Many people believe that the word "incomparable" does not sound very attractive, and some even see its connection with mystical forces, with a demon. But in fact, this is not entirely true. The article will discuss the meaning of this word, its synonyms and application.
What is "incomparable"

It turns out that this word has more than one meaning. In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, the following definitions are given:
- In the dictionary of Efremova T. F. incomparable - it does not have a similarity to itself in terms of some positive properties or qualities; excellent, excellent; having no equal; exceptional, unique in its kind; extremely.
- In Dahl V.'s dictionary, this is the best, unparalleled, incomparable, that is, incomparable, excellent.
- In the dictionary of Ushakov D. N. incomparable - this is excellent, incomparable to anything, excellent, for example, an incomparable performance of a piece of music.
Synonyms for the word "incomparable" are: magical, brilliant, awesome, amazing, kayfovo, marvelous, feast for the eyes, delightful, inimitable, marvelous, glory, wonderful, amazing, colossal, envy,beautiful, excellent, exceptional, wonderful, incomparable, chic, surprising, delightful, amazing, fabulous, divine, incomparable, classic, magnificent, wonderful, worldly, amazing, pop, luxurious, brilliant.
Using the word "great"
Indeed, there are people who saw two roots in the word: "demon" and "like" - and associate it with the meaning that it is something that is like a demon or demonic forces. This is far from true. The word means "beautiful, incomparable, excellent." It is associated with something wonderful and unique.

In addition, the word is formed using the prefix "without", in which the letter "c" is written instead of "z", as it comes before the deaf consonant "p", and the demons have nothing to do with it.
The word is used when talking about something unique, inimitable.
The word is considered colloquial, it is used to express admiration. For example: “You look amazing today!”
And if suddenly the word still seems unattractive, you can safely replace it with the help of numerous synonyms.