Elena Zakharova: filmography, main roles, photos

Elena Zakharova: filmography, main roles, photos
Elena Zakharova: filmography, main roles, photos

Elena Zakharova is a famous theater and film actress. The love of the audience gave her a role in the TV series "Kadetstvo", as well as participation in numerous theatrical productions. The filmography of Elena Zakharova includes more than eighty full-length films and serials. In addition, the actress actively performs on television in popular shows.

Brief biography of the actress

The future actress was born in Moscow on November 2, 1975. Elena's parents had nothing to do with cinema - they worked in the hotel industry. The girl from childhood was very active and mobile. From the age of six, Lena was engaged in a children's choreographic studio, and two years later, her mother took her to a ballet school. However, the girl refused a career as a dancer, not wanting to sacrifice her favorite sweets.

elena zaharova filmography
elena zaharova filmography

Then Elena worked in theater and modeling studios. Even then, she firmly decided to become an actress. After the eighth grade, the girl even applied to drama school, but failed the exam. Knowing about Elena's cherished dream, her friends somehow played a joke on her: they invited her to audition by phone. Inspired, the girl rushed to the film studio. And then fate intervened: pastwas an assistant director of a children's fairy tale film. Noticing the red-haired girl, he immediately invited her to a small role. So the actress Elena Zakharova was born. Her filmography, however, began a little later, when the girl was noticed and invited to the first serious role.

After school I entered the Shchukin school. Talent, choreographic training and interesting appearance helped Elena pass the exams on the first try. In 1998, Zakharova was invited to the Theater of the Moon, where she plays to this day. Gradually, while working on performances, the actress began acting in feature films and serials.

Today, Elena performs with great success in films and on television, participates in theatrical productions.

Filmography of Elena Zakharova
Filmography of Elena Zakharova

Start of Star Trek

The first film success came to Elena in her second year of study at the school. She was invited to participate in the filming of the tape "Shelter of Comedians". Actors such as Ivan Okhlobystin, Konstantin Voinov, Lilia Smirnova were involved in the film. Filming in this film caused conflicts with the leadership of the school due to omissions. However, she soon managed to prove that she could perfectly combine study and work, and earned a reputation as one of the most successful students. This was the first major role played by Elena Zakharova. Her filmography as a serious artist began precisely with these shootings.

Theatrical debut was just as bright and interesting. The leaders of the Theater of the Moon noticed her and called her to audition for the role of Rosemary in the production of Tender is the Night. There were applicantsover fifty, but they chose Elena.


Until a certain time, Elena mainly played in theatrical productions, limiting herself to only small roles in films. In 2000, she was invited to shoot the youth series Simple Truths. After that, Elena Zakharova began to receive invitations to shoot often. But real popularity came to her after participating in the series "Kadetstvo". The role of the graceful Polina Sergeevna and her relationship with one of the main characters, Maxim Makarov, have become almost the most burning topic of discussion for all fans.

This series and its continuation have become one of the most beloved TV projects starring Elena Zakharova. Her filmography has since expanded every year. The girl was invited to feature films and TV shows. Active theatrical activity did not stand aside either.

elena zakharova filmography main roles
elena zakharova filmography main roles

Filmography and main roles

Elena Zakharova managed to play in many films and television series: her filmography (the main roles make up an impressive part) is filled with interesting pictures that emphasize the individuality of the actress. A career in cinema does not stop for a minute. Among her most famous roles can be called work in the series "The Fifth Corner", "Truckers", "Yermolovs". And for participation in the film "Tartarin from Tarascon" Zakharova received an award at the festival in Gatchina.

Elena manages to combine work in cinema and numerous performances. She played in productions not only of the Theater of the Moon, but also with Oleg Tabakov, as well as inagencies "LeCour", "Art-Partner XXI" and others. During her work, Elena managed to successfully play many bright roles. But the best, according to the actress herself, is her work in the play "Hamlet". In it, she played Ophelia. For this role, Elena was awarded the "Seagull" award.

Private life

Elena Zakharova, whose filmography is replete with different roles and exciting love stories, prefers not to advertise her personal life. It is known that for many years she had a close relationship with the famous businessman Sergei Mamotov. In 2010, the press even reported that the couple secretly formalized a legal marriage.

A year later, Elena and Sergey had a daughter, but eight months later the child died due to a severe viral infection. This grief put an end to the relationship of the couple. They separated immediately. And Elena, as best she could, sought solace in her work.

Currently, the heart of the actress is free.

actress elena zaharova filmography
actress elena zaharova filmography

Interesting facts about Elena Zakharova

A talented and charismatic actress appears before us Elena Zakharova. Her filmography is constantly updated with new roles. However, this is not the only thing that makes the actress interesting and attractive.

  • For the filming of the film "The Shelter of Comedians" the red-haired beauty Elena had to dye her hair black. But after this work, the natural appearance of the actress could again be seen in the photo.
  • After Elena's participation in the play "Hamlet", famous critics called her the best Ophelia of our time.
  • Zakharova is actively involved in popular television projects. The reality shows "Empire", "Dancing on Ice", "Battle of Psychics" are just some of them.
elena zaharova filmography photo
elena zaharova filmography photo

Talented, original, interesting - that's Elena Zakharova. The filmography, photos and personal life of the actress remain the subject of constant attention of fans. And she never ceases to please them with fruitful work in the theater and on television and new bright roles.
