Natasha Barbier: biography, personal life

Natasha Barbier: biography, personal life
Natasha Barbier: biography, personal life

Restraint, intelligence and a high intellectual component - that's it, Natasha Barbier. Journalist, publisher of Mezzanine magazine and TV presenter. Real name - Natalya Vladimirovna Troepolskaya. Nickname Natalya chose the name of her grandmother … She has the right. She is a Woman with a capital letter, she radiates an aura of charm, softness and homeliness, but at the same time, a deep mind and thoughtfulness in everything. And such a lady surname Barbier is more suitable than Troepolskaya.

natasha barbier
natasha barbier


Natasha Barbier is a Russian designer and her sense of style is her way of life. Barbier was born in Kronstadt, then the family moved to Saratov. The third of September is the date of her birth. According to the horoscope, Virgo is soft, gentle, pure, but firm in her intentions and knows how to achieve her goals. Natasha's father, Vladimir Borisovich Troepolsky, is a sailor, and therefore she refers to herself as "the captain's daughter." Natalia's momteacher, taught English, and Natasha owes her perfect pronunciation to her. She often reminisces about her childhood, which, according to Barbier, was happy. Therefore, she says that it is almost impossible to offend or anger her. Natasha Barbier, whose biography began in a seaside town, connected her life by no means with navigation or anything related to it. She took a completely different path and, it seems, did not lose. She loves her job and is not shy about talking about it.

natasha barbie personal life
natasha barbie personal life


Our heroine graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Then she entered graduate school, acquiring the speci alty "art critic". Next, Natasha trained on the BBC channel.


First there was "Literary Russia", where the future celebrity worked as a correspondent, then - the magazines "Spark" and "Domovoy". Apparently, the passion for home and interiors began from the latter … In 1998, Barbier took the post of editor-in-chief of the Mezzanine magazine, the first Russian decor magazine, and she does not fall anywhere from these heights. She was often invited and invited to television. For example, Natasha Barbier has long been a host, and part-time expert in the programs "Interiors", "Perfect Repair" and "House with a Mezzanine". So she found her calling - interior decor and everything connected with it. Ms. Barbier became a co-founder and president of the “Association of Interior Decorators” and regularly, every year she organizes and holds exhibitions “Decor Week”, “Weekgardens" and "Table decor". Before her, in fact, no one had de alt with this topic so deeply. Natalya was literally the ancestor of interior journalism in Russia, so Barbier has mastered her niche very tightly, and today few people can compete with her. She is thoroughly and a lot ready to tell her viewer about everything that she understands and what she is sure of, she is happy to share her experience with her audience and gives valuable advice.

natasha barbier year of birth
natasha barbier year of birth


Natasha Barbier stood at the origins of the so-called interior journalism, trying to systematize the aspirations of housewives for home improvement. All those who are not indifferent to the arrangement of their internal space and those who like to embellish and modernize it will not remain indifferent to the person of Natasha Barbier.

Live with soul

She is well versed in what is good and what is bad in terms of interior design. For herself, she decided a long time ago that it is not necessary to make repairs at home every year. You just need to throw out the excess (or put it away) and put things in order, and Natasha does this regularly. And it's true - the interior will sparkle with new colors, it will change! After all, things bear the imprint of a person's personality, and it would be criminal to throw them away or change them (after all, they do not part with husbands, parents and children, they are unchanged).


Natasha Barbier hides her year of birth with female coquettishness, but she was born around 1960 - in the photo, young Natasha is in the first grade of a Saratov school, and this is 1967.

natasha barbier biography
natasha barbier biography

But biological years are not the main thing for a woman, the most important thing is the age of her soul, which is always young when she has something to want. So, she is the editor-in-chief of the Mezzanine magazine, she considers designer Alexander Rodchenko, artists Tatlin, Malevich and Lissitzky to be great masters. Natasha complains very much about the still not obsolete “industry” of design in Russia (or maybe this is a Russian stereotype), that we can’t break out of these shackles, from the perimeter of provinciality. But all this, according to her, is due to history, and no one is to blame. She stands up for the art of decor and hopes that someday the elegant decorations of both the interior and the dining table will be naturally perceived by Russian people and will no longer be taken from the mezzanine on holidays, but will constantly accompany the inhabitants of an apartment or house. Natasha Barbier, whose personal life is covered with a veil of secrecy (she really does not like to talk about this topic in the press), is sincerely offended by everything that is unaesthetic and not done with love. She thinks that it's beautiful - it's not when you put on Gucci and Louboutins in public, and eat out of plastic dishes at home. Beauty for Natasha Barbier is a state of mind that is constantly and does not change under the influence of circumstances … A person of high art - nothing can be done, she is like that! Moreover, items do not have to be very expensive, the main thing is that they must be flawlessly assembled together and look harmonious. And this is real art, Natalia believes. She has an old set of copper ladles withflea market in Amsterdam and silver fish utensils that once belonged to the London Dorchester Hotel, and an old chandelier moved to it from the Izmailovsky flea market for permanent residence. And there is a time and a place for all of this.

natasha barbie husband
natasha barbie husband

Personal life and beloved spouse

The question of a house by the sea has long been decided for herself by Natasha Barbier. Her husband, Alexander Galushkin, fully supported her, and together with their friends they got housing in Montenegro in the city of Ulcinj. This is an inexpensive and not inhabited by Russian city. They bought the first house for 14 thousand euros, and it was inexpensive compared to neighboring Italy. Their house at one time laid the foundation for a whole Russian settlement located in Ulcinj, so many representatives of Russian bohemia live here. Little starry Russia in Montenegro - that's how this area is called correctly! Stars prudently bought real estate back when it was inexpensive, and now they can enjoy the wonderful climate and the sea all year round! They have been living with their husband for a very long time, they love each other, support and understand. Love reigns in their family. They enjoy coming to their home. This, Natalya believes, is the key to a strong and happy married life, this is how she sees an ideal family.

natasha barbie children
natasha barbie children

Flowers of life on someone else's window sills?

The most mysterious and intriguing part of life that Natasha Barbier doesn't talk about is children. She loves children! She babysits her friends' children and her nephews. But about their wife's childrenare silent. Perhaps this is a principled position. After all, there is such a category of people who do not need children and who are not happy with the noise, din and ringing laughter in the house. They have completely different values, this is their choice and lifestyle. Well, to each his own, or maybe the Lord has not yet given Natasha the opportunity to enjoy motherhood. So maybe there is more to come. Natasha Barbier feels comfortable in the company of friends, in her home, with her husband and is happy to share the recipes for happiness in her understanding with her devoted audience.
