Margherita Ronchi is an almond-eyed brunette who always smiles a wide, sincere smile when looking into the camera lens on the red carpet. And under the arm Margarita holds Matthew Fox, the famous American actor. True, today our gaze is directed precisely at this charming woman.
Young years
Margherita Ronchi went to Italy when she was very young, where she grew up and was brought up. The whole family of the girl was quite ambitious, which could not but affect Margot herself.
A young woman went to study as a designer in one of the best schools in Italy, in the city on the water, Venice. Her teachers were the most famous designers in the world of Italian fashion, professionals.
Modeling career
The girl's mother was the owner of a modeling agency, which helped Margarita start her modeling career. And we can say that in the work the girl successfully realized herself. However, she soon moved to the United States of America, where she intended to make a dizzying career as a world podium star. But Margot's dreams were not destined to come true, and the reason for thisthere was love, but not for a simple guy from the Bronx, but for a young aspiring actor Matthew Fox. And since then, Matthew Fox and Margarita Ronchi have not parted.

Celebrity Husband
Matthew himself, or Chandler (this is his middle name) walked the thorny path to fame. His childhood and youth were spent on a farm where the family grew raw materials for Coors brand beer, and also raised horses and cattle.
The future actor studied economics and was actively involved in sports. And his life might have been completely normal if his girlfriend's mom hadn't advised him to audition for a commercial.
And Matthew found his calling. He dropped out of university and enrolled at the New York Film and TV School. However, 2 years later, the guy left for Los Angeles, where he combined training and modeling work. And once luck brought him an episodic role in the TV series "Wings".
Soon he was offered another role in the film "My Boyfriend Is Risen". And after that there were the films "The Five of Us" and "Ghost Talker".
But then the growth of his career was interrupted, for some time he was forgotten by all directors, until one day he got to the casting in the cult series "Lost", where he played the role of Dr. Sheppard.

The directors were thinking about "killing" Jack in the first season, but his brilliant performance made them change their minds. And Jack Sheppard held the lead inseries until its end.
Matthew had a whole army of admirers and fans, his face flashed on the pages of famous publications. He is actively acting in films, although he has not yet received a role that could surpass Jack.
However, the actor never walked the path of fame alone. Together with him, his legal wife Margot went all his way.
Family Life
Matthew Fox and Margarita Ronchi met when he was a student at Columbia University. Matthew got a job as a waiter in a bar, where he met her. Although many Internet resources write other information, allegedly Mat worked as a flower courier, but Western media write that he was a bartender. Then Margarita worked as a model, she spoke very little English. But this did not prevent her from taking the initiative and getting to know the tall handsome man. Since then, the couple has been inseparable. After several years of romantic relationship, they got married.
Margarita Ronchi has always supported her husband. Even in the most difficult times of lack of money and oblivion, the wife surrounded her husband with care, attention and faith in his famous and successful future.

As a smart woman, she often gave him wise advice, which he always listened to. So, with her help, he got to audition for the series "Ghost Talker" in Sydney. And although the series was soon closed, he helped the actor to light up in the right circles.
And also it was Margarita who advised her husband to make a call to Jay Abrams, producer of Lost series. And this onethe act led him to the pinnacle of fame, and the family to prosperity and … life in Hawaii, where the shooting took place.
After spending 6 years in an exotic environment, the family has acquired their own nest in Oregon. Now they enjoy life among picturesque lakes and mountains. And the actor decided to no longer tie himself up with contracts for such a long time.
Matthew and Margarita have been happy spouses and parents for many years. Their marriage is over 25 years old. And they continue to enjoy each other, giving no reason to doubt their sincerity in the relationship.
Children of Margarita
The couple had two wonderful children: girl Kyle Allison and boy Byron, who is 3 years younger than his sister. By the way, the first birth of Margarita was very difficult. Matthew remembers how long and difficult the waiting hours at the hospital were. Moreover, all the 36 hours, while his wife was tormented in labor, he was warned more than once that he might have to make a choice between the life of his wife and child. But everything worked out, and the beautiful daughter Kyle was born in the actor's family.
Three years later, in 2001, Margarita gives birth to a son. At this time, Matthew was auditioning in Sydney, he was very afraid that there would be problems again, but the birth was easy, and he became a father for the second time. This time the wonderful boy Byron. Matthew himself often likes to say that he is very proud of his children and wife, he tries to pay as much attention to his family as possible.
The actor loves sports, especially the Arsenal football club and the Philadelphia Eagles of American football. Teaches children to sports by being actively engagedswimming, horseback riding and other sports activities.

Scandals and gossip
In fact, Margherita Ronchi (see photo above) is not a public person at all. Information about it is difficult to find on the Internet. There are no her accounts on any social networks where one could learn something about her. Even the age of Margherita Ronchi was given out by her doctors, according to whom she is 50 years old.
Most often her name is mentioned in connection with her husband. They can be especially seen in the photo under the headings "Famous husbands and their ugly wives".
Several times the Western yellow press published news about the death or betrayal of Matthew, but the rumors were not confirmed in any way.

Another "duck" of the media was the news that the couple was expecting a third baby, but they were not confirmed in any way.
Margherita Ronchi herself loves to meet guests in her big house, she treats them with Italian delicacies. And Matthew often says that his wife is a priceless treasure, and he is the happiest husband in the world.