Financial flows. Logistic resource management system in the enterprise

Financial flows. Logistic resource management system in the enterprise
Financial flows. Logistic resource management system in the enterprise

Today, domestic enterprises operate in a rather unstable economic environment. This leads to the search for the most effective ways and methods of regulating the functioning of industrial companies. One of them is logistics. It allows you to reach a fundamentally new level of management of information, financial and material flows of companies. This, in turn, helps to improve the bottom line of production and economic activity and ensure a stable position for companies.

financial flows
financial flows

Modern realities

Fundamentals of a market economy, involving an increase in the efficiency of the production process and sales of products, form the need for isolation and study of the movement of funds. It corresponds to the movement of commodity values. In the process of moving from one entity to another, they can be considered as the financial resources of the organization. Their movement is determined by a number of logistics operations.

Logistics goals

The fundamentals of a market economy form the foundation foreffective economic activity of companies. The expansion of the scale of production, the growing need to strengthen all types of interaction give rise to the creation of certain requirements for new methods and forms of administration in companies. The solution of traditional problems in modern conditions ensures the competent management of financial flows. Logistics is a specific system, the principles and methods of which allow you to plan and control the movement of funds. Within the framework of this discipline, material and financial flows closely interact with each other. This is what makes it possible to find the most rational solutions to the challenges facing companies.

organization's financial resources
organization's financial resources

Theoretical aspects

The financial flows of an enterprise are directed movements of funds. It is carried out within the logistics systems and between them. These movements are necessary to ensure information and material flows. They appear when logistical costs and expenses are reimbursed, attracted from appropriate sources, deductions for services rendered and goods sold to chain participants. The regulated financial resources of the organization ensure the volume, timing and sources of funds in a timely and complete manner.

Logistics tasks

As part of the discipline is carried out:

  1. Analysis of financial flows.
  2. Building models for using sources of funds and the algorithm for moving money into them.
  3. Ascertainment of needs, selection of funding reserves,control of interest rates on government and valuable bonds, as well as on interbank and bank loans.
  4. Creation and regulation of free balance on budget, currency and ruble accounts to receive additional income from business transactions using highly efficient tools.
  5. Market research and forecasting of sources of income using marketing methods.
  6. Formation of operating systems for information processing and cash flow.
  7. Coordination of operational regulation of material and financial flows. In this case, first of all, the costs associated with, for example, the transport delivery of products are subject to evaluation. The manager builds models of material flows, taking into account costs.
  8. financial flow management
    financial flow management

Logistics principles

Financial flows and value transfer, production and cost minimization must be balanced. This is achieved through the mechanism of self-regulation of logistics. To implement projects of finished products, adjust the terms of delivery from partners or consumers, the system provides for the possibility of making changes to the supply schemes. This speaks to the flexibility of logistics. The methods used within the discipline allow minimizing production costs while maximizing short-term project cycles. Logistics is distinguished by the ability to simulate financial flows, predict the movement of funds from sources to program executors. Atthe turnover of free money is carried out with maximum efficiency. Within the framework of the discipline, the integration of the processes of supply, financing, production and marketing in one body of project execution is carried out. One of the fundamental principles is the correspondence of the volume of funds received to the size of the necessary expenses, the economy, which is achieved by assessing not only the costs, but also the "pressure" on them, as well as profitability in the process of placing money.

financial flows of the enterprise
financial flows of the enterprise

Key aspect

It is the control of material flows. These include, in particular, the movement of raw materials, finished products, semi-finished products. For each material flow that occurs in the process of purchasing raw materials or selling products, storing or transporting products, there is a financial flow. It can be an investment or compensation for the sale of goods.

Traffic patterns

In the process of planning and organizing logistics operations, it is necessary to calculate models of financial movements. For example, in international relations, the use of the FOB and CIF delivery terms affects the distribution of insurance and freight costs between the supplier and the customer of the cargo. In the process of transportation, the costs for damage to the goods are borne by either the carrier or the sender, depending on the terms of the contract, the actual characteristics that the goods have, and the information specified in the shipping documentation. When adjusting the conditions of the warehousing system, the quality andproduct safety. This, in turn, will affect the cost of services. It should also be taken into account that when selling goods on their own, with the help of sales agents, consignees and commission agents, various costs arise, different turnover and duration of the financial cycle are provided.

material and financial flows
material and financial flows


Financial flows act as indicators of the stability and well-being of companies. They indicate the effectiveness of logistics activities and are needed when planning and shaping interactions with counterparties. When organizing the budget for the current period, the main financial flows show the volume of future receipts and required investments. Based on their assessment, indicators of profitability and profitability are calculated, which, in turn, are used in the preparation of financial statements. In addition, the assessment of cash flows allows you to justify the attraction of loans and investments, to conclude profitable agreements and contracts. From all this, it becomes clear that financial flows perform important tasks regarding the provision, accounting and coordination of the movement of funds during logistics operations.

main financial flows
main financial flows

System Requirements

For the timely and complete provision of logistics processes, certain rules must be observed. The first of these is sufficiency. This means that financial resources in the company must be in the required amount and at the time of the need for them. To implement the requirementcompliance of indicators of the movement of funds in the development of plans, the size and time of expenses for the purchase and subsequent transportation of raw materials and equipment, production and storage standards are taken into account. They also take into account the specifics of marketing and distribution technologies. Another important requirement is the reliability of sources and the effectiveness of raising funds. To implement this provision, market conditions are monitored, areas of minimal risk are selected. At the same time, the sequence of attracting sources is determined, and probable difficulties are identified when including resources in operations. Cost optimization is a fundamental requirement of logistics. It is achieved by rationalizing the attraction and subsequent distribution of funds. An important requirement is the consistency of information, material, financial and other flows in the entire chain of movement of goods. The fulfillment of this task increases the rationality of the use of production means and money. Flow consistency control contributes to overall process optimization throughout the system.


This requirement is related to the external environment surrounding the logistics system. Financial flow patterns should change quickly and flexibly as the political and economic situation, legal and trade conditions change. Due to the fact that the participants in logistics operations belong to different production areas and areas of circulation, the composition and structure of the movement of funds must be adapted for each counterparty.

analysis of financial flows
analysis of financial flows


It is necessary to ensure that the financial flows meet the above requirements. When providing a corrective action, it is necessary to observe the condition of the interconnectedness of directions. It is primarily about the interaction of information and financial flows. The implementation of this task is facilitated by the use of appropriate systems that provide support in decision-making, the use of corporate automated structures and databases. The larger the logistics structure, the more branched chains in it, the more complex the schemes for moving financial flows. In the process of studying the movement of funds, it is necessary to establish the level of their detail, to identify the factors of influence of the internal and external environment.
