Yevgeny Stepanov (years of life: 1911-1996) - the famous Soviet fighter pilot, who was the first to carry out a night ram in the air. This event took place in October 1937 in the turbulent Spanish sky. Little was known to the general public about this feat due to the non-disclosure of the participation of the Soviet military in the Spanish war.

For a long time it was believed that the first night ramming took place in August 1941: Soviet pilot Viktor Talalikhin disabled an enemy He-111 bomber near Moscow.
Evgeny Stepanov's night ram
On October 28, 1937, carrying combat duty over Barcelona on his I-15, at an altitude of 2000 meters Stepanov Evgeny Nikolaevich discovered an enemy bomber. When trying to get close, he was met by enemy fire. Stepanov managed to set fire to the wings of the enemy aircraft with machine-gun bursts, but this did not stop the enemy. Since there was no time left to reload the gun, Stepanov decided to go for a ram. In order to save the aircraft engine and propeller, the blow that fell on the tail of the car was caused by the wheels. Sliding and not very strong, howeverless than he achieved his goal: an unguided bomber, together with the crew, crashed into the sea. Evgeny Stepanov, convinced of the possibility of further being in the air, continued patrolling and soon came across another enemy vehicle, which, by shelling, forced him to turn towards the open sea, where he finally finished off. After a successful operation, the Soviet pilot returned to the Sabadell airfield, where he carefully landed the damaged I-15. In total, Evgeny Stepanov, who bore the call sign Eugenio, conducted 16 air battles and shot down 10 enemy aircraft.
Assault on the Garapenillos airfield
Before the famous night ramming, the assault on the airfield in the town of Garapenillos (near Zaragoza), which took place on October 15, 1937, became significant in terms of design and methods of implementation. According to the captured Italian pilot, it became known about the concentration of about eight dozen Italian bombers and fighters at the airfield of the aforementioned town. The information was confirmed by intelligence information. Previous attempts to bomb a large squadron were unsuccessful, because the airfield was under good cover.

It was decided to suddenly attack the enemy with the forces of the Republican Air Force fighters. The main task of destroying the airfield was assigned to 2 Chatos squadrons (of the six participating), the commander of which was Anatoly Serov, and the deputy pilot Stepanov. As a result of a successful operation, 11 enemy aircraft were destroyed,over 20 damaged. Enemy ammunition and fuel depots were also heavily damaged.
Fight in the Spanish winter sky
On January 17, 1938, Stepanov's last battle took place in the skies of Spain. The commander sent the squadron towards the Universales mountain range in order to intercept the Junkers and the numerous Fiats accompanying them. The battle took place over the city of Ojos Negros, and the number of the enemy heading to bombard the Republican troops was almost three times the number of Soviet pilots.

Evgeny Nikolaevich managed to successfully attack and shoot down the Fiat. Then Stepanov began to pursue the second fighter, went into its tail and tried to fire, but the cartridges ran out. The Soviet pilot decided to ram. And at that moment, his car was covered with merciless fire from enemy anti-aircraft artillery. The fragments damaged the engine, interrupted the control cables. The device ceased to obey the navigator and abruptly went towards the ground. Stepanov managed to jump out and open the parachute.
During the landing, the fearless pilot was severely injured on the rocks and lost consciousness. He was captured by the Moroccans, kept in solitary confinement, beaten, interrogated, abused and tortured. The pilot was starved, taken out to be shot three times.
Thanks to the assistance of the International Red Cross, six months later Evgeny Stepanov was exchanged for a German pilot. Returning to his homeland, he received the rank of captain and was appointed to the Leningrad militarydistrict piloting instructor.
Biographical note: Stepanov Evgeny Nikolaevich
Moscow is the city where the fearless pilot was born on May 22, 1911. Behind him were 7 classes of education and the railway school of the FZU. Then there was work in a blacksmith's workshop, classes in a factory radio club, study at the capital's pilot school and hours of flight practice. In 1932, he entered the Borisoglebsk pilot school, after which he was assigned to serve on a bomber, and later on a fighter. As a senior pilot, he served in the 12th Aviation Squadron.
Merit of a fearless pilot
After participating in the events in 1939 in the area of the Khalkhin Gol River as a squadron commander, he took part in battles with the Japanese, flew I-16 and I-153. He carried out the task of transferring combat experience to pilots who had not yet encountered the enemy in the sky: he introduced them to the surrounding area, carried out training flights. In total, in Mongolia, Captain Stepanov carried out more than a hundred sorties, conducted 5 air battles, shot down 4 enemy aircraft.

For the courage and courage shown in military operations in 1939, Evgeny Stepanov was awarded the Mongolian Order "For Military Valor", the Gold Star medal and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Further, the life path of an experienced pilot continued with participation in the Soviet-Finnish war. During the Great Patriotic War, a Soviet pilot instructed piloting techniques at the Moscowmilitary district. With the onset of peacetime, he retired to the reserve, but closely maintained contact with aviation, working as a deputy. Head of the Central Aeroclub named after Chkalova.
He dedicated his life to aviation
Like many pilots of the Soviet Union, Stepanov devoted most of his life to aviation, working to strengthen its prestige and power. He led delegations at international competitions held in different cities of the world.

It was Yevgeny Stepanov who was the first to sign the act confirming the grandiose event - the first conquest of space by Yuri Gagarin.
He worked as vice-president of the International Aviation Federation, in the 70s he headed a flight test station at the Moscow Helicopter Plant, was a researcher at the Central House of Cosmonautics and Aviation.

Stepanov Yevgeny Nikolaevich passed away on September 4, 1996. The ashes of the famous pilot, who conquered the skies for the benefit of the peaceful life of the inhabitants of his country, rest at the Troekurovsky cemetery.