What is the difference between bison and bison?

What is the difference between bison and bison?
What is the difference between bison and bison?

Bison, bison and absolutely incomprehensible bison creatures are at first glance indistinguishable for an ignorant person. One can only speculate about how they generally managed to call them differently and not be confused. However, one has only to take a closer look and start looking for differences, look at several photos of bison and bison in comparison - and you are unlikely to ever make a mistake when determining which of their mighty bulls appeared before your eyes this time. Of course, you won’t be able to become a specialist right away, but it’s easy to show off your erudition in front of other amateurs!

bison in the forest
bison in the forest

An old dispute between zoologists

In the zoological classification, bison and bison diverge only at the species level - they have one family and genus. The difference between them and the possibility of classifying wild bulls as two different species, and not smaller subgroups of one, is still being debated. Genetic studies have shown a strong similarity of the paternal component of their chromosomes, but a significantthe difference in the mother, allowing not to combine animals into a group.

Despite this, some scientists have a different opinion - bison and bison are just subspecies. In favor of this statement is the fact of free crossing of animals, which as a result produces viable, strong offspring, known as bison.

However, no matter how hard they try to classify them from the point of view of science, the external differences between bison and bison are still obvious.

Scheme of differences between bison and bison
Scheme of differences between bison and bison

What is the difference between bison and bison

The appearance of these animals is characterized by similarities and differences. Almost every unique feature of these ungulates is the difference between the two species.


The closest common ancestor is the steppe bison, the similarity is noticeable along the line of the paternal chromosome.

However, bison are genetically closer to the ancient aurochs, and bison - to the yak, which is explained by crossing a common ancestor with different types of wild bulls.


Bison and bison, although similar to each other, are strikingly different from all other fauna of the Earth.

  • They are the largest ungulates in their range by weight. The difference between bison and bison in body weight is significant - the former are much heavier, up to 1300 kg, while the latter usually do not exceed 850 kg.
  • The length of the body and those and other adult males, on average, up to 2.5-3 meters, height - about 2 m, longer back. The females of both species are noticeably smaller and lighter than the males.
  • Anterior part of animal bodybroader, stronger and more developed than the back, covered with thick long hair. The scalp is darker.
  • The general shape of the bison's body can conditionally be almost inscribed in a square, bison - in a rectangle elongated in length. The bison looks more like an ordinary domestic bull.
  • They have a pronounced hump formed by a short powerful neck and part of the back. Bison have a lower hump than bison. Males of both species are higher than females.
  • Legs rather short but strong, hind legs longer than front. Despite this, they develop speeds up to 50 km / h. The bison have longer and slender legs.
Bison run
Bison run
  • The head is low, although the bison is higher than the bison, has a wide forehead.
  • The bison have longer horns. In both bulls, they are hollow, round in cross section, black, smooth, curved outward, the ends are turned inward. The base of the horn is wider, gradually narrowing.
  • Dark brown eyes, almost no squirrel, long eyelashes.
  • The head is covered with curly hair on top, on the neck and under the chest it is straight and long. There is a beard on the chin, more pronounced in bison.
  • A tassel at the end of the tail. In bison, it is more noticeable. Bison have a tail entirely covered with rather long hair, the density of which increases at the end, forming a brush. The bison's tail is shorter.
  • Males and females are clearly distinguishable even from a distance. In females, the genitals and udder are almost invisible even during the feeding period. The sexual organs of bulls are shifted to the lower abdomen and stand out noticeably.
Bison head close up
Bison head close up


  • They live in groups. The number in normal times ranges from one to several dozen heads. The group consists of females and immature bulls, which separate when mature to join to satisfy the instinct of procreation. At other times, they exist singly or in groups of 10-15 males. The livestock of the herd can increase during periods of rut (reproduction) up to several hundred and even thousands of individuals. In times of food shortage, on the contrary, the groups are divided into even smaller ones.
  • The breeding season starts in May and ends in September.
  • Bison often form numerous herds due to their larger numbers and way of life (especially for the plains subspecies).
  • Occupies a permanent area of 30-100 km2, depending on weather conditions and food availability.
  • Active during the day, resting at night.
  • Eat morning and evening plant foods.
  • At rest, they make sounds similar to lowing, during the period of danger and running - similar to snoring or grunting.
  • Close bonds between individuals. There have been cases of returning to the bodies of dead animals.
Little bison with mom
Little bison with mom

Features of physiological functions and development

The organs of hearing and smell are well developed in both animals, vision is somewhat weaker.

Bisons are covered with thick hair all season, bison in the warm season shed heavily on the back of the body.

The gestational age of females is 9months.

Achieving independence of an individual occurs on average in one year. Leaving for a men's group or a department for living alone can happen even at the age of three.


Bison and bison - what is the difference between them yet? As an answer, you can also name their habitats.

Bison inhabit the North American continent.

The range of bison was originally very wide - plains and forests throughout the European part of Eurasia - from southern Scandinavia to Siberia. Now, within the same limits, they live mainly in wildlife sanctuaries, nature reserves and zoos. Work is underway on active breeding and subsequent adaptation of animals to the natural conditions of the wild.

During the period of critical reduction in the number of livestock, bison remained only in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Caucasus.

adult bison
adult bison

Status of bison and bison

The bison has the status of a wild animal and livestock at the same time.

Bison are not domesticated, although there are nurseries, including bison (for example, located near the village of Toksovo in the Leningrad region).

Less than 5% of all bison are government property, the rest are commercial and privately owned.

Bison are Near Threatened. Bison are listed in the Red Book as endangered animals.

Bison in full growth
Bison in full growth

Variations within a species

There are two pure species of bison - flat (also called steppe) and forest.

Bison is represented only by the plain (steppe) and a cross between the Caucasian, purebred representatives of which are exterminated.

There are some errors in comparing bison and bison, depending on the species of both. For example, a bison will differ substantially in its smaller herd size and varied diet from the plains bison, but will have more similarities to the wood bison.

Caucasian bison

Caucasian bison is currently missing. All descendants of the last purebred bull of the Caucasus were obtained from its crossing with plain bison - 12 individuals and their descendants.

Caucasian bison were lighter, had compact dimensions compared to their plain relatives, living mainly in mixed forests.

Their color is more reddish, even reddish.

Plain bison

The only purebred species obtained from 7 of the surviving 12 individuals through selection.

Color brown, massive body. They are heavier and larger than their Caucasian counterparts.

Plains bison

  • It has a large head, covered with thick curly hair, over which the horns often hardly protrude.
  • The fur on the front of the body is well defined.
  • The color is lighter than that of the forest bison.
  • The beard is very thick, six under the throat is long, continues behind the chest.
  • Compared to the forest counterpart, the steppe is smaller and lighter.
  • The highest point of the hump is at the level of the front legs.
Two varieties of bison
Two varieties of bison

Wood bison

  • The head is neater, long hair hangs down on the forehead, like a bang. Her horns protrude from her.
  • Fur cover is weakly expressed.
  • Quite dark hair all over the body.
  • The beard is thin, the mane of the throat is weakly expressed.
  • Heavier and larger than the plains.
  • The highest part of the hump is shifted towards the head.

Both bison and bison are closely related to domestic bulls, which made it possible to cross them, obtaining in some cases offspring devoid of a hump, but retaining a fur coat. Perhaps it is these moments, fixed in mental memory, that still periodically lead wild bulls to domestic herds in search of personal happiness.
