Who are the separatists? This is a fairly popular question these days. Fragments of phrases in which this word occurs are now and then heard from the TV, but in the newspapers it is not, no, but it will flash in the headlines.

Separatism and its meaning
So, before talking about who the separatists are, we need to touch on another topic. It is directly related to the concept under consideration. And this is separatism. This is a policy aimed at the separation of a certain territorial part of the state. This is done in order to create a new independent state or to obtain the status of broad autonomy. It is worth noting that separatism is what leads to the violation of the territorial integrity and unity of the state. Experience shows that it is often a source of acute interethnic or interstate conflicts. But one cannot ignore the fact that separatism is often provoked by the violation of peoples' and human rights, as well as the infringement of religious, racial and national minorities. Who are the separatists in this case? Here they play the role of fighters for justice. Separatism in this case playsimportant role. One should remember the case of the struggle against the yoke of colonialism towards the formation of new national young states.

Who are the separatists and what are they like
It is worth noting that they are divided into two types - ethnic and religious. So, religious separatism manifests itself in the movement of religious minorities for secession. The principle of ethnic separatism is based on the same. The goals pursued by the respective groups of people differ. One of the most global is the formation of a new state from a separated one. Here it is necessary to give the most striking example, which is relevant, based on recent events. Crimea withdrew from Ukraine and joined the Russian Federation. The meaning of the word "separatist" in this case takes on a political connotation. It should also be noted that separatism differs in the process of flow in developing and developed countries. Almost always, the main mass of the states on strike are people from the lower strata, and the reasons for their discontent are the unsuccessful economic development of their region.

It should be noted, speaking about who the separatists are, that there are three main types of demands that they put forward. The first is the demand for disadvantaged economic and political benefits. The second is the desire for independence. And the third is when indigenous peoples fight for land and rights. If we talk about who the separatists are in the socialplan, they are also divided into three groups. This is the elite, demanding power, the middle strata, dissatisfied with national discrimination, and the lower, who want better economic conditions. Thus, there is a gap between the so-called social position.
What is fraught with separatism?
It is worth noting that he is punishable by law. Everywhere is different, but everyone is responsible for separatism. Take, for example, the legislation of Ukraine, since in connection with recent events this issue is very relevant. Encroachment on the inviolability and integrity of the state is punishable by restriction of freedom. The term is up to three years. And similar actions, but committed by officials, i.e. authorities are punishable by three to five years in prison. This punishment is confirmed by the 110th article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In Russia, propaganda for separatism is punishable by a prison term of three to twenty years, depending on the severity of the offense.