The Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow: address, opening hours, exhibits, reviews

The Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow: address, opening hours, exhibits, reviews
The Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow: address, opening hours, exhibits, reviews

The Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow is an exhibition space organized on the basis of the former Krasny Oktyabr confectionery factory. The center was founded in 2010 by Eduard Litvinsky and Natalya Grigorieva-Litvinskaya. The basis was originally a collection of photographs of the spouses themselves. Currently, the main work of the center is aimed at studying Russian and foreign photography, research in the field of media culture, and supporting novice authors.

About the Center

Reviews of the Lumiere Brothers Museum
Reviews of the Lumiere Brothers Museum

The Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow covers an area of about one thousand square meters. It is located in an old Moscow mansion on Bolotnaya Embankment.

Three spacious halls allow you to place the work of professional photographers, their personal and collective exhibitions are regularly held here.

Also on the territory of the Lumiere Brothers Museum inThere is a library in Moscow that contains unique literature on the history of photography over the past 80 years. It has its own bookstore, which regularly presents books on the art and history of photography, photo posters, postcards, and specialized magazines.

In addition to holding regular photographic exhibitions, the Center carries out large-scale research work and conducts its own publishing activities. The curators are creating a base for the future national Museum of Photography.



Address of the Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow: Bolotnaya Embankment, Building 3, Building 1. In the immediate vicinity of the cultural institution, the Polyanka and Kropotkinskaya metro stations are located.

A photo gallery, a specialized bookstore, excursion and commercial departments are located at the same address of the Lumiere Brothers Museum of Photography in Moscow. Has its own press service.

Opening hours of the Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow from 12 pm to 9 pm from Tuesday to Friday. On Saturday and Sunday the doors of the center are open until 22:00. Monday is a day off.

Ticket prices

Museum of Photography by the Lumiere Brothers
Museum of Photography by the Lumiere Brothers

Most of the expositions and exhibitions at the Lumiere Brothers Photo Museum in Moscow can be accessed for 400 rubles on weekdays, for 500 rubles on weekends and holidays.

Students and seniors get a discount. They can get to the center any day for 250 rubles.

The right to visit the museum for free can enjoyveterans of the Great Patriotic War and children under 6 accompanied by their parents.


Exhibitions at the Lumiere Brothers Museum
Exhibitions at the Lumiere Brothers Museum

The Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow presents a rich collection that has existed for a decade and a half. During this time, about 13 thousand original prints of foreign and Russian masters were collected.

Among the exhibits are the works of famous Russian photographers of the late 19th - early 20th century. These are Alexander Grinberg, Karl Bulla, Yuri Eremin. The Soviet avant-garde is widely represented. For example, the works of Boris Ignatovich, Alexander Rodchenko, Eleazar Langman.

In the museum you can see unique military reports made by Mikhail Trakhman, Dmitry B altermants, Yakov Ryumkin and many others from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

In addition, the center features an extensive collection of club shots and portraits from the 1960s and 1970s. Here you can study the origin and development of alternative trends in Soviet photography that began to appear in the late 1970s. For example, in the museum you can find the works of prominent representatives of the Kharkov school - Natasha and Valera Cherkashin, many independent photographers - Alexander Grashchenkov, Vladimir Perventsev, Igor Savchenko, Vyacheslav Tarnovetsky.

An idea of modern trends in Russian photography can be drawn from the work of conceptualist Vadim Gushchin, as well as Alexander Kitaev, a representative of the St. Petersburg school of photography.

Exhibition program

Lumiere Brothers Museum
Lumiere Brothers Museum

Exhibitions are regularly held at the Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow. They are of great importance in the work of this cultural institution. This area of activity is devoted, first of all, to the study of the art of photography by the broad masses of the population. The program prepared and developed on the basis of the center is focused on working with private collectors, professional photographers, and artisan associations.

For example, there are currently three exhibitions at the museum. Photographer Vadim Gushchin presented a collection called "From a Private Library". This master always works with abstraction. Its task is to create a "poetic catalog" of the surrounding world of things. Each series shot by him is devoted to one subject of our daily use. For the artist, he is of particular interest as a symbol and sign. This exhibition presents the work on which he worked over the past three years.

At the exhibition "David Bowie. The Man Who Fell to Earth" you can see pictures of the legendary musician, taken by the famous photographer Steve Shapiro. The exposition presents unique footage of David's joint performance with Cher on television, scenes from the filming of the film, the name of which can be seen at the entrance to the exhibition.

The collection "Beyond Reality. Erik Johansson" features an ambitious young photographer from Sweden, who has already become famous for his original surreal landscapes. It will be exhibited in Russia for the first time.

One of these days a new exhibition will open under titled "The New Past of Tamara Stoffers". This is a young master from Holland who experiments with the technique of collage, combining books, illustrations from famous books, newspapers of the Soviet Union era. It is interesting that Stoffers has been interested in the topic of the USSR for several years. Particular interest in it appeared after visiting the exhibition of Soviet design.

Educational program

Museum of photography of the Lumiere brothers in Moscow
Museum of photography of the Lumiere brothers in Moscow

Important attention is paid to educational activities. It is aimed at developing skills and knowledge in the field of photography, creating appropriate conditions for a public creative discussion between specialists in this field and fans of photography.

This direction includes tours of the main exposition and current exhibitions, as well as creative meetings, master classes, panel discussions, film screenings. Famous critics, photographers, authoritative curators take part in these events.

White Balance

Opening hours of the Lumiere Brothers Museum
Opening hours of the Lumiere Brothers Museum

Separately, it is necessary to tell about this unique direction in the work of the museum, which is focused on popularizing photography in various non-traditional ways.

For example, within the framework of the White Balance project, poetry evenings, concerts, creative meetings with celebrities who are not photographers themselves, but love this art, are held. Meetings take place among the existing expositions in the White Hall of the museum. Hence the name of the project.

As a result, onfor some time, the exhibition hall miraculously turns into a theater or concert venue, a lecture hall. This versatility is reflected in the ambiguous name of the project. The main thing, at the same time, its essence is revealed - it is the formation and search for a balance of creative forces of different directions for the harmonious combination of photography with various forms of art.

Vera Polozkova, Boris Grebenshchikov, Sergei Selyunin, Sergei Kuryokhin, Viktor Sologub have already performed in the White Hall.


Exhibition at the Lumiere Brothers Museum
Exhibition at the Lumiere Brothers Museum

In reviews of the Lumiere Brothers Museum in Moscow, most visitors note that they are satisfied with visiting this cultural institution. Here you immediately find yourself in the wonderful world of photography. You can get acquainted with the history of this art in one place, look at the works of contemporary authors, sit in the free library, and end the evening with a discussion of what you saw in the cafe open at the museum.

Visitors emphasize that this is a great leisure activity for the whole family. Photography is a unique art that will be of interest to both adults and children. The tours are informative, dynamic and modern. I manage to learn a lot of new and interesting things.

The only downside is not the best location. The lack of signage makes finding the museum difficult for first-time visitors.
