The mating posture of bears affects the effectiveness of sexual intercourse. The choice of clubfoot is not that very great, but still there are options, and scientists were surprised to note this phenomenon. Bears also make love for pleasure, even disregarding gender identity in limited settings. On the other hand, mothers refuse sex until their children are released into independent life, and then they themselves initiate it.

Traditional bear sex
Puberty in clubfoot occurs at 3-3, 5 years of age. Reproduction then occurs every 3-4 years. In nature, bears have few enemies, but still some animals are able to attack babies. Cases of cannibalism are quite frequent - weak young cubs can be destroyed by older relatives. Infrequent incidents of killing of cubs by a male have been noted in order to be able to mate with the mother in the absence of other females.
Bears are seasonally monogamous, although sometimesa clubfoot can mate with several females. Bears also happen to try to get along with more than one male. Often the same pairs meet for breeding periodically, once every few years.

The initiator of the meeting is usually the female, reacting to the marks of the male. The bear leaves various signs about its existence and expressively characterizing it - urine, broken trees, traces of claws, feces, parts of wool after felting - all these markers report a physiological state.
A she-bear comes along the marks to the male's rookery. Often, not daring to approach immediately, it repeatedly turns around and runs away. She may be overtaken by the male, or he will wait for her to appear again.
When a couple finally gets together, they sniff each other, play, frolic - sometimes for several days before intercourse. The struggle can even be aggressive - with tearing out shreds of wool and skin. The she-bear suffers more.
Animals of the non-polar zone spend more time together during such a period than their white relatives - often about two weeks, but the duration of the rut for one pair can increase up to a month.
The bears move all this time together, the female is ahead. Sometimes she turns around and both stand on their hind legs, opening their mouths, but not baring their teeth.
During the rut, bears are very careful and rarely come across to people. The mating season for different species, and even within one inhabiting different geographical zones, varies greatly in time.onset and duration.
At the end of the rut, the couple disperses, and the she-bear takes care of future offspring.

The way polar bears do it
Polar bear mating occurs from early spring to early summer. Males travel great distances to find a female bear that is childless at the moment. Several applicants may roam around one female.
After a couple is identified, she spends time together - playing and resting, staying close for 3-5 days for mating, and then disperses.

A she-bear prepares a den in the snow at the end of autumn to hibernate for a long time, which often significantly delays pregnancy, as well as implanting fertilized cells that do not immediately implant. Gestation can be up to 7-9 months. In the same den, blind babies are born, but already covered with warm thick fur, most often there are two of them.
Bearish Kamasutra
The standard mating position of bears is not much different from many other animals - the male jumps from behind on the female standing on four legs.
However, there is also a lazy version of the position - the bear sits down or lies on her stomach.
Scientists have long traced the dependence of the fertility of bears, like most mammals, on the favorable conditions, the availability of food in the range and the frequency of mating. However, position as a performance factor has caught their attention only recently.

In a small zoo in the district center of the Rostov region - the city of Belaya Kalitva, Caucasian bears became famous for their frequent and stable prolific offspring - triplets. Even in the usual good conditions of captivity, lots of free time and limited space, such performance turned out to be amazing.
Installed cameras recorded the relationship between the "lying" position and subsequent pregnancy, culminating in the birth of three cubs. It was the mating of bears in this position that preceded successful conception with the birth of triplets.
In general, bears have sex for a long time and with pleasure. Mating can take up to an hour or more. Bears are among those mammals that do this not only for the sake of reproduction. This mainly applies to males.
Bears have been repeatedly seen performing oral sex. More often this happens in conditions of limited partners in captivity - even same-sex relationships develop here. Two brown males became famous in the Croatian Zoo - in six years of living together, oral sex took place 28 times, and the initiator was always the bear that gave pleasure to another. Sexual intercourse each time ended with an orgasm of the latter.
Female bears have a clitoris, but zoologists have not yet been able to determine if they reach the peak of pleasure or just follow the call of the reproductive instinct during periods of estrus.