Modern economy and science are developing very fast, and the government continually releases new legislative acts. Keeping track of all the information can be very difficult, but if you want your business to grow and develop, this is a must. How to act in such a situation? Numerous courses in management and finance are a dubious way out, since no one guarantees that they are taught by professionals, and not amateurs, and it can be difficult to constantly travel around because of your studies. Therefore, a modern leader simply needs a reliable and prompt source of information.

Information giant
One of the first suppliers of specialized accounting and economic information in Russia was the Aktion media group. This name is little known as the company markets its products under other names appropriate to the industries. It is worth mentioning the Glavbukh magazine and the Taxes newspaper - and everyone immediately understands who they are talking about. For many years, this periodical has taken pride of place on the tables of accountants, providing not only information on legislation, but also recommendations onaccounting and business management. But do not think that this article is advertising. There is nothing to be done if Aktion is really a leader in the field of information for business today. Although, of course, this media group is not perfect.

New technologies
Aktion started with publishing periodicals for accountants, followed by training programs, tests and seminars. But new times require new technologies, and a few years ago this media group began releasing new products - online help systems. Their distinguishing features:
- Work only via the Internet. By purchasing the system, the buyer, in fact, receives only an access code for a certain time.
- Availability of various types of information: laws, instructions, forms of documents, advice and consultations from specialists.
- Presence of Aktion periodicals in the system.
- Cooperation (according to Aktion) with the best specialists, including employees of the Ministry of Finance.
At first glance, everything is fine. It cannot be said that the system provides something fundamentally new, but it is quite convenient, as it allows you to have access to all information at any time and at any time.

System flaws
There is a phrase explaining the unprofessionalism of the authorities: "People who have never worked have come to power." This means that often both laws and recommendations on enterprise management are written by people who have neverexperienced this in practice. They only study the documents, but it turns out that this is not enough. Therefore, a twofold situation has turned out: the Aktion company assures that the main thing in its help system is consultations and recommendations of specialists, but in practice these consultations sometimes help little, or even are erroneous. Most often this concerns complex issues, but in this case, users are provided with a hotline. In addition, accountants note that the system has the following disadvantages:
- When the subscription expires, all information is lost. If you subscribe to magazines, then you can read them even after the subscription has ended. The online system does not provide such an opportunity.
- There are gaps in the legislation base, there are not enough certain documents.
- Unfinished search system. Users have to "adapt", enter requests in different forms, which leads to a loss of time when searching for the necessary information.
- High cost.
- Intrusive selling system.

Target Audience
The first reference system from Aktion was developed for accountants, and in general it turned out to be quite successful, however, due to the above shortcomings, many accountants refuse from the BSS of System Glavbukh. Practice has shown that the system is more often interested in the financial service of the enterprise. This is understandable: experienced accountants already know where to find all the necessary information, including forms of documents, they communicate with each other and visitseminars from the tax office, but the financial department needs more diverse data available at any time, even on business trips. Therefore, the FSS "System Financial Director" was created, designed specifically for managers. It was no longer representatives of the Ministry of Finance who worked on it, but financial directors of large companies who faced various issues in practice.

What the system includes
The content of the program was supplemented in accordance with the requests of the financiers. To date, the reference system "Financial Director" includes:
- Up-to-date regulatory framework.
- A base of ready-made instructions and solutions on various issues (assessment of the organization's activities, accounting, taxation, management, company development, strategy development, etc.).
- Subscription to financial periodicals.
- Reference book of current rates, coefficients, rates, as well as formulas for analyzing activities and information about specialized departments.
- Videos of training seminars from experts.
- Additional services that allow you to compile reports and analyze the state of affairs of the company directly in the system.

Necessity or whim
It would seem that the Internet is now available to everyone, and here you can find any information of interest. Why then is a separate CFO system necessary? The fact is that, unlike accounting, financial managementare not regulated by law, that is, you will not find a single law or Regulation indicating how to analyze the effectiveness of production activities or how to optimize the costs and cash flows of an enterprise. The financial director can only hope for various articles, textbooks, advice from individuals, but the Internet today does not provide any guarantees as to the quality of information. The consulting legal system "Financial Director" solves this problem, since "Aktion", with all its shortcomings, is still a reliable, trusted source.
Furthermore, financial services need a very wide range of data, and every time it can be tedious to look for a tax rate, exchange rate or phone number of the necessary department. Of course, a specialized financial director system is needed only in large enterprises that have several departments or divisions and produce products in large quantities.

Tricks of the trade
As you know, accountants and financiers in Russia are always looking for ways to "bypass". Since the financial reference system from Aktion works via the Internet, during the process of negotiations on the acquisition, a potential buyer is given a demo access code so that they can familiarize themselves with the product within two to three days. As soon as the Glavbukh System appeared on the market, smart accountants understood how to use it for free. When the need for information arises, they turn to the Aktion company or its partner with a request for demo access, ostensibly to solvepurchase question. Then they find and download all the necessary information for themselves, without thinking about buying a system at all. This method can also be useful for directors of small companies for whom it is simply not practical to purchase a permanent code, or for students of economic universities who are looking for information for a diploma or coursework.
Other options
If for accountants there are many electronic directories and portals where you can get all the necessary information, then with financial information everything is more difficult. Of course, there are specialized textbooks, websites and publications, but still the CFO system from Aktion is the undisputed leader in this area, which has no analogues. It can be used by both an experienced professional and a beginner who has just begun to study the principles of activity analysis and planning. Thus, the CFO system can be useful not only for a financial specialist with a special education, but also for any business owner who wants to move forward, developing his company.
Information technology development
Whatever the disadvantages and advantages of reference systems, I would like to note a positive trend towards systematization, expansion and growth in the quality of information. In this regard, Aktion has done a lot for Russian enterprises. Many of today's accountants and managers once studied from her journals, but now the information has moved to a new level, more in line with the modern rhythm of life.