Do you know such a plant - the common centipede? Isn't it a mysterious name? The plant has such a name because of the characteristic appearance. The rhizomes of this fern have black roots extending from it in both directions. They really do look like centipedes.
The name of the fern was translated into Russian from Latin. The word polupodium was used in his writings by the philosopher Theophrastus. So he called the fern, whose leaves look like a human foot. Well, let's try to figure out what the common centipede is, where it grows, how it develops?

Biological features
Distributed plant in the temperate part of the Northern Hemisphere. It is a low-growing evergreen fern that has palmately compound leaves up to 20 cm long. Are you curious where the fern grows? Centipede can be found in mountainous, flat, forest areas. She loves rocky ground. Fern development is very fast, it takes root and spreads on a wide variety of surfaces. After a while it can takelarge area.
This fern has many varieties. Gardeners loved him very much for rapid reproduction by dividing rhizomes and beautiful leaves. The main thing is to identify the bushes in partial shade and hide from the sun's rays. The cold wind is also completely contraindicated for the plant.

Epiphyte plant
The centipede fern is the only epiphyte found in central Russia. This concept refers to plants that do not grow on the ground, but on other surfaces by attaching to other species - phorophytes. In this way, they do not take energy and nutrients from their owners, but use the air and precipitation. Phorophytes for the fern are the physical support. Thus, the centipede is saved from herbivores. This undersized fern can be seen on stones among moss, on tree trunks, high on the walls of old buildings. Reproduction occurs by spores or vegetatively.

Common centipede is a perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant up to 30 cm high. The roots are brown in color and have small matte scales. At the break, the rhizome is greenish-yellow. Fern leaves are also called fronds. The leaves winter well, have a pinnately dissected shape. On their underside are sori, matte orange spores for reproduction. They ripen in June-July.

Root properties
Sometimes the people call centipede viper grass, earth or oakfern. This epiphyte likes to grow on oak trunks, which you can see in this video. The fern root has a sweetish taste, which allows it to be used as food. It also has a peculiar aroma and is suitable for use in desserts, nougat. Centipede root is also called "sweet root". It contains a compound related to saponins, substances that are 500 times sweeter than sugar.
Use in household and medicine
Common centipede is used in gardens as an ornamental plant. The tannins contained in it make it possible to use it in folk medicine. The collection of rhizomes is carried out in the fall, cleaned from the ground, and then dried. Crushed dry rhizomes are used to make teas and decoctions. They treat asthma, colds, add to the liver and choleretic fees. Powdered roots are an excellent laxative and antihelminthic. It can be applied to wounds to decontaminate.
In the Netherlands, centipede roots are added to homeopathic preparations. They treat headaches, gout, bruises. They learned to extract essential oil from the rhizomes. Leaves also bring benefits: decoctions are made from them that improve appetite. With a fresh plant, you need to be careful because it contains poisonous substances.