Almost 40% of Russians do not understand at all why political parties are being created on the territory of Russia. And 64% of them generally believe that the state does not need to form new political associations. Then why are political parties created, how do they differ, and why have there been so many of them lately?

Why create such organizations?
Why are political parties created? It is not surprising that at all times people have asked such questions. After all, such parties have long had a great influence on the political life of any country. Most experts agreed that a political party is an organization that represents the interests of a certain group of people. Most often, the party is formed from the most active representatives of social groups. Often they not only have similar views on politics, but also have the same desire for publicauthorities. Signs of any political party will always be: long-term existence, organization, the presence of certain rules. Each party must have its own branches, which provide communication with the top leadership. Well, and, perhaps, the most important thing is the support of the people. Voluntary membership is the very link that makes such an organization strong. Here is perhaps the most correct answer to the question: “Why are political parties created?”

What is the meaning of the party's work?
Answer the question: “Why are political parties created, what are their goals and essence?” - only a detailed consideration of the structure of work of such an organization will help. First of all, it should be noted that in the modern world, parties perform several specific internal and external tasks. Internal tasks include: finding like-minded people, providing financial support to the organization, working on effective cooperation between management and local branches. External functions are somewhat larger. This is the very basic "backbone" that keeps the party afloat. First of all, it is, of course, the desire to achieve great influence on power and active participation in political management. It is very important that parties must actively fight for the interests of their social group. That is, to represent, first of all, the interests of their people, and only then their own. Unfortunately, the modern world is unfair, and finding a decent organization today is not at all easy. Party members inmainly trying to develop an ideology and shape public opinion. But there are also positive aspects. Such parties train specialists for political institutions, and also take an active part in the creation of the political elite. Why are political parties created, what are their goals, why are there so many of them? These questions always excite the public. After all, many really do not see any special reasons for the existence of such organizations.
Political Party Concepts

The creation of political parties in the past has always provoked a strong reaction from the public. Today, such organizations have become an ordinary part of the modern world. Many citizens of the country do not really realize that such organizations are called, first of all, to help. This is not surprising. After all, at all times political parties had their own direction and type of activity. Everyone knows the basic elements of a political party. These, of course, are bright representatives of a certain ideology; they often try to be specific in relation to understanding the definition of a person and the world. The aspirations of the parties are also not a secret - this is the conquest of as much influence and power as possible by political methods. Well, the fact that the support of the people is important for parties is not known to everyone. But in fact it really is. After all, the fact that such organizations are a link between the people and the state is often forgotten. And this is actually their main purpose. Political parties are obliged not only to represent their interests, but also totake care of the requirements of its members.
Functions of a political party

Political parties have several functions.
Theoretical function. It includes the analysis and assessment of the prospects for the development of society, the determination of the interests of various social groups, is responsible for the development of strategies and tactics of struggle.
The ideological function is responsible for working among the masses. For example, spreading and defending the party worldview, promoting goals and policies, providing the party with new members.
The political function has already been mentioned in sufficient detail above, but I would like to emphasize once again that its essence is to seize as much power as possible.
Well, a few words at the end about the organizational function. It includes the implementation of software development, the conduct of election campaigns, the selection of candidates for positions.
How to create your own political party?
Answering the question: "Why are political parties created", I would like to say that everyone can create their own party. The federal law "On political parties" provides for two ways. The first option is a founding congress of political parties that will help in resolving this issue. The second option is transformation into a political party with the help of an all-Russian public organization. A political party is considered to be active exactly from the moment when the founding congress adopted a positive answer. I would like to note that most analysts today note an exclusively negative attitude of Russian citizens towards political parties. This is also due to the fact that most of them do not always take into account the opinion of their participants, especially in the face of the people.