What is the use of parsley for men - the secret of a fragrant plant

What is the use of parsley for men - the secret of a fragrant plant
What is the use of parsley for men - the secret of a fragrant plant

It's not easy to be a man these days. You need to be both a provider, a protector, and an intellectual with a great sense of humor, and also an ardent lover with the appearance of Apollo, or better, a real Superman! This is exactly how their beautiful companions want to see men. All this is wonderful, but how can you manage to be both at the same time? The question is not easy, and everyone chooses for themselves their own solutions. But be that as it may, none of this will succeed if the man does not have the main thing - good he alth. But as you know, you can’t buy him, your dear one, you won’t earn money, and you won’t receive a reward for any merits. Therefore, to protect and maintain their he alth is the direct duty of all representatives of the human race.

Today we will talk about one amazing and simple product that is literally created by nature to maintain men's he alth, and its name is parsley. Perhaps this statement will make you smile -Well, how can some bunch of greenery affect me, big and strong? But no, maybe, and how! Why parsley is useful for men, every member of the stronger sex should know, and we will tell you why.

benefits of parsley for men
benefits of parsley for men

Spice or medicine?

Today, parsley is used to flavor salads, soups and decorate sandwiches. This plant is used completely - from tops to roots. Roots add flavor to meat dishes and perfectly emphasize the taste of fish, they are added to all kinds of pickles and homemade preparations. But it was not always so. A few centuries ago, parsley was an exclusively medicinal plant, it was dried and prepared decoctions, and from the roots - a miraculous tincture. How useful parsley for men was well known to our great-grandfathers. She was considered a male plant, because she endowed a man with his marital viability, strengthened the heart, healed wounds and protected from diseases. But women were not advised to use such greens, and this makes sense: parsley promotes the production of the male hormone and suppresses the female hormone - estrogen. In the body of each of us, of course, there are both, but their imbalance is very undesirable. By the way, if you notice that when gaining weight, you do not get a tummy, but rather an appetizing ass and rounded hips, then most likely your estrogen level is elevated. So, parsley is your product. Let's find out in more detail what else are the benefits of parsley for men.

he alth benefits of parsley for men
he alth benefits of parsley for men

Strongimmunity and a he althy heart

Fragrant greens contain vitamin C, enough beta-carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids and trace elements. And this means that the beneficial properties of parsley for men will give strong immunity and increase resistance to diseases. The apigenin contained in the plant will prevent the development of leukemia. Vitamin K will promote the absorption of calcium, which means that the condition and blood clotting will improve. The heart and blood vessels will become stronger and more elastic. It's hard to be a passionate Don Juan if the engine is running bad. But potassium will do its job - it will strengthen the heart muscle and protect against arrhythmias. In addition, the state of the nervous system is normalized, obsessive nerves will go away, memory and sleep will improve.

For digestion and excretory system

What is the use of parsley for men? Perhaps another of its unique properties. This plant is indicated even for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, low acidity or other troubles with the digestive organs. Few people today can boast of a tinned stomach. The healing properties of the plant will help with ulcers, eliminate irritation, indigestion, flatulence and improve appetite. Fragrant greens will increase the outflow of bile and will act as a diuretic. This means that fluid will be removed from the body, and with it toxins and s alts, puffiness will be removed. Such weed is also useful after a stormy party, especially if you went over the day before. Here is another argument in favor of whether parsley is good for men.

parsley usefulproperties and contraindications for men
parsley usefulproperties and contraindications for men

Attractiveness and beauty? How about

A man should no longer look like a relative of wild baboons. He should be neat, fit, have beautiful hair and clean skin. The beneficial properties of parsley for men will also play a role in this. Greens improve metabolic processes in the body, which means that the complexion will be he althy, and the skin and hair will be saturated with useful elements and oxygen. Problems with gums or teeth? Prepare a decoction and rinse your mouth regularly in the morning and evening after brushing your teeth - forget about bleeding gums, tooth enamel will become whiter and stronger. By the way, if your diet is not balanced, and fat is quickly deposited on the sides, parsley will be of help in the fight for a strong relief body. It is included in a large number of diets and is zealously recommended by nutritionists.

is parsley good for men
is parsley good for men

About insidious prostatitis

The main cause of the disease is stagnation of blood in the pelvis, it all starts with it. In our time, there are more and more such cases - this is the price for a comfortable existence in the modern world. A comfortable armchair at the desk, a leather car interior and a catastrophic lack of time for going to the gym, fatigue or banal laziness. What are the benefits of parsley for men? We have already said about the production of the male hormone, and here is another useful quality - parsley helps to disperse blood in the pelvic organs. It has been proven that it is also able to increase the potency and duration of sexual intercourse. This greenfinch has long been recognizedaphrodisiac. Be sure to include it in your diet, it will be an excellent prevention of prostatitis (or alleviate the condition, if any), and will also make you a strong and enduring lover. Do you think it's a joke? By no means! Do you know how dill and parsley are useful for men and why it is worth combining them? Here's a tip for you: never disdain fresh dill, in company with parsley it will create an excellent ensemble of taste. These two will make you a real macho. The secret is that dill has the ability to dilate and cleanse blood vessels, which improves blood flow, which means an erection will improve.

benefits of dill and parsley for men
benefits of dill and parsley for men

Everything is good, but in moderation

Not only does parsley have useful properties, but it also has contraindications for men. Firstly, you should not turn into a ruminant and switch to herbal nutrition, overdo it - it will be harmful. For an adult man, it is enough to eat 50 grams per day, which is approximately one bunch of parsley, but no more. Otherwise, you will simply overeat it, and this will cause a constant but persistent disgust, and even a headache and nausea will appear. This plant is not advisable to eat for those who have gallstones or kidney stones, with cystitis and gout. And here is another condition: only the one that is grown without chemistry is useful. Therefore, do not go to the store for a beautiful Dutch one, and it’s better to go to your grandmother’s market - she may not look so smart, but she’s certainly natural.

These are the secrets that parsley, familiar to everyone, keeps in itself. Be sure to add some freshgreens in your diet will not only be tasty and fragrant, but also he althy.
