Battery damage to the environment

Battery damage to the environment
Battery damage to the environment

The environmental impact of batteries is so great that many people don't really realize it. And this despite the fact that today they have become an integral part of our lives. It is no longer possible to imagine our usual average day without them. But due to the fact that batteries contain various metals, they are extremely harmful. But at the same time, it is only thanks to the interaction of these metals with each other that the operation of most of the devices that we now use is ensured.

When the battery ran out

The harm from batteries has long been trying to evaluate various scientists. So, researchers have already established that just one single used AA battery, which was thrown away in a forest or park, can contaminate about 20 square meters of territory with heavy metals.

damage from batteries
damage from batteries

To make it even clearer what harm batteries do to the environment, even special calculations were made, achieving specific numerical expressions. For example, on twenty square meters polluted with heavy metals, two trees will not grow, several thousand earthworms will not be able to live and develop, thanks to which the earth becomes fertile, several families of moles and hedgehogs will not be able to exist. And all thisharm that only one small AA battery can do.

Influence on a person

It's worth saying right away that the harm of batteries to humans is also palpable. This happens when heavy metal s alts, which are formed after the decomposition of its hull, end up in underground groundwater. It is likely that they may end up at the filter station. Then there will be direct harm to human he alth.

harm and benefit of batteries
harm and benefit of batteries

Western countries have long appreciated the harm from batteries. Therefore, they must not be thrown away after use in ordinary trash cans. There are special containers for this. Of these, the batteries are already sent for recycling without causing any harm to anyone. In Russia, this practice appears only in recent years. Containers for collecting dead batteries are installed in shopping centers, universities, crowded places, but so far they are clearly not enough.

Children suffer too

Many people are trying to objectively assess the harm and benefits of batteries. Of course, they have made human life much more convenient and comfortable, but the consequences of them, if not properly disposed of, can be disastrous. Therefore, you should not completely abandon the batteries, you just need to properly dispose of them. In addition, it should be borne in mind that our children feel the harm from batteries.

what's wrong with batteries
what's wrong with batteries

Kids strive to explore the world and often put everything in their mouths in a row. When a child does this with a battery, even if it has not been working for a long time, in contactchemical reactions will immediately begin to occur with saliva. Heavy metals are activated, this will not end well.

This is why it is so important to never leave batteries in easily accessible places when there are small children at home. After all, used batteries often start to seem to leak. They pour out chemicals that can cause serious damage to the skin of even an adult.

How to solve this problem in Europe

Europe has long appreciated both the harm and the benefits of batteries. Therefore, they are now developing large-scale programs for their disposal.

It is worth noting that about 160,000 batteries are sold every year in the European Union. Most of them are for home use. At the same time, almost half of them end up in city landfills.

reducing the environmental impact of used batteries
reducing the environmental impact of used batteries

At the same time, only two plants are currently operating in Europe, which are engaged in their safe processing. All this is due to the high cost of the process itself and the long payback period, which is unprofitable for entrepreneurs. As a result, most of the used batteries are sent to safe disposal, as there are simply not so many enterprises that can recycle them.

So this problem remains relevant not only for Russia, but also for Europe.

How to reduce battery damage

There are a few things you need to follow to reduce the environmental impact of used batteries.

Wo-first, to think in advance about the likely consequences and give preference to technology that can do without batteries. If it is, of course, possible. Try to use alternative energy sources or use manually wound mechanisms, as is the case with watches.

Secondly, it is recommended to buy not disposable batteries, but mini-batteries that can be charged several times.

battery damage to humans
battery damage to humans

Third, pay attention in the store to ensure that the batteries are indicated that they do not contain mercury and cadmium. These are the most dangerous heavy metals they can contain.

Fourthly, it is strictly forbidden to throw used and end-of-life batteries into the general wastebasket. Only store separately, and if necessary, throw it into a specialized container. If this is not possible, for example, in your city there has not yet been a collection point for dead batteries, then store them in a tightly closed plastic bag until better times.

What harm do batteries do?

Let's try to figure out why batteries are really so harmful. American scientists have calculated that they currently account for about half of the pollution from the total share of all household waste.

how bad are batteries
how bad are batteries

Only in Moscow alone, about two to three thousand tons of batteries are thrown away every year. In the United States, approximately three billion batteries are bought every year, and almost 180,000 tons end up in urban landfills. ATon a global scale, this causes catastrophic environmental damage.

Battery composition

why do you need to replace batteries
why do you need to replace batteries

Batteries contain many hazardous metals that cause direct harm to human he alth. For example, this is lead, which can accumulate over time in the body, affecting the nervous system, kidneys and bone tissues. It is also cadmium, which is harmful to the kidneys and lungs, mercury, which can cause irreparable damage to the nervous system and brain. Zinc and nickel cause dermatitis in humans, and alkalis, which are invariably present in all batteries, burn through the skin and mucous membranes. All this can lead to serious illnesses.

Now you know why batteries need to be returned.

Effects of metals on humans

For clarity, let's take a closer look at how heavy metals contained in dead batteries affect the human body.

Let's start with lead. It is one of the key components of any battery. Over time, lead imperceptibly to a person can accumulate in the bones, leading to their inevitable destruction. At the same time, it is deposited in parallel in the kidneys and liver, important organs of the human body. Lead exposure to children can be fatal. With prolonged contact with this metal, chronic brain diseases develop and mental retardation is provoked.

Most batteries contain mercury, one of the most toxic and dangerous metals known to man. It can also accumulate in the human body. Primarily in tissues, as well ascan enter the body directly from water, through food prepared from poisoned animals or plants.

Accumulates in the body and another metal that is part of modern batteries. It's cadmium. Chronic poisoning leads to the destruction of human bones and diseases such as anemia. Cadmium can disrupt the functioning of almost every organ in the human body, block the work of enzymes, and even provoke lung cancer. And all this can happen because of one improperly disposed battery.

Nickel is a key reason for the development of allergies in many people. This is called contact dermatitis. With prolonged and continuous intake into the human body, poisoning may occur due to high toxicity.

That's why it's so important to only dispose of batteries in designated areas.
