It seems that in nature there is no such person who would be absolutely indifferent to flowers. Of course, tastes differ. Someone likes roses or gladioli, and someone is crazy about orchids or, say, peonies. But there is also a plant that will make even the busiest and most gloomy traveler stop. This is a forget-me-not - flowers that resemble an asterisk or a piece of the sky. Their fragrance is so subtle and delicate that it is even difficult to describe or compare.
Forget-me-not. Flowers. General Description

If we use purely scientific terms, we can make approximately the following definition: forget-me-nots are flowers, or rather, heavily pubescent annual or perennial herbs, which are characterized by a small size. The branched stem rarely reaches a size exceeding 40 cm, while the average height in our latitudes is 10-15 cm. In most cases, the plant is blue in color with a pronounced yellow eye. However, sometimes there are also white or pink specimens, which, regardless of the pigment, are collected in a special inflorescence in the form of a curl and actively bloom in May, delighting us until the very end.mid June.
This species is found in Asia, Europe, South and North America and even in Australia and New Zealand. The plant prefers a humid climate, sunny glades and fresh soil. However, for example, the marsh forget-me-not feels great on the outskirts of swamps, on the banks of large reservoirs or even streams.
It's hard to imagine that even such shorties have fruits, represented by shiny and smooth triangular-ovoid nuts.
Forget-me-not. Flowers. Where did the name come from?

As you know, usually solid words, such as scientific or sociocultural terms, cross borders and gradually take root in another culture or language. Now they are used to designate objects of the modern world or new phenomena. Much less often do we manage to borrow, say, parts of speech intended to describe appearance, nature, or character. But the forget-me-not, like a tiny scout, is still lucky to take root in the Russian language.
The thing is that in almost every language of Europe it sounds like a native: "forget-me-not" - in England, "Vergimeinnicht" - in Austria or Germany; "ne-m", "oubliez-pas" - say the supporters of the style and manners of the French, "nomeolvides" - passionate Spaniards say. And these are just a few examples. What do they have in common? But the fact is that all of them, translated into our native Russian language, sound like a desperate request: “Do not forget me, please!”
Scholarly linguists tend to believe that over timethe verb in the imperative turned into a slightly sad noun.
Although there is another point of view. According to her, forget-me-not is a flower whose name is a distorted form of edification or order: "Don't forget!"

Forget-me-not. Flowers. Picturesque image in legends
Perhaps there is nothing strange in the fact that this plant has become symbolic in the myths and legends of the planet.
Finding the very first fairy tale about forget-me-nots turned out to be quite difficult. However, most likely, the beginning of the history of the flower was once laid by the Greeks, who, as you know, had a rich imagination. The myth of a beautiful goddess named Flora has survived to this day. It was she who bestowed names on all living things. It so happened that she forgot about the tiny and at first glance inconspicuous flower, but later, in order to make amends for her own guilt, she awarded him not only an unusual name, but also the ability to return people's memory, reminding them of friends, relatives or the homeland in general.