Anna Kulik is a modern young and very talented author. She writes poetry and prose, which are distinguished by unusual tenderness and lyricism. And he always speaks sincerely. Her statements have a deep meaning: "Everyone has their own indicator of truth, the index of patience, the degree of" everything went to hell."
And it's all about love
The touchingness of lyrical works is of particular admiration to the reader. Poems, aphorisms, statements by Anna Kulik are well known and popular on the Internet, in poetic literary circles.
"The brain is on vacation. The heart is in quarantine. And the soul travels and looks at the world. Through your eyes."
"When we feel bad, and it seems that the whole world is against it, we want one and only person to be nearby … It is he who will forever have a special place in our hearts."

Biography of Anna Kulik
She was born in 1989 in Kolomna. Received a degree in psychology. Anya began to dream about this profession early. And she began to write poetry, as a child, from 5years. These were children's experiments with rhymes: counting rhymes, holiday greetings, quatrains about school life. And already at the age of 10 she wrote the first poem dedicated to her native city.
Anna as a child tried to realize herself as a creative person. She studied guitar and went to art school. Thanks to this, the girl developed a great aesthetic taste, a sense of rhythm and harmony. Music, unfortunately, did not work out. Artistic art also had to be left aside. Anya solved many questions for herself in the process of finding her destiny. But poetry took precedence over other hobbies. Thanks to her talent, the young poetess quickly gained readers and fans. Now her poems are read by tens of thousands of people.
In 2010, the magazine "Illumination Country" began to publish the works of a talented poetess.

Anna Kulik: creativity
Anna herself admits in one interview that from childhood, poetic lines were born in her head by themselves, naturally. This could happen at any time: during a walk, in class at school and in other cases. She wrote down lines, then works were born from them. She could not help it, her hand reached out to the sheet of paper. This is what happens with talented people, as if creative insights descend on them from above.
Anna is beautiful, her photos involuntarily attract the eye. The image of the poetess is always very tender. The eyes are open and shining, there is a certain alluring light in them that I like so much.people.
Personal growth
Anna Kulik has many favorite poets. She grew up as a creative person on the works of Pasternak, Yesenin, Akhmatova and other famous personalities. Now the author likes his contemporaries: Polozkova, Arkhipova, Egorov. And this is not the whole list. The young poetess is a passionate nature. She easily absorbs the lyrics of her favorite poets, which is reflected in her poems. You can find some creative parallels. This speaks of the author's ability to be a flexible, plastic, congruent creative person.
Education as a psychologist helps Anna a lot in writing lyrical poems. Which is not surprising, because it is so important to be able to understand the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships of people, their shades and specifics.
It can be said that Anna Kulik's creative credo is to see and appreciate people, their feelings and deeply feel yourself, be grateful and give your love to the world.
Avalanche of tenderness
Anna Kulik's lyrics are special. Many readers, who previously preferred to bypass the love theme, cannot tear themselves away from it. In her poems, the author is so penetrating, so romantic that it resonates in many hearts. Who among us has not had a first love? Who hasn't experienced a breakup, betrayal, or loss? Such close, painful topics. Everyone who is sick finds in the lyrics of Anna Kulik such an avalanche of tenderness and passion that they receive a healing balm from the lips of a young poetess.

Being a good psychologist, the author sincerely believes that it is necessary to talk about whatfeel. Otherwise, how can people understand you? After all, many are embarrassed to talk about it. People have a certain ban on the manifestation of emotions, and this is wrong. Love can and should be denounced in words so that this state of mind illuminates the world with its most powerful energy.
The ability to love and be loved is always inherent in the poet. Any age, any time.
Images of literary characters
Anna Kulik writes and creates her characters. In no case should you think that all her works tell about herself. Only a few. The poetess draws inspiration from watching the stories and fates of friends, acquaintances, strangers. In poetry there is a past, a present and there are dreams about the future. Anna creates some collective images of her literary heroes. But, of course, he puts a piece of his soul into any of them. A sad, lyrical motive sounds in the works - the motive of love, hope and faith.
Love lyrics
"Your time in my life is over. Give your pass and go out!".
"If he calls." The poem is written with such poignant hope that the heart shrinks when read. It encodes the universal female all-consuming love and sacrifice, and they are brought to the absolute. Or to the point of absurdity. Although, as you know, love passion is akin to madness (in a good sense of the word). The heroine is ready to run after the object of her love wherever he calls her. The rhythm of the verse rings sharply, slightly intermittent, as if the girl is squeezing words-spells out of herself through her tears. Only the Russian soul can love like this…

The poem "Ferris Wheel" has a different theme. People break up, not having the strength to be together. And how hard it is to walk in circles. And how painful it is to forget. But everything is real, in the end the pain subsides. The prose of life can put out fires and misunderstandings. And the fear of meeting again one summer. As a result, insight comes: we will break, we will not resist each other, and the wheel will spin again.
The worst thing for a poet is indifference. This quality kills everything: love, friendship, life itself. An inquisitive mind is always trying to find a clue in someone else's human heart, to reach out and open it. Poetry is a great way to reach out to people!
Anna's aphorisms are liked by readers, are remembered and spread over the Web. Here is one of them: "There is no absolute light or absolute darkness. If life turns into a solid black stripe, open your eyes. Look around. And the world will be filled with bright colors."
The desire to love, to be loved is the main thing in a woman's life. In the poems of Anna Kulik, not only words - punctuation marks scream in pain! It hurts from loneliness, from "falling from a height", from scars. But for the "funny scars" - gratitude. This is how people, having experienced unhappy love, seem to fall down. And they do not die, but continue to live with the pain they idolize.
Women's Stories
"I'm without you… It's not that I can't. It's just that I wouldn't wish this on the enemy, it's when they bent you into an arc - sweet girl - "don't-come-dangerous".
In versepoetess there is a place for women's grievances. Stories in which many recognize themselves: "She writes to him." The heroine writes into the void, calls and says that she loves. She writes again and again, despairing and groaning. In response - silence, the hero is busy or does not want to answer. A banal story, but Anna presented it in such a way that especially impressionable readers may cry. And then - she leaves, quite, apparently, to die … Only losing, the hero comes to his senses and rushes in search.

There are many things in Anna Kulik's love lyrics besides love. It is as if she writes life itself: carefully, to the line, to the letter, having written off from the original, and puts it on paper. It seems that you are reading a work, but in fact you see faces, episodes, you even hear sounds.
"You know, it happens" - the meaning of this poem is captured gradually, as you read it. It is about happiness when every person has a soul that is dear to him. And the world makes sense.
The works of the poetess evoke a response in human hearts. Anna Kulik's quotes can be used for inspiration and as examples of "pearls of thought". The author brings to the reader the idea that good and evil are mixed in life. This difficult combination is given to us for trials and spiritual growth. And people who can feel love increase the power of good.
"We become cynics so that others do not notice how a child quietly and quietly dies in our soul. Inevitably. Every day."
Civil poetry
Anna never wanted to be "likeeverything", merge with the crowd. The author appreciates individuality, brightness in people. The poetess puts the best human qualities at the forefront: honesty, sincerity. And she wants to learn to understand people and accept them: "Teach to recognize the cunning and lies, to calm the silent trembling with the power of thought".
"It always stays inside" - in this work there is a lot of experience, deep. This is from fate, life observations. Each person has his own path, destined for him from above. Along the way, sometimes you have to lose friends. Leaving, tell them: "You're already here without me, hold on," to think that you will certainly return. And pain remains a burning point in the heart forever.

Quotes, aphorisms of Anna Kulik are involuntarily laid down in memory. Each reader finds his own, close to him. After all, no matter how different human destinies are, they have a lot in common - love, friendship, gaining happiness and loss.
About evil people who kill dogs, the work "About dogs". The author is in pain. How much injustice to the poor animals! What are stray dogs thrown out by people to blame? Why are the customs of society arranged in such a way that the "extra" younger brothers are given for shooting?
Anna Kulik has a lot of civil poems and prose works. In them, the poetess shows her position as a humane and caring person.
Philosophical lessons from the textbook of life
Anna Kulik is an experimenter. Many of her works of poetic content are framed as prose; she does not stand up to standardcanons of writing quatrains. He just writes, as if with a pen on paper he draws line after line. As if the poet is in a hurry to write down elusive thoughts, to arrange them in ink fields. So Anna writes her problem book called "Life" for students in the twentieth grade, which has the theme of one of the most important lessons - "How to leave."
To live here and now - the poet shares this revelation with readers, realizing how short life is sometimes. After all, no one can know his term of departure. Every day could be the last in a world where planes sometimes crash and trains crash. Where, behind the beauty of the violet-blue skies, the souls that left so early are hidden … And you can’t wait for what, they say, will come tomorrow (spring, summer, event, etc.) - then we will live. You should live in the present moment, appreciating all its shades and enjoying them.

About prose and not only
It should be noted that Anna Kulik writes prose with the same inspiration. These are stories, miniature works and fairy tales. Anna publishes them on the Internet. Obviously, the author is very fond of communicating with friends on the social network, preferring it to official poetry or prose sites. She believes that real interaction between people takes place on live pages. Readers and friends come to it consciously, wanting to learn, read and leave their feedback.
About aphorisms
Anna Kulik is extremely observant. She explores statements and certain word forms, from which she makes unexpected conclusions. The poetess has many aphorisms. They are worthread. And think about them. Each of them is weighty, with a hint of sadness, it makes any person stop and wonder: "It hurts not forever … It's nervous. Time heals."