Actor Jason Schwartzman: biography, filmography, personal life

Actor Jason Schwartzman: biography, filmography, personal life
Actor Jason Schwartzman: biography, filmography, personal life

Jason Schwartzman comes from a cinematic dynasty, having received his first role in his life “through an acquaintance”. This in no way detracts from the talent possessed by the American actor, who by the age of 35 had managed to take part in the filming of about 50 film projects and series. What bright roles did the charming young man play, what is known about his past, personal life?

Jason Schwartzman: childhood and adolescence

The boy, who was born in Los Angeles in 1980, has been connected with cinematography since birth. Jason Schwartzman was born into a family of actress and producer who had many famous relatives. Among such stars are director Francis Coppola, actor Nicolas Cage. The first is Jason's uncle, the second is his cousin. Two years later, Schwartzman's parents had another son - Robert, who was to act in films from adolescence and become famous thanks to the painting "Virgin Suicides".

jason schwartzman
jason schwartzman

It is interesting that in the first years of life the child did not see himself as an actor at all, despite the obvious presence of abilities for acting. Jason Schwartzman was then in love with the world of music. As a teenager, he became the drummer of a school band that was known in narrow circles, spending long hours writing songs. Looking ahead, we can say that the actor, having played many roles, never gave up his hobby. Part of the music for the TV projects "Deadly Bored", "Lonely Hearts" was created by him.

Brilliant film debut

As already mentioned, for the first time Jason Schwartzman appeared on the big screen "by pull". For his debut role, he has to thank his cousin. Sofia Coppola, who by that time had already declared herself as a talented director, decided that her cousin was ideally suited to play in Max's Rushmore Academy. The teen comedy saw the light of day in 1998, allowing the young man to establish himself as a comedic actor and gain his first fans.

jason schwartzman photo
jason schwartzman photo

The first character played by Schwartzman is the editor of the school newspaper, the leader of various teams, the head of endless school clubs. He is good at absolutely everything except studying. The teachers demand that Max correct his bad grades or he will be thrown out. Instead, the guy tries to have an affair with a young teacher and gets into a variety of comic situations.

First film work

Comedy gift, unusual appearance, charm - all theseThe advantages of a young actor, clearly demonstrated in the Rushmore Academy film project, did not go unnoticed by the public. After the release of the comedy, Jason Schwartzman began to receive one role after another. His filmography was replenished with astronomical speed.

In the comedy "Dudes", the actor perfectly played a student who neglects his studies for the sake of entertainment, however, manages not to get expelled. In the action movie Aerobatics, his character was a drug addict who becomes a regular customer from a methamphetamine supplier. An interesting role of Jason in the film "Heartbreakers", where he easily reincarnated as an active fighter for the environment, trying with all his might to resist the greedy owners of construction companies that pollute the environment.

The most famous roles

One of the brightest images created by a young man in cinema, was born thanks to the drama "Marie Antoinette", which became the brainchild of Sofia Coppola. The phlegmatic husband of the main character - Jason Schwartzman got such a role in this tape. A photo of the actor in the make-up of Louis XVI, Dauphin and later ruler of the French kingdom, you can see below.

jason schwartzman filmography
jason schwartzman filmography

The film project "Save Mr. Banks" with his participation is also noteworthy. Thanks to the film, viewers will learn how the filming of one of the legendary works of the Disney studio - the tape "Mary Poppins" took place.

An interesting image was created by Shvartsman in the action-packed crime drama Big Eyes, which takes the audience to the USA of the 50s. The brainchild of director Tim Burtontells about the misadventures of the famous artist Margaret Keane, who is forced to sue her ex-husband, who declared himself the true author of her famous paintings.

It is possible that the above roles are far from the last of those played and will still be played by Jason Schwartzman. The actor continues to act actively. For example, in 2016, the audience is waiting for at least two new film projects with his participation.


Cinema and music are two genuine, however, far from the only passions in the life of such a wonderful person as Jason Schwartzman. The personal life of the actor is also quite stormy. In 2006, he met the charming girl Bradley, who works in the fashion industry. The marriage of lovers took place three years later, only the closest people were invited to the ceremony.

jason schwartzman personal life
jason schwartzman personal life

At the moment, the couple is raising two children. Interestingly, in honor of the birth of his eldest daughter, Jason grew a mustache, hoping that in the future she would laugh at children's joint photos with her dad.
