Conducted 15 lines with Putin - President and Prime Minister. This format of communication with the people is no longer used in any country. And in Russian cities they are adopting the idea. This is done by a few and the most courageous municipal leaders. However, we are interested in how to ask Putin a question. Immediately, we note that there are several options.
What questions are Putin asked
The rating of the most popular questions for the president is headed by a group of questions of a private domestic nature: no heating, collapsing houses and roads, no places in kindergartens, public transport and employment. Most appeals are about the problems of one family, one street, one city or one region. Of course, these problems can often be solved at the level of a municipality or governor, but people are forced to seek protection of their legal rights from the head of state. Vladimir Putin's intervention in the fate of the Russians after the "straight lines" has a favorable outcome - the media report a change in the situation within six months,returning to topics in their stories and articles.

The aggravation of the international situation and the constant accusations of the Russian Federation of any "sins" Russians do not really want to discuss with the president during the "straight lines". In fact, in his addresses to the Federal Assembly, the head of state repeatedly emphasized the need to focus on the everyday problems of people and on solving internal problems. Of course, this does not indicate the unwillingness of the president to interfere with citizens in the discussion of the international agenda, rather, this is the desire of the people. Western hysteria in second place.
Rating questions to the president
If we analyze the “direct line” in 2017, then the list of sore points includes questions:
- Housing and utilities.
- Industry, construction, transport and communications.
- Ecology and nature management.
- Education.
- Domestic policy.
- International policy and cooperation with foreign countries.
Maternity capital, the causes of Russophobia in the West, sanctions and the Ukrainian crisis were also among the topics of the questions received.
There are usually few personal questions: about the intention to run for the next presidential term, about musical preferences, children and grandchildren, vacations.
How to apply
When a “direct line” was conceived, where people could communicate with the head of Russia, ways were determined how to ask questions to Putin. Technology allows you to do this in several ways, and the ones available to most have decided to use it.

Here are ways to ask President Putin a question:
- on the phone;
- by sms and mms;
- through social networks;
- on the mobile app.
How to contact the President
How to ask Putin a question over the phone?
If people choose to contact the president by phone, then questions are accepted on several domestic and international numbers.
Calls within Russia are free from cellular and landline phones.
SMS and MMS messages are accepted on the number 0-40-40. This method is possible only from phones that are served by mobile operators from Russia. The text of the message must be in Russian and up to 70 characters. The message also won't cost a dime.
How to ask Putin a question via video link?
This is another format. You can also ask Russian President Putin a question via video link. Appeals can be recorded on the camera of your smartphone and sent to the website (moskva-putinu.rf). And also through the mobile application "Moscow, Putin." It's easy to ask a question there. The application can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.
Another way is through social networks. Previously, these were VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, since 2017 the opportunity has been available to users of the OK Live service. Moreover, not only messages are accepted, but video questions and videos.
Contact through social networks
How to ask Putin a question via the Internet? You can, for example, through social networks. You can also express your opinion about the answer. Another novelty of the "straight line" 2017d. - the ability to publicly comment on the session. People can comment on Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, and Twitter, and the SN Wall communication platform displays messages online.

Helpline call center starts accepting inquiries two weeks in advance, millions of emails, video calls and phone calls.
The opportunity to ask Putin a question via the Internet is mainly chosen by young people and middle-aged people. Although this does not mean that only older people leave calls on the phone.
Direct to the President
How to ask President Putin a question effectively? It is impossible to answer exactly which method will help to “break through”. But the possibilities are expanding.
For example, now you can apply through the mobile application "Moscow, Putin". This service and the OK Live social network allow you to create a video channel. Helpers of the "direct line" call the founder of the stream and offer to ask a question. But not all appeals get to Putin, the editor selects the most interesting and important ones and connects the user to the live broadcast.
This method is interesting for people who, choosing how to ask President Putin a question, want to communicate directly with the head of state via video link.
What they ask Putin: statistics from 2001
The questions asked on the "direct line" with Putin are considered, accumulated and taken into account. After each session, analysis and statistics are published, as well as a transcript.

"Direct Line" with the president is considered traditional and very popular not only in Russia. The course of the broadcast is closely watched in the West and the closest neighbors of the Russian Federation. Although at first it was mostly Russians who were interested in the session.
In general, before Putin, none of the heads of the country communicated directly with citizens. It was not possible to personally ask the head of state about anything, ask for help in personal problems, etc.
"Direct Lines" Putin started in 2001. The annual communication was organized from 2008 to 2011, when Putin was the prime minister of Russia.
Line not run in 2004 and 2012
What questions are Putin asked? They do differ from year to year.
- 2001 - 2 hours 20 minutes, 47 questions, main topics: homeless children, treatment of compatriots abroad, corruption, judicial reform, he alth of the nation;
- 2002 - 2 hours 38 minutes, 51 questions, main topics: youth employment, brain drain, taxes, government-business relations;
- 2003 - 2 hours 49 minutes, 69 questions, main topics: Putin's intention to run for a second presidential term;
- 2005 - 2 hours 53 minutes, 60 questions, main topics: economics;
- 2006 - 2 hours 54 minutes, 55 questions, main topics: ethnic clashes;
- 2007 - 3 hours 6 minutes, 67 questions, main topics: international economy and domestic politics, preparations for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi;
- 2008 - 3 hours 6 minutes, 46 questions, main topics: implications of the global financialcrisis, maternity capital, mortgages for young families;
- 2009 – 4 hours, 80 questions, main topics: single-industry towns, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP accident, terrorist attack on the Nevsky Express;
- 2010 - 4 hours 25 minutes, 88 questions, main topics: pensioners, dilapidated and dilapidated housing, 2018 World Cup;
- 2011 - 4 hours 32 minutes, 96 questions, main topics: State Duma elections, rallies;
- 2013 - 4 hours 47 minutes, 85 questions, main topics: children, custody, adoption;
- 2014 - 3 hours 54 minutes, 81 questions, main topics: Crimea, Ukrainian crisis, sanctions, assistance to residents of Donbass;
- 2015 - 3 hours 57 minutes, 74 questions, main topics: economy, agriculture, small business, social security, Ukraine, relations with the West, Nemtsov investigation;
- 2016 - 3 hours 40 minutes, 80 questions, main topics: economy, structural changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, elections to the State Duma, Panama Papers.
In 2017, Putin answered almost 70 questions, the “direct line” lasted 3 hours and 56 minutes.
How many questions come in
Since 2001, 15 programs have been organized during which Vladimir Putin answered questions from Russians. There are a lot of them, it is physically impossible to answer them all.

Number of questions received:
- 2001 - 400,000;
- 2002 - 1.4 million;
- 2003 - 1.5 million;
- 2005 - 1.15 million;
- 2006 - 2.33 million;
- 2007 - 2.5 million;
- 2008 - 2.2 million;
- 2009-2, 27million;
- 2010 - 2.06 million;
- 2011 - 1.8 million;
- 2013 - 3 million;
- 2014 - 2.9 million;
- 2015 - 3.25 million;
- 2016 - 2.83 million;
- 2017 - 2.6 million
Most popular topics
The questions asked on the “straight line” with Putin in 2017 were on different topics. Almost 900 questions related to housing and housing and communal services, eight hundred and a half - questions about the protection of human rights and freedoms, more than 700 - about the state, society and domestic policy, about four hundred and a half - issues of industry, construction, transport and communications, labor and wages – 400, he alth care – almost three hundred.
What else do Russians care about
Important events that took place in Russia, citizens tried to discuss with the president to find out his opinion, attitude, ask about the results of activities, results and expectations - everything that worried the majority. If we do not focus on private problems, but on all-Russian ones, then the following main events were of interest:
- introduction of the Unified State Examination, the sinking of the Mir space station - 2001;
- terror attack on Dubrovka "Nord-Ost", All-Russian population census - 2002;
- Assignment of the Russian Federation for the first time investment rating - 2003;
- Cessation of energy supplies to the CIS countries at preferential prices - 2005;
- "gas war" between Russia and Ukraine - 2006;
- Putin's Munich speech, selection of Sochi to host the 2007 Winter Olympics;
- military operation in Georgia - 2008;
- terror attack on the Nevsky Express,first BRIC summit in Yekaterinburg - 2009;
- terror attack at Lubyanka metro station in Moscow, creation of the Customs Union - 2010;
- expansion of Moscow, transformation of police into police - 2011;
- anti-tobacco law, prohibition of the sale of alcohol at night - 2013;
- reunification of Crimea with Russia, Sochi Olympics 2014;
- anti-crisis plan, price control - 2015

Direct Action Line
What about the questions Putin left unanswered? Were they just counted? No, they were collected in "green folders" by region, and then Putin, meeting with the governors, passes the people's appeals to them, having previously studied the topics on his own. Of course, earlier there were also presidential demands for regions and regions after the “straight lines”, but in 2017 the idea acquired a symbol. And when Putin is with a green folder, it means that officials will have to correct mistakes.
Attitude towards the "straight line"
After Putin's direct communication with the people, defenders of officials who created problems for people appeared. So they said: what do the heads of municipalities, chiefs and leaders, governors and deputies have to do with it? All questions to the head of state. This position did not find support in the society, because reasonable people understand that many issues that came to the "direct line" could be resolved on the ground. What if there was no "straight line"? If it were not possible to complain to Putin? Experts also note that governors "earn" dividends, taking advantage of the opportunities that givefinancing of regions and other state support. And when it comes to assessing what has been done, this is the merit only of the governor or officials. And when the same governor or the same officials do not solve people's problems, is someone else to blame?
Where else are the "straight lines"
Nowhere. Only the president of Russia communicates directly with his people. This is a unique format, and when, during Putin's second term as president, people from other states came to the Kremlin to learn from the experience of the "direct line", nowhere did it come to the point. Apparently, he was frightened by the amount of work in the organization. After all, it is necessary to create a processing center for appeals, receive them for several days, and in different formats, broadcast live on several channels and on the Internet, etc.

And most importantly. During the "straight line" any question can be asked, but it will have to be answered in order to maintain the image and maintain the status. For an ordinary person, such a regime is inconvenient, uncomfortable and causes fear. It takes courage. It's minimum. And when it comes to presidential participation, the responsibility increases.