Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich: life and work

Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich: life and work
Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich: life and work

Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich was born into an ordinary family in Moscow on May 2, 1956. Leonid is known as a producer, big businessman, politician and billionaire. He is also a member of the United Russia party.

Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich
Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich

Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich: biography

Leonid studied at an ordinary Moscow school, then entered the MIHM, at the moment this educational institution has received the status of a university. There, in 1979, he received the speci alty of a mechanical engineer, and this is precisely what played a role in choosing the direction of entrepreneurial activity.

After graduating from the institute, he worked for about 8 years in his speci alty at various combines of the Mosconcert. Since 1988, he has been the general director of the Sintez International enterprise. This company is a joint Soviet-American project. Leonid took a great part in the creation of this enterprise. The company was engaged in the export of chemical and oil and gas products, as well as various types of equipment for an industrial enterprise.

lebedev leonid leonidovich biography
lebedev leonid leonidovich biography

Creativity in the life of Leonid

In 1984 LebedevLeonid Leonidovich decided to try himself as a director in the musical group "Autograph". At this time, he became quite seriously interested in music and subsequently created his own studio, which was called Synthesis Records. It is worth noting that this studio has gained great popularity, many Russian performers recorded their masterpieces on it.

In 2005, together with the famous film director Valery Todorovsky and producer Vadim Goryainov, he opened the now well-known company "Red Arrow", which was associated with production activities. Now this film company is very popular, it played an important role in creating films that captivated viewers. Thanks to the "Red Arrow", films such as "The Geographer Drank His Globe Away", "Dandies" and many others appeared. The directors and producers of this company love their profession and therefore take their work responsibly and give themselves completely to it.

Leonid Leonidovich has always had a positive attitude towards art and creativity, so he actively helps various cultural projects in all areas of art.

Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich, family
Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich, family

Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich: career

Leonid Leonidovich's career is very rich, he tried himself in many areas and positions. A small selection from this list was given above. He tried himself in both creative and political professions.

In 1993 he became a co-founder of Moloko Naberezhnaya LLP.

Leonid Leonidovich inIn 2006, he joined the United Russia party, of which he is still today.

Interesting facts from life

  • Lebedev Leonid Leonidovich was awarded the Order of Honor.
  • Since 2002, he has been a representative in the Federation Council of the Chuvash Republic.
  • In 2005, he was a member of the Interim Commission, which was associated with the analysis of law enforcement practice in the legislative sphere of the Russian Federation.
  • In 2003, he took the initiative, after which a fund was created to support the cultural and social programs of Chuvashia.
  • In 2015, he prematurely resigned his powers in the Federation Council.
  • In 2011 he received the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Leonid rapidly achieved all his goals, worked independently and set new tasks for himself. He is known not only in Russia, but also in many other countries of the world. Perhaps the fact that Leonid Leonidovich Lebedev, his family, his wife and two daughters, played a big role in life is very close-knit and always supported each other in any endeavors. Leonid not only found himself in politics and economics, but also realized himself in creativity, was fond of music and created a worthy film company.
