Who is a connecting rod bear?

Who is a connecting rod bear?
Who is a connecting rod bear?

The bear is the largest predator of the class of mammals. It has a furry barrel-shaped body, wide powerful paws with long claws, a huge lobed head with an elongated muzzle and a mouth with large moving lips.

His ability to deftly climb trees can be the envy of any athlete. Bears vary greatly in size, color and habitat. By the way, although their habitat is diverse, in most cases a bear is a forest dweller.

Bear rod
Bear rod

Meals are served

Despite their impressive size, clubfoot lead an almost herbivorous lifestyle: they eat berries, cereals, roots, nuts and other plant foods. Of course, the bear's favorite delicacy is honey. The beast will do everything to get to him, even endure the attack of ferocious bees. Perhaps the only clubfoot that is true to its predatory lifestyle is the polar bear. Its diet consists mainly of seals.

bear in winter
bear in winter

Winter sleep

Winter bearsfall into suspended animation, or hibernation. This is a state of deep sleep, accompanied by a significant decrease in body temperature, heart rate and breathing. Bear hibernation is a kind of measure to protect the animal from cold and long winters. Some bears, before going on a "winter vacation", build a lair for themselves. For example, brown bears do it from various branches and branches, and white bears simply dig a hole in the snow. A bear that has not fallen asleep in winter for one reason or another is a serious danger to humans. Such an animal becomes an extremely aggressive and merciless predator, as winter hunger and cold make themselves felt immediately.

bear hibernation
bear hibernation

Why is this happening?

Cranks are those bears that have not gone into hibernation since autumn due to insufficiently accumulated fat. After all, it is the supply of fat that allows the predator to fall into winter sleep for many months, without thinking about severe frosts and endless hunger. The connecting rod bear is forced to wander through the forest in search of food all winter. But, as you know, there are no berries, roots and honey in winter, so the only way to survive is to hunt, including for a person. During this period, he attacks anyone he meets on the way - even his own brethren! The connecting rod bear, deprived of caution and a sense of danger from severe hunger, makes forays into villages and towns, where it bullies livestock and even breaks into people's houses. Often he goes out of the forest belt into the city. Fortunately, reports of such animals are usually not long in coming, and people, aware of the danger, are preparingto meet the beast a few hours before it appears.

How to protect yourself from the attack of a connecting rod bear

It's best to try to avoid such encounters altogether, but as the saying goes, "if you knew where you'd fall…". Remember that the rules of safe behavior when meeting with an ordinary bear do not apply to the connecting rod! The only way to survive after such an encounter, for example, in the forest, is to shoot the predator. Fleeing from an aggressive beast is almost impossible, for at least two reasons. Firstly, bears, seemingly clumsy, can easily pick up speed up to 40-60 km per hour at a short distance. Secondly, a connecting rod bear will easily take a person running away from him for prey, and even more so will hasten to catch up and bully her. It is worth noting that not every bear wandering through the winter forest is a connecting rod. Quite often, animals are simply disturbed by hunters or lumberjacks. In this case, the disturbed predator, having wandered through the forest for several days, finds another place to hibernate.

meeting with a bear
meeting with a bear

Statistics are stubborn things

It is interesting that in Eastern Siberia, about once every 10 years, there is a poor harvest of cedar. It is then that the so-called "bear year" begins, when the connecting rods begin to terrorize the local population. But for the European part of Russia, a connecting rod bear is an exceptional rarity, because there is much more plant food on these lands, which almost always excludes the possibility of a crop failure.
