An amazing animal lives in Australia - the wallaby. It can regulate its own body temperature, jump from tree to tree over 9 meters and prolong pregnancy. Scientists continue to study tree kangaroos, discovering new amazing facts about these cute and cute animals.

These animals belong to the type of chordates, a class of mammals, this is a genus in the kangaroo family. At first glance, the tree kangaroo is very similar to the small size of a bear, because it is completely covered with thick brown hair, only in places (belly and shoulders) it has a bright red or yellow color. But, looking closer, you realize that this is an amazing, rare animal.
The tree kangaroo easily and carelessly moves through trees and vines with flexible claws. Despite the fact that these unusual animals have a decent mass, they are surprisingly agile and agile. And what kind of jumpers they are, there is nothing to say. They can easily jump from tree to tree up to 10 meters away. Needless to say, they are not from the treesdescend and jump. Even a height of 20 meters does not scare them. The tree kangaroo, whose photo you can see in the article, is not often found in nature, but if you are lucky enough to cross paths with him, then try to make friends. These animals are very friendly and will never attack or offend.
Features of tree kangaroos

It is not immediately possible to distinguish a female and a male from each other, since their sizes are almost the same. Tree kangaroo in Australia has a height of 70 to 90 cm, rarely up to one meter, and weighs about 9-15 kg. Sometimes there are heroes weighing up to 20 kg.
Animals live in trees. Tropical broad-leaved forests are especially loved by females of this species. They choose denser trees and spend most of their lives on them alone, rarely stray into small flocks. Walabi, tree kangaroos, have the ability to maintain their temperature in the norm in any heat. This amazing ability makes animals with thick fur feel great in hot Australia.
The tree kangaroo drinks a lot of water, eats leaves, loves passion fruit and eucalyptus leaves. If animals are driven into captivity, they are fed corn, jacket potatoes, various fruits and eggs.

In Australia, there is a legend that once upon a time a male kangaroo attacked a child, and since then the locals began to hunt these animals, so they became unsociable and hid as far away from humans as possible. It is rarely possible to meet them even in the deep thicket, they move almost inaudibly, moreover, they merge with the color of the trees.
The tree kangaroo sleeps during the day, and at night goes fishing in search of plant food. Animals are tied to their habitat, protect it from predators and do not let anyone near it. On average, a kangaroo lives for about 20 years and in his entire life he may not even change a tree, he only descends from it to drink and for food.
Distribution locations
Most often tree kangaroo is found in the tropics and rain forests of Australia, New Guinea. It is a rare occasion to meet this unusual animal in the mountains or on the plains, however, this also happens.
About mating season
There is no mating season for wallabies, so they breed throughout the year. It is extremely rare for females to have more than one cub. The baby does not want to even take a step away from his mother in the first years. Pregnancy in females lasts no more than a year. Having been born, the cub immediately moves into the bag and stays there for one year or more, feeding on mother's milk.
Unbelievable but true

Not so long ago, scientists discovered a unique fact: a female tree kangaroo is capable of prolonging her pregnancy in case of danger. It happens that the embryo dies in the womb, and then another comes to replace it. Australian biologists hypothesized that the tree kangaroo could help humanity in the event of a catastrophe, namely global warming. Homemade stomachslivestock, such as bulls or sheep, release large amounts of methane into the air. And indeed it is. And the stomach of a tree kangaroo, due to reasons unknown to science, is able to process methane. Obviously, this happens with the help of bacteria. If scientists study these bacteria in the near future, they could use them to purify the air on Earth.
Needless to say that these rare animals are closely watched by nature conservation services, they are doing their best to increase the population of amazing creatures.