Bosun's whistle: description, photo

Bosun's whistle: description, photo
Bosun's whistle: description, photo

It is known that in the distant past, oars were used as the engine of the ship, and the speed and maneuverability of the ship depended both on the number of rowers and on their well-coordinated work. To make the rowing process rhythmic, special sound signals were given. Flutes and gongs were used for this. With the development of the sailing fleet, another device appeared that went down in the history of navigation as a boatswain's whistle.

boatswain's whistle
boatswain's whistle

Origin of fixture

In the thirteenth century, the crusaders used special pipes to assemble a crew on the deck of a ship. This device is also mentioned in Shakespeare's ode "Tempest" as a symbol and attribute of higher power. In Great Britain, the golden pipe was intended for the Lord Admiral as the most senior rank. English admirals used similar silver wind products. With the development of the British fleet, the king formulated requirements forpipes, according to which the boatswain's whistle, made of gold, had to weigh one ounce (28.35 g), and the neck chain on which the device was worn should not exceed one gold ducat (3.4 g) in its weight.

Modern product design

Today, the devices used in the British navy are similar in design to the pipe taken from the neck of the Scottish pirate Andrew Barton. Prior to its capture, various boatswain whistles were used on British ships.

The product is a flat nickel-plated box. Its end looks like a hollow ball, into which a slightly bent tube is inserted. It is worn around the neck on special nickel chains.

what is the name of the boatswain whistle
what is the name of the boatswain whistle

What is the name of the boatswain's whistle today

This question is often preoccupied by fans of crossword puzzles. In the history of the British Navy, the trophy has become a symbol of the victory over the famous Scottish pirate, and the whistles themselves are now officially called Barton pipes.

Bosun's whistle in Russia

For the first time, pipes of the Barton type began to be used in the Russian Navy during the reign of Tsar Peter I. Whistles were intended for junior naval ranks: non-commissioned officers and boatswains. In 1925, the Rules for wearing uniforms and clothing were approved for servicemen of the workers' and peasants' red fleet. According to this document, pipes of the Barton type were introduced into the equipment of the Russian Navy. Since 1930, they have become integral elements of the uniform of the ceremonialcalculations. Later, the boatswain's whistle received a new name - "signal pipe" - and began to be used by boatswains, combatant foremen, as well as the Red Navy, keeping watch on the upper deck.

During the years of the Soviet Union, boatswain's whistles were made at the Moscow Musical Factory of Wind Instruments, as well as at the Kiev Factory No. 37. Each pipe was stamped "MZDI" or the number "37".

Wearing rules

According to the Rules approved in 1925 for military personnel of the RKKF, boatswain's whistles were worn as follows:

  • On pea jackets or overcoats, signal pipes were hung on the right to the loop of the second button.
  • If the soldier was wearing a shirt (flannel, uniform or work), then the pipe should have been hooked to the edge of the collar.
  • When using a gas mask, the signal pipe chain had to be positioned so that it overlapped its shoulder strap.


According to order No. 64, issued in 1948 by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, the document “Signals on the Nautical Pipe” was put into effect, which outlined how to blow the boatswain’s whistle correctly. Since that time, the pipe has been considered a means of internal communication, designed for sixteen melodies. Each of them is a call to action. Giving a signal with a pipe is considered a real art. For the sound to be correct, the boatswain's whistle should be held in the palm of your right hand, pressing its ball with half-bent fingers.

how to blow the boatswain's whistle
how to blow the boatswain's whistle

After the whistleyou need to blow, while fingering. Depending on the overlap of the hole in the ball, melodies of various tones are created. They can be both soft and deep, and piercingly sharp.

Study the signals of the boatswain's pipes using graphic images that are very similar to musical notation. But in the case of signal pipes, not a five-line, but a three-line camp is used.


Now boatswain's whistles, as before, are used by junior officers on watch or on duty on the upper decks. As evidenced by the sailors' reviews, today it is less and less possible to hear the sound of the boatswain's whistle. Now it is an ordinary accessory, representing one of the integral elements of the watch uniform.
