He became known to the general population after his very first appearance on TV screens in the program “Hour of Judgment”. And since a magnificent figure and a pretty face with a charming smile were attached to a sharp mind and education, most of the viewers sat at the screens almost without breathing, afraid to miss even a word from what he said. The biography of Pavel Astakhov (and it is he who is the hero of the article) raises only one question: when does he manage to do everything? After all, he chairs the Bar Association, and broadcasts, and protects the rights of children. And this is in addition to the fact that he is still an acting serious lawyer and lawyer. But that's why he and Pavel Astakhov, whose family always supports his every step.
Childhood and the family tree
Little Pasha Astakhov saw this big world on the eighth day of September 1966. On his father's side, his great-grandfatherwas a Cossack chieftain, on my mother's side my grandfather was a stern Chekist who was familiar with Vyacheslav Menzhinsky (one of the first leaders of state security). The mother of the future host of the Hour of Judgment program worked as a teacher, and her father was an official in the printing industry.

He spent his childhood in Zelenograd (Moscow region). As a junior schoolboy, Pavel went to the cutting and sewing circle, and in the senior classes - to the section of martial arts and classical wrestling. In his interviews, which were many years later, Astakhov Pavel Alekseevich recalled how he and his father built a wooden house together. The future lawyer was then fifteen years old.
He studied right there, at Zelenograd school No. 609. After receiving a certificate, the young man worked for a while at the Ostankino television center.
From the army to the KGB
From 1984 to 1986, the biography of Pavel Astakhov was replenished with another episode: he served in the army, in the border troops on the Soviet-Finnish border. These troops in those years were under the jurisdiction of the KGB of the Soviet Union. During the service, Pavel was a Komsomol activist.
After demobilization, he makes an important decision for himself - to enter the Higher School of the KGB. On the pages of some periodicals that published his biography and articles about his activities, there appeared information that Astakhov studied at the faculty of counterintelligence. It was there that he majored in law.
The official biography of Pavel Astakhov says that he is a graduate of the Faculty of Law (he was also the Faculty of Foreignintelligence). He received his KGB High School Diploma in 1991.
From Janitor to Legal Counsel
As a senior student, the future host of the "Hour of Judgment" diligently earned extra money. He was a night watchman in a laundry, a bouncer and cashier in a video store, a janitor, a construction worker. At the same time, the young man was a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, moreover, he remained in its team until the party was banned in the difficult year 1991.

In the same year, on August 19, Pavel Alekseevich wrote a letter of resignation from the KGB (he was in the rank of lieutenant). The application is satisfied with the wording: “transferred to the national economy.”
Now he is a legal adviser in the Yaroslavl airline. A little later, Astakhov rises through the ranks to the head of the legal department. In one of the interviews, Pavel Alekseevich himself said that in the early 1990s he worked in Spain.
Name of Russian lawyer
Since 1994, Pavel Astakhov has been one of the team of the Moscow Bar Association. In his application for a job, he wrote that he wanted to be a member of the bar, because he wanted to fight for justice, he wanted to carry the name of a Russian lawyer very highly.
At the same time, he creates the Pavel Astakhov Lawyers' Group. He proved himself so well in the legal field that in the mid-nineties he was invited to work in the United States by the famous California lawyer Graham Taylor, but Pavel Alekseevich politely refused.
Working affairs
Astakhov had a chance to protect Valentina Solovyov, who led the financial pyramid of the "Lord". It was one of his very first legal cases. She was convicted, but then, thanks to her lawyer, she received a parole.

In the period from the late nineties to the beginning of the 2000s, Pavel Astakhov's biography is replenished with another interesting fact: he actively participates in the discussions of several bills. These include laws on limiting the amount of exported currency in cash bills of 500 dollars and on state control over the expenses of citizens of the country. In addition, Astakhov was the initiator of many public actions, one of which is the public destruction of pirated discs, on which a complete database of government agencies was recorded.
Lebedev against Vedomosti
In those years, lawsuits for the protection of honor and dignity became more frequent. And Pavel Astakhov (lawyer) took them up quite often. For example, in the late nineties, he was the representative of Artemy Lebedev, a famous designer who opposed the Vedomosti newspaper. The printed edition claimed the fact of Lebedev's uncleanliness, who allegedly began his business career with an ordinary forgery. Astakhov won the process, and the newspapers admitted that they were wrong.
In parallel with this case, Pavel Alekseevich helped the archive of Ivan Shmelev, the writer, return to his homeland.
This difficult 1999
At the beginning of that year, Pavel Astakhov, the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the near future, was subjected toattack. But the man managed to escape from the criminals. Later, he stated that he was wary not so much of the authorities from the criminal stratum of society, because they are the most grateful clients of lawyers, but of the arbitrariness reigning in law enforcement agencies.

In the same year, Pavel Astakhov began to take up pen and ink. The books he wrote are of interest not only to lawyers, but to a wide range of readers who do not have a legal education. And the very first literary work from the famous lawyer was "Spelling Truths, or Justice for All." The author described this book as “lawyer stories.”
The following year, 2000, Pavel Alekseevich becomes a lawyer for a citizen of the United States, Edmond Pope. He collected technical materials on the Shkval submarine missile (made in Russia). The speech of the defender Astakhov spoke in verse, but the case was lost. The spy was sentenced to two decades. True, he was later pardoned at the special request of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
After all these events, a Hollywood company asked permission from a lawyer to start shooting a film about his life. But Astakhov did not give his consent.
Gusinsky, Dorenko and others…
May 2000. Search in the Media-Most company of Vladimir Gusinsky. Law enforcement officers managed to detain journalists who tried to film everything that was happening on a video camera.
It was Pavel Astakhov who helped them free themselves. The consequence of these events wasa job offer received from NTV CEO Igor Malashenko and Gusinsky. Pavel Alekseevich worked as a lawyer for the company and Gusinsky himself until 2001, creating a strong tandem with Henry Reznik.
The following year, he defends Sergei Dorenko: a case was opened that a journalist riding a motorcycle collided with a pedestrian. The investigation dragged on, and Astakhov refused to conduct it.
The next year, the lawyer managed to defend two dissertations at once: a master's and a candidate's. And four years later, he becomes a doctor of law after defending another dissertation.
Colleague Mikhail Barshchevsky invited him to work at his law office Barshchevsky and Partners.
Two years in a row (2002 and 2003) Astakhov represents the Moscow authorities in the process of hearings on whether the election of the capital's vice-mayor Valery Shantsev is legal. It was a very difficult matter, but the result was the recognition of the election as illegal. In the same period, in 2003, the Astakhov Lawyers' Group was renamed the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association.
Screen face
Starting from the late nineties, Pavel Alekseevich Astakhov quite often appeared in the press with consultations on legal topics, led columns on legal issues in several publications. Also, his useful advice was used in some TV programs: "The Court is Coming", "Trial", "The Case is Heard" and others.
A little later, in the middle of the 2000s, an already well-known lawyer becomes a TV presenter. Since the beginning of 2004, he hosted the TV program "Hour of Judgment", which instantlywon the appreciation of the audience. Based on this broadcast, a few years later, he publishes a series of books with legal advice.

Astakhov was the host of the program "Receptions of defense" on radio "City-FM". Since 2008, he has hosted the Three Corners with Pavel Astakhov show on REN-TV.
Despite the fact that he is now a very famous person to a huge number of people (as a presenter), Astakhov does not stop his law practice. In the fall of 2003, he defended the former Colonel Budanov, who was accused of killing a Chechen girl. The sentence was not overturned, but in the winter of 2007 his client's sentence was mitigated by transferring him to a colony-settlement.
In 2009, Pavel Alekseevich was the representative of the interests of the entrepreneur Telman Ismailov. This happened after the start of an investigation into the case of some violations at the Cherkizovsky market, owned by a merchant.
Astakhov and children's problems
On the penultimate day of December 2009, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev appoints Pavel Alekseevich Commissioner for Children's Rights. The consequence of this was the termination of Astakhov's powers as a member of the Public Chamber. In addition, he had to stop his practice as a lawyer.
One of the first big and serious cases that he had to solve was the investigation into the causes of the tragedy at boarding school No. 2 in the city of Izhevsk. There lived orphans and children who were left without parental care. Within the walls of this boarding school in early 2010, severalpupils opened their veins. It was a protest against the cruel actions of the leadership of the educational institution.

Astakhov's assistants determined that the state of affairs in the boarding school is extremely unsatisfactory. And in the spring he himself became convinced that, despite the assurances of the Udmurt commission, the situation had not been corrected.
Last summer, Astakhov announced figures showing that over the past five years in Russia, the number of children left without parental care has decreased by 40 percent. And there were 30 percent fewer orphanages.
Each citizen who needs his help can write to Astakhov. And a lawyer will definitely help.
Attorney's Family Haven
Pavel Alekseevich Astakhov got married back in 1987. Pavel Astakhov's wife Svetlana is the owner of three educations: she is a mathematician, a professional psychologist and a PR specialist. At one time she was the head of public relations of the Astakhov Collegium and was even the producer of the Three Corners program.

The couple became parents three times. The eldest son Anton was born in 1988, the second - Artem - in 1992, and the youngest Arseniy - in 2009. The two older boys are now working with their father.