What is honor? Is it really that important in a person's life? And in the life of society? In dictionaries, the word "honor" is interpreted as a concept closely related to socialization and ethics. It includes the ability to love and be faithful, the ability to be truthful and noble, fair and tolerant.

Few people thought about the fact that the concept is completely ambiguous for different times and different cultures. In the name of honor, the tsarist officers went to a duel. It was she who demanded to kill the offender or be killed herself. Knights took for granted the battle in the name of their beloved, who, by the way, were often married women. In many tribes, among completely different peoples, in the name of honor, they killed a person who insulted or betrayed someone from a clan or tribe. For example, the Afghan people, the Pashtuns, have a Code that ascribes to keeping badal - one's own dignity at the cost of blood feud. It is not customary to talk about this, but blood feud is still found among various Caucasian peoples living on the territory of Russia. Hercarried out by a man from the offended family. Until the third generation, men are obliged to take revenge, observing their honor. If the offender is not punished, then the shame of dishonor will fall on the whole family. Representatives of the clan will be despised, excluded from communication, etc. For Italians, this method of protection and revenge is called vendetta, for Kumyks - adat. When answering the question, “what is honor?”, it is necessary to take into account the culture of the people, their national traditions, way of life. However, there are some common features of this concept. So in most peoples of the world, the honor of a girl is associated with the concept of innocence, the honor of parents is associated with the observance of the canons of raising children.

And, of course, the peoples of the whole world have a lot in common in the concept of "honor of the military".
I have the honor! What does that mean?
At the beginning of the last century, such a phrase could be heard not only from the military, but also from civilians when saying goodbye. It mainly symbolizes truthfulness, decency, dignity, loy alty and dedication to one's work. Today, unfortunately, the expression is outdated and almost never occurs in speech. It's a pity. After all, people who used the phrase had a clear idea of what honor is. Most of them were distinguished by intelligence, education, high culture. All of them were people devoted to the Fatherland, Motherland, their duty. At the military

it was a form of greeting and farewell, often performed not only verbally, but also with a gesture. Everyone knows how military personnel salute. But why do they do it? First, it is as it should beCharters. Secondly, it distinguishes the military from civilians. And, most importantly, by saluting, the military, as it were, recognize the dignity and decency of the people with whom they communicate.
What is honor in terms of religion?
Some religious currents argue that honor is a barrier that does not allow the essence of evil, the devilish manifestation, parasitic and contrary to God, to connect to a person. The keeper of the honor of the girl was her hymen, covering the uterus and allowing you to perform an act (and, therefore, energize) only with a man, narrowed by God. Giving honor to her husband, a woman thereby creates around a charm from the appearance of dark forces and energy for creation and creativity. In Judaism, the concept of honor (kavod) is considered the most important feeling that the Almighty put into a person in order to protect him from an unrighteous life.