Each person has vital resources that he can manage and provide certain processes. Thanks to personal resources, the needs for survival, security, comfort, socialization and self-realization are met. In other words, we can say that the external and internal resources of a person are his life support.
Characteristics of personal resources
Resources are divided into personal (internal) and social (external).
Internal resources are the mental and personal potential of a person, as well as the skills and character that support people from the inside.
External resources are those values that are expressed in social status, connections, material security and everything else that helps a person in the outside world and society.
This article will tell you how important internal resources are in a person's life and how they should be developed and used to achieve success.
Internal human resources include:
- he alth (physical and psychological);
- character;
- intellectual abilities;
- skills, abilities, experience;
- positive thinking and emotions;
- self-esteem andidentification;
- self-control;
- spirituality.
To achieve success and harmony with the world, it is these internal human resources that must be developed to the maximum level. Many experts in the field of social psychology note that people who are engaged in self-improvement, in most cases, achieve their goals. They have the ability to control themselves first and then take control of the situations around them. It is this algorithm of behavior that is correct for influencing various social processes.
He alth (physical and mental)
A he althy human body, which receives rest and food in the required amount, and also spends its internal sexuality and energy in the required amount, these are the internal resources of a person on which most of success in life depends.

Psychological component (the processes of the psyche and its functions) are also regarded as fundamental resources. The internal components of the personality psyche are erudition and erudition, figurative and abstract thinking, intelligence, the ability to use information, the ability to analyze and synthesize, attention, quick switching from one object to another, will and imagination.
Emotions and positive thinking
Different emotional states are inexhaustible resources. Inner moods can set the rhythm for both the physical body and the psyche as a whole. At the same time, resources act as a feeling of favorable emotions,such as joy, happiness, fun, peace, and a feeling of grief, sadness, anger, rage. But each of the emotions must carry a creative function. For example, rage and anger in defending one's rights can mark personal boundaries and prevent the opponent from violating them. But rage aimed at the destruction (moral or psychological) of another person already carries a destructive function.

The perspective on creation will allow you to develop the ability to think positively, which very often becomes an assistant in resolving many problems and troubles in life.
Under the character are understood not only those traits that are highly moral and attractive to society as a whole, but also those that help the individual to move towards achieving any results. For example, anger and irritability are not very welcome in society, but thanks to them, a person will always be able to stand up for himself in a difficult situation. That is why such traits are also resources. The internal resources of the individual, which are in character, of course, must be close to the ideals of society. It is worth remembering that all character traits should appear at the right time and in the right place, in which case they will only benefit the person himself and others.
Skills, abilities, experience
A skill is what a person has learned to do, and a skill is the automation of a skill. Thanks to this, a person can benefit the people around him. Thus, the innera resource that lies in skill.

Experience, processed and experienced, is an important human resource. Everything that a person could realize and feel is already experience, and in the future a person can consciously use it in similar situations to overcome any difficulties.
Self-esteem and identification
Identity is what we identify with and identify with. The last characteristic can be professional, social role, gender. It is also an internal resource that allows us to perform those functions and responsibilities that we consciously accept. Self-esteem plays an important role in a person's life and the proper use of this resource. We can say that it is a real assessment of one's position in society and attitude towards oneself that allow one to weigh one's own actions and failures, draw conclusions and continue to achieve life goals.
The ability to respond correctly to current situations is an extremely important component of any personality. Using the resource of self-control allows a person to analyze and choose the right behavior model that will not harm either others or himself.

Under spirituality in the field of internal resources is understood not only faith in higher powers, but also values that are associated with justice, love, faith in magic and energy. It is these intangible values that lift a person above earthly chaos, and allowhim to become more reasonable.