Oktyabrsky is one of the cities of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is located in the west of this administrative region. The distance to Ufa is 180 km, and to Moscow - 1245 km. The area of the city is 100 km2. This settlement is located on the right bank of the Ik River. The time zone corresponds to MSK+2 (the time zone of Yekaterinburg). The population is 113,929 people. The city is considered one of the most prosperous in the country.

Oktyabrsky is located near the M5 Ural federal highway.
October Climate
The climate is moderately cold, temperate continental. The average temperature in January is -11.2 degrees, and in July - +20.9 degrees. Summer doesn't last long. The average annual temperature is +4, 3 °С. The annual amount of precipitation is moderate - 590 mm.
October is a city with a developed industry. There are significantstocks of building stones, sands and building materials. Mechanical engineering is of the greatest importance for the economy. In second place is the fuel industry. The city also produces all kinds of products: shoes, equipment, porcelain, appliances, building materials and structures, etc.
Rail transport is represented by a railway station located 15 km from the city. It is called Urussu, from there you can get to Ufa, Abdulino, Almetevsky. There is also a bus station that serves flights to various major cities in the region. There are buses and minibuses in the city itself.
In addition to schools, Oktyabrsky has a large number of colleges, technical schools, 3 vocational schools, and 2 palaces for youth creativity. Sports in the city are mainly represented by football, boxing, skiing and sambo.
In 2017, the population of Oktyabrsky was almost 114 thousand people. This puts it in 146th place among the cities of the Russian Federation. The intensive growth of the population of Oktyabrsky continued until the mid-80s of the XX century, after which it slowed down, but did not stop. From 1987 to 2017 the number of inhabitants increased from 106 to 114 thousand people. Slow growth continued even into the 1990s.

Ethnic composition of inhabitants
The development of the oil industry influenced the ethnic composition of the Oktyabrsky. The share of Russians is small - only 41% of the population, while usually it is not less than 90%. Slightly lower numbersTatars - 38%. In third place are the Bashkirs - 13.3%. On the fourth - Chuvash - 1.8%, and on the fifth - Ukrainians (1.3%).
Vacancies of the Oktyabrsky Employment Center
As of mid-2018, the city is looking for workers in a variety of speci alties. There are quite a few vacancies. First of all, these are various engineering works. Salaries here average 20-30 thousand rubles. For other types of work, salaries are 11-20 thousand rubles, most often not more than 15 thousand rubles. Thus, we can conclude that technical speci alties in Oktyabrsky are paid higher than others.

Social protection of the population of Oktyabrsky district
For the purpose of social protection of the population, the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population is working. It is located at: Rep. Bashkortostan, Ufa, st. Zorge, 33. The department operates on the basis of the budget of Bashkortostan.

Sights of Oktyabrsky
There are no significant sights in Oktyabrsky. However, those who ended up there, for one reason or another, should visit the following 2 objects:
- Local History Museum. This cultural institution appeared in 1985. The museum consists of six halls, where guided tours are held every day.
- Monument of labor glory. This is an object of state importance, which is under protection. It is located on the Narysh-Tau mountain and is dedicated to the oil industry.
So October is relativelya small Volga city with a developed industry and a low level of agricultural development. The industrial sector is well diversified, which is conducive to economic stability. This is one of the few cities in Russia where the population grew even in the 90s. And, although there are no special tourist attractions, the city is well suited for ordinary everyday life.
Various technical speci alties are best paid. As for the rest, the salaries are relatively low. And this is not surprising, because Oktyabrsky developed precisely as an industrial center. The transport system is also poorly developed. The ecological state also wants to be better.