Gordon's wife Noza Abdulvasieva: biography, photos

Gordon's wife Noza Abdulvasieva: biography, photos
Gordon's wife Noza Abdulvasieva: biography, photos

Alexander Gordon's fans were pleasantly surprised when they learned that the famous TV presenter tied the knot for the fourth time. This time, a young student of VGIK, Noza Abdulvasieva, became his chosen one. The young girl immediately won the heart of Alexander and became a real muse in his life. But who is this girl?


Noza Abdulvasieva was born in July 1994. By nationality, the girl is Tajik, but was born in Moscow. Her full name is Nozanin, but her relatives affectionately call Noza. The girl was born and grew up in a very creative family, where each of the relatives was able to fully realize their potential. Great-grandfather Nozanin is a national poet, grandfather is a director.

noza abdulvasiev
noza abdulvasiev

Her parents also did not stay away from art, the girl's mother is an actress, and her father is a producer. It is not surprising that Noza followed in the footsteps of representatives of her kind and chose the cinema. After all, acting talent and leadership qualities were in her blood. From childhood, the girl pleased her parents with good grades at school and purposefulcharacter. Therefore, having entered the university, the girl had already begun to try herself in the cinema.

First success

Already at the age of 17, Gordon's future wife, Noza Abdulvasieva, tried herself in the melodrama "Atonement": she got a small role in several episodes. She played the gypsy Zara. But for a young girl, it was a huge experience and a chance to meet many famous actors.

wife of gordon noz abdulvasiev
wife of gordon noz abdulvasiev

The second work of the girl was the TV series "All according to the law", where she played a heroine named Maryam. Having tried herself in the role of an actress, like a mother, Noza wanted to try on the role of a director, like a father. In 2015, she made her directorial debut. Noza Abdulvasieva presented a short film lasting only 15 minutes. The film is dedicated to happy people who look to the future with a positive attitude. The focus was on an ordinary large family that huddles in a small apartment, but enjoys moments of happiness, no matter what. The girl called the short film "Karpunina".

Love Story

Arriving at the site where the film "Clever Man" was being filmed, Noza Abdulvasieva had little idea that this meeting would be fateful for her. She came to take a report from a certain Alexander Gordon, whose work she did not follow. She knew that this was a famous TV presenter who hosted her favorite program “Closed Show”. But even she liked the program not because of the presenter, but because of the demonstration of interesting films in the program. From that moment on, a spark jumped between Noza and Alexander.

noza abdulvasievbiography
noza abdulvasievbiography

And even the fact that there is a big age difference between them did not bother anyone. Relatives of the aspiring actress including. According to Noza, it was much more interesting with Alexander than with boys of her age. Alexander is an amazing, well-read person with whom there is always something to talk about. The man introduced his passion to parents and children, then met Noza's famous relatives. Grandpa was delighted with the news that his granddaughter had found true love, according to the man, Noza and Gordon complement each other perfectly.


The young did not meet for a long time before the man proposed to his beloved. The wedding took place in June. The lovers decided to arrange a small celebration in the family circle and hide this event from prying eyes as much as possible. After the wedding, the couple went to Dushanbe, and then to the Pamirs.

noza abdulvasieva photos
noza abdulvasieva photos

After it became known that Alexander Gordon married for the fourth time, the public reacted to this fact ambiguously. The man himself admitted that this is his last marriage, he is madly in love and is engaged in arranging a country house. Noza Abdulvasieva, whose photos are posted in our article, does not make contact with the press and tries to stay away from public life. She is happily married and is not going to pay attention to the hype around their married couple.


In 2014, Gordon and Noza Abdulvasieva became happy parents. For Alexander, this is the third child, and for Noza, the first. The boy was named afterfather, Alexander. The man admits that he cannot part with his beloved baby even for a minute. According to Alexander, he loves spending time with his child and often replaces his wife if she needs to run away to study. In their friendly family, everything is based on mutual assistance. Gordon manages, but admits that fatherhood is quite difficult.

Gordon and Noza Abdulvasieva
Gordon and Noza Abdulvasieva

In 2016, it became known that the couple were expecting replenishment. The eldest child is already two years old, so the couple decided to get a replenishment. No one knew about Noza's pregnancy, but when the couple appeared at the premiere of the film "Icebreaker", no one had any doubts that they were enjoying family happiness. Noza did not hide from the press and calmly demonstrated her "interesting" position to journalists. According to the couple, they will not stop and are planning a big family. On January 14, Noza gave birth to her second child. The baby's name is being kept under wraps for now. The network got a photo of happy parents, which was posted by an obstetrician-gynecologist. According to the doctor, he had never seen such a harmonious couple. Alexander did not miss a single ultrasound and is very happy that his wife gave him a second child.

Some interesting facts

  • Gordon's wife Noza Abdulvasieva gained all-Russian popularity thanks to her marriage to a famous TV presenter.
  • The age difference between spouses is 30 years.
  • Alexander has two daughters from previous marriages, and the fourth wife gave her husband two sons.

Noza Abdulvasieva, whose biography is rather carefully hidden, is notdresses vulgarly and behaves quite modestly. She does not appear in public and very rarely attends events with her husband. The girl has three films and a successful marriage. The girl does not want to end her career as an actress, and after the children grow up, she wants to return to the world of art. Despite the fact that the girl is very young in appearance, she is a very responsible and serious person. Gordon's wife Noza Abdulvasieva knows how to sincerely rejoice, this is noted by everyone who surrounds the actress. She argues wisely beyond her years, but often consults with her husband on certain issues, because she considers him a very smart person. The couple built an amazing relationship, full of harmony and love, and even the age difference and the condemnation of the public could not stop them.
