Argentinean actress and singer Camila Bordonaba has been known to the world since childhood. From 1996 to 2001, she starred in the TV series "Children", and having matured a little, she played one of the main roles in the film "Rebellious Spirit". In parallel with this youth series, a musical group called Erreway also developed, in which Camila was the soloist.
September 4, 1984 was born the future actress, Camila Bordonaba, in the Argentine city of Lomad del Mirando. There are three children in her family - a younger brother and sister. Her desire to find her life calling was strong even in her childhood. The future actress tried her hand at gymnastics, swimming and even in the scientific field. At the age of 11, theater became her new hobby, and subsequently the acting profession became a matter of a lifetime. During the year, very young and inexperienced Camila Bordonaba attended numerous auditions and received an incredible number of rejections. In the end, her perseverance did not go unnoticed, and the actress was chosen for a role in the TV series "Children". Kami worked on this project for 5years and left it only after the official closing.

Fateful role
In 2002, the youth series "Rebellious Spirit" appeared on the screens of Argentina. The plot is based on the fate of the students of an elite college, who are just starting to get used to the ever-problematic adult world. Among all the schoolchildren, the directors singled out four main roles, one of which was played by Camila Bordonaba. Photos from the filming of the series scattered around the world instantly, the soundtracks conquered the top of the music charts, and all the actors who were involved in the project became very popular. Camila played the role of Marissa Spirito, a rebel with a complex character and a kind heart. Her co-stars were Luisana Lopilato, Benjamin Rojas and Felipe Colombo.

The producers of the series "Rebellious Spirit" even before the start of filming agreed that the main roles will be played by musical guys who will be able to sing beautifully and perform on stage. Kami, Luisana, Feli and Benhamin were united in a musical group that did not have a name. They recorded the main soundtrack for the series and several other songs. In the course of filming, everyone realized that the group itself had immediate success, and it was decided to make it a full-fledged one. It didn't take long to find the name - Erreway, which translates as "Rebellious Spirit". During the filming of the first season, Camila Bordonaba and the guys recorded the first Senales album, which included 12 songs. During the release of the second season,the second album Tiempo was recorded, which was even more successful. A year later, the band turned to their third disc, but the fans did not take it as strongly as the previous two.

Other film work
Now let's take a look at the less sensational films that featured Camila Bordonaba. The filmography consists mainly of serials that gained popularity only in the homeland of the actress. Among them, we list the following: Floricienta, The Game of Love, Who's the boss here?, The Fiero Family, and Pompeii Gladiators. Also, after the filming of "Rebellious Spirit", the artist again returned to the role of a rebel, only in the film "4 Roads". The film tells us about what happened to the heroes of the series after graduating from college, what was the glory of the group and the fate of the guys themselves. Also in 2011, having already got rid of the status of a teenage girl, Bordonaba appears in the film "Twilight".
Interesting facts
Working in the series and the group Erreway gave Camila friendship with partner Felipe Colombo. Despite the fact that everyone has their own family, and they even live in different countries (Feli is Mexican), to this day the actors maintain warm friendly relations. Also in his homeland, in Argentina, Bordonaba is known as a successful model. For a long time she was the face of the 47th Street brand, and also advertised perfumes and clothes.