Michurinsk is one of the cities of the Tambov region, located on the Lesnoy Voronezh River. It is the administrative center of the Michurinsky district. The population of Michurinsk is 93 thousand 690 people. Previously, the city had a different name - Kozlov. The year of foundation of this regional center is 1635. Michurinsk has the official status of a science city.

Geography and climate
Michurinsk is located in the eastern part of the Central Region, northwest of Tambov and southeast of Moscow. It has an area of 78 sq. km. Located in the UTC+3 time zone.
The climate in Michurinsk is temperate continental. Winters are cold and long, but not extreme. The average temperature in January is -9.4 degrees. Summer, on the other hand, is short and not at all hot. The average temperature in July is +19.3 degrees. Annual precipitation averages 575 mm.

Transport system
The city is a major railwaynode and has several railway stations. The Caspian highway passes through it. Intracity transport is represented by buses and minibuses.
There are several cultural and educational sites in Michurinsk that could be visited:
- Michurin's house-museum;
- museum of local lore;
- Gerasimov's house-museum;
- Golitsyn estate (museum of music and literature);
- drama theatre.
Besides this, there are 2 fairly ancient Orthodox churches and a memorial to the "Defenders of the Fatherland".

City industry
In Michurinsk there are 6 different enterprises that are a source of jobs for local residents, affecting the employment of the population. This is:
- Progress plant;
- Michurinsk flour mill;
- locomotive repair plant;
- enterprise "Main oil pipelines";
- experimental center.
Also, the city has centers for genetics and selection, a horticultural center, the Michurin All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture. Thus, Michurinsk will be of interest to those who have already worked in this field or are interested in cultivated plants.
Population of Michurinsk
The population of the city had a tendency of gradual and continuous increase until 1976 (until 1998). It was the highest in 1997 - 123 thousand people, and at the beginning of the 20th century only 40,000 people lived in the city. After 1998, a downward trend in the population prevailed. ATIn 2017, the number of inhabitants was 93,690.

In the same year, the city was ranked 185th among the cities of the Russian Federation in terms of the number of inhabitants.
Employment Center
Michurinsk Employment Center solves the following tasks:
- Helping citizens find jobs and organizations find workers.
- Providing reliable information about the situation in the local labor market.
- Organization of temporary work for minors during the holidays, the unemployed who cannot yet find a permanent job.
- Providing social benefits to the unemployed registered with the CPL.
- Organization of paid public works (with the provision of relevant information).
In addition to these services, the center also works in the following areas:
- Organization of so-called job fairs.
- Psychological assistance, training of professional workers, professional development work.
- Help for citizens listed as self-employed.
- Assistance in vocational guidance and vocational training.
- Helping citizens who want to find a job and live in rural areas.
Vacancies of the employment center
Currently (July 2018), the city needed specialists and workers in various fields. The level of salaries in general is not very high. The highest rates are offered to doctors. Here salaries range from 22,300 to 40,000 rubles. workers' wages,including specialists, are very low and range from 11,163 to 18,000 rubles, on average, about 15,000 rubles. Such a salary is also offered to applicants for the vacancy of a programmer, which, of course, is very small for this speci alty. Salaries for other professions are also small.
Thus, the situation with the material well-being of citizens in the city of Michurinsk is not very good.

Thus, the population of the city of Michurinsk has been decreasing in recent decades. The peak was reached in 1998. Most likely, such negative dynamics after 1998 is associated with the deterioration of the life of the population in this city. It is well known that the development of science in our country is not given due attention. As a result - technological backwardness in many areas. The city of Michurinsk did not remain aloof from these trends.
Obviously, he is going through hard times right now. This is also evidenced by the rather low level of wages that appear in the vacancy catalog of the Michurinsk employment center. This situation forces many young people to move to more prosperous Russian regions, and those who remain will have little incentive to have children.
In order to prevent a further decline in the population of Michurinsk and other similar cities, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of life of citizens.