian, English, French and Italian. After graduate school, the girl was a teacher for some time at the State Humanitarian University.

At the age of 24, Fyokla entered the directing department of GITIS, which she graduated after 5 years.
Fyokla Tolstaya: biography, personal life and children
The journalist always liked to be in the public eye, communicating for a long time with interesting people. However, there is very little information about how life develops for Fyokla Nikitichnaya herself. This happens due to the fact that the TV presenter is trying once again not to talk about her personal life.
The media knows little about the biography, personal life and children of Fyokla Tolstoy. There are also practically no photos related to the behind-the-scenes life of the journalist. It is known that she was not officially married and has no children. The only thing, once a well-known presenter, said that she had a serious relationship with a man named Vasily. But his last name and what he does remain a mystery.
A little later, journalists managed to find out that Fyokla Tolstoy at one time had a relationship with a man named Vasily, but at that time he was officially married to another woman with whom he had children in common. Now there are rumors that the journalist allegedly has another man who shares her views and is ready to substitute his strong shoulder in difficult times.

Reality or fiction
The TV presenter herself allegedly gave birth to a girl, Vera, a couple of years ago, but no official confirmation has been received. Fyokla Nikitichna definitely knows what they write about her in the media, but she always tactfully avoids answering questions that relate to her personal life and biography. Fyokla Tolstaya sometimes even frankly laughs at the information that appears on the pages of fashionable glossy publications. So recently, for example, she was credited with an affair with politician A. Chubais, who after a while married the host Avdotya Smirnova.
TV presenter career
When Fyokla was studying at GITIS, she began to try herself on television. Initially, as a director, after which she was a host on the Culture channel. She also received phone calls in the TV show "Night Flight". Already at that time, viewers remembered andshowed sympathy for the young heiress of Leo Tolstoy. Thekla was charming, witty, natural, both in behavior and appearance.

After some time, the TV presenter was invited to the NTV channel, where she began to host a program called "All at once" with Peter Fadeev. Working on this project, the young journalist gained a huge experience, which gave her the opportunity to develop both professionally and creatively.
According to Fyokla Nikitichna herself, she received an invaluable professional contribution by collaborating with the Rossiya TV channel. Due to the fact that Tolstaya was the host of the famous TV shows "Become a Star" and "People's Artist", the girl was able to reach a new level of independence and self-organization.
The journalistic activity of Fyokla Nikitichna was not limited to television, the talented girl always tried to combine the role of a TV presenter with writing articles. She has also taken and is taking interviews with famous citizens of Russia, and is a special correspondent for a publication called Gazeta.
Radio work
At one time, a well-known journalist worked at such radio stations as Ekho Moskvy and Mayak. For 4 years, from 2010 to 2014, Fyokla, together with the Russian journalist M. Kozyrev, hosted the Mishanina program on the Silver Rain radio station. Since 2014, on the same radio wave, Tolstaya, together with Kozyrev, has been busy on a radio project called “Fathers and Sons.”

Achievements of Fyokla Tolstoy
Over time, Tolstaya has established herself as a professional, since she no longer needed various blanks for the air. She began to have a lightning-fast reaction and a personal look at most things. It is for this reason that when the question arose of who would become the TV presenter for the talk show "Big Lunch", the leadership of Channel One unconditionally opted for the candidacy of Fyokla Nikitichnaya. A charming girl, along with an interesting co-host, represented a married couple and discussed “eternal topics” and current problems on the air.
After that, the journalist received an offer to prove herself in another interesting TV project of the First Channel. In a TV show called "Great Dynasties", which was a series of documentary films, it was necessary to talk about great Russian surnames.
In addition to this work, the biography of Fyokla Tolstoy mentions such activities as the curator of Internet reading projects. This activity is based on the fact that a huge number of readers, including popular actors, directors and ordinary citizens, reread the works of art by famous Russian classics.

Thus, in 2015, the readings “Chekhov is alive” were held, at which, for 24 hours, about a hundred artists, as well as Russian citizens of various professions, reread the stories of A. Chekhov. Fyokla Nikitichna was one of the main organizers of the event, as well as a producer.
Projects of Fyokla Tolstoy
In any work, forwhich is taken by a talented presenter, intelligence, intelligence and a sense of tact can be traced. It is these character traits of a journalist that make her the most in demand on television in the Russian Federation. The TV presenter gained fame thanks to an educated public. As a rule, Fyokla Nikitichna does not cooperate with entertainment TV channels. Because all her projects are subtle, wise and interesting works. Most often, our famous heroine can be seen on the Kultura TV channel.
Now you know where you were born, studied and what Fekla Tolstaya is fond of. The biography, personal life of the TV presenter were reviewed in detail by us.