The birth of their love was followed by millions. Under the cameras of the reality show, real passions took place. The host of the popular TV show "Dom-2" Ksenia Borodina and the former policeman Mikhail Terekhin, who came to the project as a participant, did not hesitate to build their relationship in front of astonished fans. But after many years of romance, the lovers decided to disperse. What happened in this couple and why did Borodina and Terekhin break up?
Love Story
Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin met in 2011 during the filming of the next day on the famous reality show "Dom-2". Mikhail came as a new member to find his soul mate. But instead of building relationships with other girls, he began to court the non-replaceable host of the TV project, Ksenia Borodina.

Easy flirting turned into the beginning of a real romantic relationship, because the girl reciprocated the guy. In front of astonished viewersproject arose a couple who went beyond the standards of a reality show. According to the rules, the host had no right to enter into personal relationships with the participants, and even more so to start a romantic relationship. But the producers still made an exception for lovers.
Love on display
Soon, the candy-bouquet period ended, and things were not going so smoothly in the relationship of lovers. Frequent quarrels and misunderstandings became constant companions of this novel. Such relations were in the public domain, and this had a negative impact on their further development. Everyone knew why Borodin and Terekhin broke up and why they quarreled, as well as what topics they discussed.

And they quarreled very often and threw statements that they parted forever, but then converged again. Petty quarrels turned into grandiose scandals. Ksenia often made claims to her chosen one throughout the country. Then Terekhin decided to leave the TV project, realizing that the relationship under the cameras should be stopped.
Change of scenery
After leaving the project, Mikhail moved in with Ksenia, and their relationship sparkled with new colors. In an interview, the TV presenter told how much her beloved had changed, how gentle and caring he had become, and how well they were far from the cameras. By the appearance of Xenia, it was safe to say that she was happy. The girl lost extra pounds and changed her image, and she simply shone in joint photographs with Mikhail. They have become a real family. According to the lovers, at the beginning of the novel they can’t even imaginecould that everything would be so serious. They often went on vacation with their children: with their daughter Ksenia from their first marriage and with their son Mikhail from his ex-wife. It was difficult to imagine their joint trips abroad together. They enjoyed a large family. Therefore, for fans it remains a real mystery why Ksenia Borodina broke up with Terekhin.

Lovers were often asked if there would be a wedding, but Ksenia and Mikhail laughed it off and said that not so long ago they parted ways with their former passions and were in no hurry to remarry. As long as they enjoy each other's presence, and that's enough for them. Although there are rumors that already at that time Ksenia really wanted to get married and hinted at her beloved in every possible way. But the marriage proposal never came. Perhaps this was the main reason why Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin broke up.
Taking off the masks
Demonstrating complete love and harmony to others, the lovers did not let the press doubt that they were truly happy. Ksenia Borodina did her favorite job as a TV presenter and worked as a DJ in Moscow clubs. But fans still began to notice that Ksenia more often began to take various orders for corporate parties and earn extra money as a host in other projects. The constant fatigue of the girl caused many a lot of questions. And the main question was: “What does Terekhin do?”

According to the friends of the TV presenter, all the red tape Kseniatook over, and Terekhin's activities after leaving the project were in doubt. It was Ksenia who paid for all the joint trips and vacations, but did not advertise it, but dutifully took on additional earnings in order to support her family. After the scandalous rumors in the relationship between Xenia and Mikhail, more and more details began to emerge. It turned out that the man often offended his soul mate and even raised his hand to her during quarrels. Their life together was not as smooth as it seemed. No one knows why Borodina and Terekhin broke up and how many times this happened during the entire relationship. Behind the mask of an ideal couple, they deftly managed to hide problems and not wash dirty linen in public.
After a long romance of 3.5 years, the news of the separation of the star couple spread all over the Internet. And that was the final decision. There was no more a pair of Mikhail Terekhin and Borodin. Why the guys broke up was obvious, but still incomprehensible. After all, if the lovers diverged and converged so many times, then everyone was waiting for their speedy reunion again, which did not happen. Ksenia refused to immediately give any comments. Friends of the TV presenter told why Borodina broke up with Terekhin.

She is tired of constant quarrels and scandals. These relationships ceased to bring joy, but only brought pain and disappointment. Mikhail, on the contrary, gladly commented on the reasons for the breakup and gave interviews to famous publications and television channels. He accused Xenia ofexcessive impulsiveness and groundless jealousy. The constant surveillance of his beloved drove Mikhail crazy. He does not deny that it was Ksenia who brought the main income to their small family, and he participated in her activities and “wasted” time, sacrificing his own career.
Why did Borodina break up with Terekhin?
Unlike her ex-lover, Ksenia does not go into the details of their breakup. Borodina rather dryly informed her fans that living with Mikhail was unbearable. She constantly spent time in tears, and the TV presenter's daughter often became a witness to their scandals. Ksenia said that she could never remain friends with this person. The star no longer wants to comment on this past episode of his life.
For fans, it still remains a mystery why Borodina and Terekhin broke up. Who was right and who was wrong? There are a lot of rumors and conjectures on the Internet, but the true reason for the breakup, known only to former lovers, still remains an unsolved mystery.