Sergei Studennikov is one of the most successful businessmen in the Russian Federation. He launched his first commercial project for the sale of alcoholic products back in the 90s. In the mid-2000s, he opened a chain of stores selling alcoholic beverages "Red and White", which made him a millionaire. At the moment, Studennikov is included in the Forbes list, the rating of the richest people in Russia. The article will tell about the activities of this entrepreneur and how he became a millionaire.
Biography of Sergei Studennikov
The future millionaire was born in 1967 in the small town of Bakal, which is located in the Chelyabinsk region. Graduated from Mining and Ceramic College. He briefly worked as a worker in a mine. He was drafted into the army, after returning from military service in the wake of perestroika and decided to open his own business.

Start a business
The owner of the network "Red and White" Sergei Studennikov engaged in trade back in the eighties. He defended many hours of queues for alcoholic products, so that laterresell. In the 1990s, he was engaged in the sale of alcohol, groceries, building materials. From wholesale Studennikov moved to retail.
In 1998, Sergei Studennikov's wife, Elena Soboleva, and at the same time his commercial partner opened a large tile shop in Chelyabinsk. In the middle of the 2000s, the businessman opened supermarkets that sold building materials - Eurograd. He also took part in the launch of the Coin network in the Chelyabinsk region. And in 2006, he decided to open a Red and White store selling alcohol. In the fall of 2008, Krasnoye & Beloe included more than eighty alcohol stores, and a year later - about one hundred and fifty. Gradually, this direction became the main business of Studennikov. Many experts believe that this trading network could not have achieved such commercial success without any support from influential patrons. The head office is located in Chelyabinsk.

Market policy of the "Red &White" network
"Red &White" has previously held various promotions. In fact, the network worked in the segment of discounts. The policy of this alcohol chain was to sell cheap liquor. In reality, Studennikov's business existed on the verge of profitability. According to the authoritative publication RBC, the profit from the trade of the network is now 2-3% lower than the average in this industry, which is estimated at 26-27%, that is, the profit of the Krasnoye Beloe network is 23-25%. For example, competitors' profits"Red and White" network "Magnit", in 2014 amounted to - 29%, X5 - 25%. When the lowest retail price for vodka was 220 rubles per 0.5 liter, Red & White had the widest range of spirits at this ultra-low price. So, in the markets of this alcohol network, judging by the catalog in the mobile application, there were sixteen types of vodka for 220 rubles. At the moment, more than three thousand small shops under the trademark "Red and White" operate in Russia, bringing enormous profits to their owner.

The secret of success
Many suppliers and sellers of alcohol say that it is impossible to make money on the cheapest vodka: only excise taxes and value added tax from one legal bottle of half a liter - 120 rubles. As a result, up to ninety percent of vodka worth 220 rubles in Russian stores, according to experts, was produced without paying excise duty. However, large retail chains like Red & White do not deal with illegal products, experts say.

From last winter there is a new minimum price - 180 rubles. "Red &White" was able to sell vodka at this price. For a number of items, this brand has set the lowest prices. How does she do it? Having opened about 200 stores across the country, businessman Sergei Studennikov began to allow himself purchasing interventions, experts say - he immediately offered to buy a large consignment of goods at a certainprice.
This is an unusual strategy for a retail business: retail chains usually ask suppliers for maximum payment deferrals. Thus, various retail chains take loans from suppliers. But Studennikov went the other way and made the right decision.

Expansion of assortment
Starting from 2010, under pressure from society and the authorities, as Sergei Studennikov admits, he decided to add groceries and other popular goods to the assortment, and call the stores themselves not alcohol markets, but “convenience stores”. The most popular products were toys for children. "It's about the psychological aspect," says the entrepreneur. "Parents may be making amends with their child by coming to buy alcohol, buying a toy for their children that costs twice as much as beer."

Studennikov's civil position
According to the owner of the company "Red and White", the network has a mission: to change people's attitude to alcohol. This is the official mission of the trading network, thanks to which the company manages to develop business and increase profits, says Sergey Studennikov. It is unrealistic to solve the problem of alcoholism by prohibitive measures alone. However, prohibition measures by the state are, of course, also necessary.
People don't have a drinking culture. The generation of communists turned alcohol into a tool for managing society, the businessman believes. The task was to turn off consciousness through alcohol. The meaning of drinking alcohol was lost. The Russians began to drink alcohol to turn off consciousness. The businessman believes that alcohol has ceased to be a means of improving mood, but a way to forget and get away from real life problems. Also in his interview, he said that he considers it necessary to change the policy regarding alcohol consumption. Alcohol must be of high quality, and counterfeit and surrogate products must disappear from the shelves. In a few generations, there will be one specialized store for every 10,000 people, like Red and White, which will offer a quality product, with trained personnel who can tell you how to use this or that alcoholic drink, what it is for, then our children will live in a sober society, summed up the millionaire.
Criticism of the activities of a millionaire
However, this is far from the whole truth about Sergei Studennikov, experts say. Many believe that this mission is just a cover for the development of a big business, which is built on the sale of a product that is always popular with the population. According to Zhdanov, a well-known fighter against alcohol, 20-30% of those who use alcohol in a cultural way become an inveterate drunkard. For the same reason, there is a drop in the birth rate, he alth and alcoholization of the nation. People can become alcoholics at any age, so no one is immune. This misfortune can come at any time and to any family. There is no guarantee that you or your loved ones will not be in that fatal 20-30 percent. Also, a fighter for a sober lifestyle, Vladimir Zhdanov, believes that there are two main criteria for alcoholization of people,is availability and cost. This walking distance and low price was adopted by Studennikov, earning millions of dollars, experts say.
Recently, the deputies of the Tyumen City Duma made a proposal to check the signs of the Krasnoe&Beloe market chain for compliance with the laws in the advertising segment. This initiative was made by MP Murat Tulebaev at a meeting of the City Duma commission on economics and housing and communal services. Parliamentarians believe that the bright color of the signs lures consumers into buying alcoholic beverages. In addition, such signs may violate the town planning norms of the city of Tyumen.
Growth in the crisis
Leaders in their segment, "Red &White" and "Bristol", significantly increased revenue due to active consumer demand during this crisis period in the country. "Red and White" increased profits, including due to the increase in the product range, experts say.

The main sales of the alcohol chain still fall on alcoholic beverages, but the chain managers managed to increase revenue through related products, the range of which is constantly expanding. The population comes to shops for alcohol and at the same time buys groceries. Shoppers are now trying to go to small shops rather than supermarkets, experts say. People don't have extra money, and spending is always higher in big supermarkets.
Therefore, consumers are trying to get everything they need near the house. During the crisis, consumers have become morevisit convenience stores to save money. Convenience stores like Red and White are growing because they have fewer non-food items than big supermarkets. And during a crisis, the population more often refuses non-food products. At the moment, this alcohol chain opens one hundred stores a month throughout the Russian Federation.
Personal life of Studennikov
Our hero has been married for many years to Elena Soboleva, who is also a successful businessman. Officially, the owners of the trading network are the family of Sergei Studennikov. The biography of this millionaire has always been associated with the retail sale of excisable products. Spouses limit the influence of investors on the family business. The vodka millionaire is a rather private person and rarely gives interviews.